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Damn, the 4th chapter of the anime special novel had some scenes that almost and one that legit did make me cry.
New art style is "muuuah"
last edited at Oct 6, 2021 10:23AM
I also really need more adachi's mom and shimamura's mom!! they are too good to be missed out.
God, chapter 2 of volume 10 just hit me like a truck... I just moved out from home a couple of months ago to go off to college, and while I didn't quite break off as unceremoniously as Adachi did, I almost feel the urge to despite how clingy my family is. AdaShima truly is a great character study, it all feel so "real."
It took me a while to realize which voices I should be reading ch1 of the new volume, but I eventually figured out who's who. Enjoyable, if surprisingly short chapter.
And so, I'm finally caught up.
Really good chapter.
Whooosh, what can I say, took me a while to gather my thoughts as there's so much I want to write... so I'll probably just start.. Sorry it's gonna be a long read. Wish I could join back all the discussions here last year while the translation was ongoing. Reading all of your comments after every chapter/volume was entertaining and interesting.
About the last chapters:
While I do relate to Adachi A LOT, her relationship with her mom is something completely beyond my understanding. Was I lucky enough to have my mom more of a Shimamama type, I wonder? Which is why the 2nd chapter of Volume 10 hit me almost as hard as the last chapter of the anime special. It's just too cruel and brutal. I hope with time they will find a way to make piece. I'm glad that at least Adachi's mom now has Shimamura's mom as her friend, so she can get to know how well her daughter's doing. Gees, that last part of the chapter was very.. VERY hard to read. I might skip it next time I reread it.
And honestly, I hope the tone of the coming chapters becomes a bit less depressing and dramatic, and instead a tad bit brighter and romantic. I don't know what sensei was/is going through while writing these, but it feels like the reality might have been harsh on him. And one thing I most definitely DON'T want to read about is either Gon's death or anyone else's death...
On the positive side, the 2nd chapter is basically like the night before Adachi and Shimamura are getting married)) Shimamama's words to Adachi over the phone shows just how much she loves her daughter. That was really sweet to read. Now Shima's all yours Adachi, hehe.
About anime special chapters:
After I read it the first time, I was crying for two weeks straight. After all the fluff, especially in the first volumes, chapter 4 of the specials has completely knocked me out. Partly because I kinda relate to Shimamura's fears of staying alone - those seeds were carefully planted back in Gon's chapters of Volume 6, developed in the mist chapters of Volume 8, and here they pierced through my very heart and soul.
But at the same time it was very sweet to realise to which extent Shimamura ended up loving Adachi - she literally confessed that had she been given another chance, she'd have gone for it again and again, in fact she asked Yashiro to make sure it happens so. That was a truly proper closure to her love. Shimamura: more Adachi please in my next life.
And yet, despite this bittersweet message, reading chapter 4 is too hard for me. Every time I do it, the only way out of the heavy feelings and emotions I experience is to rewatch the anime. It's actually kinda funny to think what if the whole intention behind writing the anime special chapters was to force you to rewatch the anime))
About Yashiro:
Her name and the way she is introduced in the anime seems to imply that rather than an alien, she's a deity, a kami perhaps. I never really understood what kind of deity thought. A deity of Adachi and Shimamura's love/universe? A deity of Shimamura's relaxing attitude? Yashiro's name's kinda funny if you attempt to literary translate the kanjis. Something like a shrine (yashiro) of weed of a wise oneself (chikama) lol. And she kinda proves her name with actions throughout the story. She's there to calm everyone down, especially Shimamura, every time Adachi's gay weirdness comes into play. I keep asking myself, would Shimamura really make it without Yashiro. And maybe there also was a previous AdaShima occurrence too?
About Nagafuji and Hino:
Damn, I really want some closure to these two. It's fine even if they don't end up together, although I'd prefer them to of course. But I need at least some kind of closure. Almost as badly as I wanna read about AdaShima's first kiss and first time)) Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating here but you get my point.
About Shou:
I wonder what was it about her last years - why were they hectic? And what was her whole life about? Did she end up being single? And no kids were mentioned either, right? That's really a pity that Shimamura's line ends with her. Actually this whole kids/children topic is also brought in volume 6 I think for the first time. It's really, really sad the nature doesn't have an answer to this problem for humans. And I guess that's what partly also hurts when reading the anime specials. The moment I start thinking how Shima's mom would want to have grandchildren makes me cry. Yashiro SURE is needed there for all of the Shimamura girls...
About Shimamura:
Her character. Is it just me, or is she really different in anime and in the novels? She is so deeeeep in the novels and yet so light and casual in the anime. Is it translation specifics - I hear her so differently in my head when I read the novel! Or is it wrong voice casting or even a director's mistake in character depicting? Or is it how Shimamura really is - so light on the outside and at the same time so deep on the inside?
Also, when I think about Shimamura's deeper inner side, Saeki Ran from Stretch comes to mind for some reason. I could even imagine Shimamura getting addicted to alcohol if she could handle it AND if she lost her Adachi.
And probably the craziest association, Shimamura somewhat resembles me of Agnetha from ABBA. Oh well, not that it matters in any way, just a fun fact of my weird perception.
Anything else left on my mind:
I kinda hope we get Tarumi closure in this Volume 10. I absolutely adore how Shima's love for Adachi is developed and well-written, Shimamura getting gradually invested more and more, step by step, with every chapter. And we sure know how deep the investment goes at the end. So delaying Tarumi's rejection any further makes no sense.
Also, I'd love to read AdaShima coming out to family and friends. I guess they are quite obvious to everyone around, but I really wanna read about the reactions, how does each one of them take it in.
And maybe it'd be interesting to read a bit about Adachi's dad.
It's a bit sad that we're now jumping back and forth on the time line though. I wish the story would get back a bit of time lineraity as it did in the first volumes. But that could be quite a challenge, especially in the light novel business when you never know when they will get cut.
I actually quite like the way author handled Adachi's mother, so rare to actually show such a clean cut coming from a character towards their parents in such cold indifference, and well there's quite a lot of factors that go into it like Adachi's general dislike of communication and how hard she finds it to relate to most people and how her mother just wasn't able able to cope with it being a pretty cold person herself, they could just never really connect.
And yes it's sad but I like how it shows that some relationships just can't be salvaged parents or not we know for a fact deep down Adachi did have some issue with it from that very emotional call with Shima "are you like mom?! Do you also hate me" it truly weighed in her that she could never connect even with her mother.
But well as we see later on when the mom tries to ease up their relationship a bit Adachi realized that she just finds it awkward and can't muster the will to actually try and connect with her mother, it's too late, they'll never be able to actually have a mother-daughter relationship, not even a friendly relationship, Adachi is pretty indifferent to anyone and thx to Shima she realizes she can go on just loving Shima, cuz that's the type of person she is she just needs 1 person to fill up her world.
I understand some people won't understand her and feel that's sad even but I myself really understand that feeling and find it quite beautiful in a sense really.
Shima was able to fill up all of Adachi's sadness with pure love, and that's all Adachi really needs, we can see just how happy she is when together with Shima and I just love how this novel shows that even 2 weirdos like them were able to find someone that fit them perfectly, they grow and change thx to each other but at their cores they're both still pretty extreme, Adachi and her dislike of people and Shima's extreme laziness and indifference to most things, they can still connect with each other somehow and truly live just cuz they're them and they have each other.
I love there's no forced understanding of love, that all you need is a talk or whatever, to mature to see your parents loved you, no, parents or not sometimes relationships just don't work out, some things just can't change and can't be forgiven, Adachi's mom wasn't able to understand and connect with Adachi and now all that's there is indifference, I like that, sometimes you just won't get somethings.
Granted I myself just upped and disappeared one day after I turned 18 cuz I disliked my family so yeah lol most people confused by this are all saying"I love my mom" so I can see why I get it and they don't lol.
last edited at Nov 4, 2021 4:14PM
I worked so hard this past week, that I thought I deserved a new chapter from Vol.10. Lol, so bold of me, right? Anyway, guess it's time to level up my Japanese and try to read it raw. Not that I'll succeed big time, but... yeah, I need some AdaShima now...
Granted I myself just upped and disappeared one day cuz I disliked my family so yeah lol most people confused by this are all saying"I love my mom" so I can see why I get it and they don't lol.
Yes, I think my dad did just that too. In fact I think he kinda found his Shimamura in my mom, in a way. But he certainly didn't completely broke all his ties with his parents. And I spent some of my childhood summers with my grandparents from both sides. I wonder, does Shima have grandparents from her dad side? She seems to have visited only her moms parents so far.
I'm kinda disapointed in a way. I had kinda hoped Adachi's relationship with her mom would improve even a little bit. I'm not too big on my parents but Adachi's don't seem to be as bad.
Also, I could almost ship Adachi's mom with Shimamura's if it wasn't for the fact they're both married. Or maybe I can ship them either way.
last edited at Nov 2, 2021 2:02AM
I'm kinda disapointed in a way. I had kinda hoped Adachi's relationship with her mom would improve even a little bit. I'm not too big on my parents but Adachi's don't seem to be as bad.
I certainly hoped for this after the previous volume, but the anime special novels already showed this would not be the case.
I'm kinda disapointed in a way. I had kinda hoped Adachi's relationship with her mom would improve even a little bit. I'm not too big on my parents but Adachi's don't seem to be as bad.
I certainly hoped for this after the previous volume, but the anime special novels already showed this would not be the case.
Truly a shame.
I'm kinda disapointed in a way. I had kinda hoped Adachi's relationship with her mom would improve even a little bit. I'm not too big on my parents but Adachi's don't seem to be as bad.
I certainly hoped for this after the previous volume, but the anime special novels already showed this would not be the case.
Truly a shame.
Indeed. Although I guess we should have seen this already after Shima's first attempt to push them to reconcile with that sauna challenge. They've just grown apart to such an extent that even spending any time together becomes such an awkward experience with neither of them knowing how to handle it. It would take far more time and effort than they had or were willing to give to achieve any significant change now.
Im gonna bring it up again cuz it really is true this Raemz illustrator really popped off, I think he really retained the feeling of non while adding some extra flavor, it'd more detailed and a little more realistic which I really liked, but still very colorful and beautiful, everyone is instantly recognizable and great, just a fantastic job, I'd wish they'd do volume 9 justice and add illustrations.
Im gonna bring it up again cuz it really is true this Raemz illustrator really popped off, I think he really retained the feeling of non while adding some extra flavor, it'd more detailed and a little more realistic which I really liked, but still very colorful and beautiful, everyone is instantly recognizable and great, just a fantastic job, I'd wish they'd do volume 9 justice and add illustrations.
Does anyone know what happened to the translation? It's been a while since ch 2 of volume 9. I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering if the volume has only 2 chapters (which I hope not) or if the translator is working on it or decided to stop...
If they're working on it, of course I'll wait patiently for the next chapter
Does anyone know what happened to the translation? It's been a while since ch 2 of volume 9. I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering if the volume has only 2 chapters (which I hope not) or if the translator is working on it or decided to stop...
If they're working on it, of course I'll wait patiently for the next chapter
You mean volume 10, volume 9 was done about a year ago. As for the number of chapters, you can clearly see the table of contents with 9 chapters here. No idea about the current status of the translation, though.
So I finally managed to convince a friend of mine to start reading this series, I straight up just bought him the first volume and lightly guilted him into reading it, and now I've been getting a message every couple of days that can be summed up as "Damn it, you've made me spend more money" as he keeps buying volume after volume. It's been a great laugh, and I'm glad that he's been enjoying it so much. I definitely look forward to his reactions to volume 5 and 6. He was really mad when he finished the anime and discovered that, currently, there's not more of it.
You mean volume 10, volume 9 was done about a year ago. As for the number of chapters, you can clearly see the table of contents with 9 chapters here. No idea about the current status of the translation, though.
Yes, I meant volume 10, and yes, you're right, I didn't think about checking the table of contents. Thank you for replying. Well, I guess we'll wait
Hello? Snakey?
Tarumi destroyed
“I wanted to be the one... The one to take you to
places you thought you could never go...”
So sad the end of Tarumi TT___TT
Two new chapters was the best new year present I could ever wish for. Hopefully they will get uploaded here soon. Thank you so much for your hard work @sneikkimies
So much development for Shimamura. Really nice to see her attempts to better convey her feelings. Adachi's absolute commitment and devotion to Shima alone is what really drives Shima, because, I guess, it's something she herself finds so difficult. Cute how she finds ways to control Adachi through positive affirmations, lol.
Interesting when Shimamura considers the first time falling in love with Adachi. I wonder what name, word would she give for the feelings she had for Adachi when she hid the reason to dress up for the summer fest or when she couldn't help but hug Adachi after coming back from her grandparent, hehe
Really sorry for Tarumi. But she "betrayed" Shima through separation in middle school. Not imaginable for dog-girl Adachi who would turn the world upside-down just to stay next to her Shimamura.
And the moms, they really have turned into great friends. It's interesting that what they are concerned about is the daughters leaving the house - at that point in time "coming out" or whatever you call it no longer seems to be much of a topic. Makes sense.
Now I can't wait for the Valentine's! And the first kiss? Would it happen on Valentine's?
Really sorry for Tarumi. But she "betrayed" Shima through separation in middle school. Not imaginable for dog-girl Adachi who would turn the world upside-down just to stay next to her Shimamura.
I really wouldn't go as far as to say "betrayed", I know quite well how easy it is to drift apart at that age when you're no longer always together in class... I doubt Adachi would have fared any better, considering how long it took her to get back to talking with Shima even in the same class just because the other trio of girls started hanging out with Shima - and this already in high school. Had they been in separate classes as well, she would likely have disappeared into good old second floor of the gym, just as she almost already did, rarely to be seen even by her classmates again, unless Shima had found it in her to make a conscious effort of connecting with her once more.
Really sorry for Tarumi. But she "betrayed" Shima through separation in middle school. Not imaginable for dog-girl Adachi who would turn the world upside-down just to stay next to her Shimamura.
I really wouldn't go as far as to say "betrayed", I know quite well how easy it is to drift apart at that age when you're no longer always together in class... I doubt Adachi would have fared any better, considering how long it took her to get back to talking with Shima even in the same class just because the other trio of girls started hanging out with Shima - and this already in high school. Had they been in separate classes as well, she would likely have disappeared into good old second floor of the gym, just as she almost already did, rarely to be seen even by her classmates again, unless Shima had found it in her to make a conscious effort of connecting with her once more.
Yes, I agree, it was life, fate if you will, that separated Shimamura and Tarumi. So to clarify my point, I didn't really intend to put the actual blame solely on Tarumi, which is why I put "betrayed" in quotes. If I got it right, however, this separation is what triggered the biggest change in Shimamura. She lost faith in strong relationships, lost faith that it's even possible to have a relationship that would withhold life obstacles. And she stopped investing in relationships. So the way I see it, sort of from Shima's perspective, she's experienced some form of "betrayal" from Tarumi's younger self. I don't have a better word for it.
Would have Adachi performed better, had she been in Taru's shoes back in the day - who knows, we'll never know. What we do know, is that Adachi of now did manage to come back to Shimamura each and every time, no matter what, like Gon. And this persistence and devotion of hers is what, step by step, made Shimamura fall in love with her. Shimamura has never had a chance to experience this sort of "betrayal" from Adachi. Yes, different situations, age, time, everything. Not fair to compare with young Taru. But that's how life is. For Adachi, Shimamura is everything, prio number 1, no, prio 0 even. And she proves it every day. And she wouldn't let Shimamura send a message "Just got here" on a date - Adachi would've been there an hour earlier.
The really interesting part is that I think Taru did have quite a chance back in "Spring and Moon", but it was Yashiro who timely interfered. Had Yashiro not popped up out of thin air, I wonder how would things played out. We will never know. Fate.