holy heck
based Negom
absolutely beautiful (≧◡≦) ♡
Jay Kristoff said that "Fate deals us our hand, but we decide how to play it", but Reimu looks like she could win without playing any cards.
This leak of Touhou 18.5 is looking great
Who in this Goddamn universe says that tailholding MUST be with both parties having tails?
That's anything but obvious nor is it a norm in any fashion.
You have no idea what the Hell you're talking about.
^"in the sense exemplified in myrrh's PFP", pay attention and get your head out of your ass.
spooky cutie girlfriends!
That's such an adorable expression!
Tachi's an absolute legend
That's not a threat, it's an offer.
that girl is definitely not innocent XD
^^yes,literally XD
aww so cute
hmm hot
last edited at Nov 11, 2021 3:40AM
If you can’t engage in a remotely civil manner, you will be removed from the forums. Stop responding to each other about AK. Probably best if you don’t talk again at all. Thanks, take care.
Do anyone has the twitter of the artist of this?
^The Source button has the link to the artist.
You can ship pretty much anyone with pretty much everyone if you want to
Oh my, taking the gloves off? Surely Keqing knows that holding hands without protection is how babies are made...
"Thanks for getting me lunch, Beidou." -Ganyu, probably
Just finished Gridman the other week so I'd avoid spoilers playing SRW 30
I shipped them already, but now I ship them even more
Hey, you! You can buy this in high quality card stock on Ticcy's store. It's the size of a postcard. For like three dollars. And it's glorious. Do it.
Mako is going all in
i love this
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