Hmm... I like this so far. Their interactions are interesting and fun. Qi Fei is kind of a pain to deal with, isn't she? But I'd say she's cute.
Actually, aren't they both a pain...?
Chapter 2:
Ge Qu: Don't bother me for meaningless—
Ah, crap, did I go too far? Let me fix that
Don't talk to me.
...Nice one girl
Now, why the hell could she play at the level (or even higher) of the other players? Even though she hadn't had any practice for like, more than a year...? It's not like I didn't expect it, I just kinda felt bad for the girls that had probably been working their asses off during that time.... XD
It was funny how other people thought the protagonist was a guy, cause I thought she looked a lot like a guy as well. Actually... and this is probably a liiiittle bit weird.. here, at the panel where she says "Were you about to use that excuse to blow me off?", she kind of reminded me of an uncle of mine (whom I haven't seen in years btw).... And unfortunately I kept thinking about it later on, when we saw her from a profile view o.O
I actually went and found pictures of that uncle just to prove to myself that she didn't look like him lol. Needless to say, she did not, in fact, look anything like my uncle...
(Oh, and just to be clear, my uncle does not have blue hair or golden eyes –like, in case someone got that impression)
(Edit: crap, I got the protagonist's name wrong!)
last edited at Aug 4, 2021 7:50AM