Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Aug 4, 2018

Aaand the buildup to Toraiwa's horrible death at the hands of Nikaidou continues...

joined Mar 29, 2021

If she loses, there's the possibility of comfort sex arc.

Malibu Uploader
joined Jan 25, 2016


Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

You heard it here first, folks. Flan is love!

(Seriously, what's with everyone liking Flan)

joined May 4, 2017

(Seriously, what's with everyone liking Flan)

Flan is the best dessert with the most unappetizing name.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Ngl I'm kinda interested in Samurai and Aliens

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, so this is how we're going to do this. :D

joined Jul 31, 2019

gee I wonder who got 2nd place in general votes

Whaaaat?? The comically evil and sadistic editor Toraiwa manipulated all the other editors into voting against Tadokoro’s manga despite it’s wild popularity on social media?? No wayyyyyyyy

... I mean, in all likelihood probably not :P the guy was just portrayed as a common asshole, not an evil mastermind, and we already seen the editing department only moderately sympathetic to Tadokoro's manga so the results just seem logical to me :P (Although whatever the rival is about to do I'm actually not sure).

last edited at May 8, 2021 2:51PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

gee I wonder who got 2nd place in general votes

I bet she was actually tied for first.

joined Aug 16, 2020

Am I the only one that gets the impression that editor toraiwa is the type to try and rig the competition?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Am I the only one that gets the impression that editor toraiwa is the type to try and rig the competition?

He may be the type, but I don't see how he could actually pull it off in his position.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Am I the only one that gets the impression that editor toraiwa is the type to try and rig the competition?

He may be the type, but I don't see how he could actually pull it off in his position.

He's the editor for a very successful manga. He probably has the boss's ear and the ability and inclination to use that to put pressure on the other editors.

joined Feb 28, 2013

what a tweest!

joined May 24, 2014

Pxivy update

Sleazy prick gets his comeuppance of sorts

joined Mar 28, 2014

Sakurako-san in Valkyrie mode!!!

joined May 24, 2014

Update, any minute now?

joined May 24, 2014

Am I the only one that gets the impression that editor toraiwa is the type to try and rig the competition?

He may be the type, but I don't see how he could actually pull it off in his position.

He's the editor for a very successful manga. He probably has the boss's ear and the ability and inclination to use that to put pressure on the other editors.

According to the raws, that's EXACTLY what he did and that's why ranbare-sensei refused the prize. That's my guess from the raws anyway

last edited at May 22, 2021 1:30PM

joined Aug 26, 2020

92 about to be uploaded. Tatsubon getting into rhythm




joined May 24, 2014

Pxivy update

Moron gets extra humillation

last edited at May 23, 2021 7:21AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

What happen to Yuri Ichigo ?

joined May 24, 2014

What happen to Yuri Ichigo ?

Or better yet, is it updating elsewhere?

joined Jun 25, 2019

What happen to Yuri Ichigo ?

Or better yet, is it updating elsewhere?

I doubt it since Yuri Ichigo does it and tbh i don't read it elsewhere. Unless someone does a MTL.

joined Mar 25, 2019

Sweet, we have two long raws on pixiv now.

joined May 24, 2014

gee I wonder who got 2nd place in general votes

Whaaaat?? The comically evil and sadistic editor Toraiwa manipulated all the other editors into voting against Tadokoro’s manga despite it’s wild popularity on social media?? No wayyyyyyyy

He did SOMETHING which is why she refused to accept It. There's no way of knowing what he did until the raws get translated. But whatever he did he's truly done for.

last edited at May 24, 2021 3:13PM

joined Mar 10, 2020

Ugh wish a second group would pick this up. Pretty sure Yuri Ichigo is done

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