Some kind of spoler-marking for the whole posts, rather than for parts of the text
Spoiler Post would be "collapsed" by default, with a button to expand it. Maybe an option when you write it, or maybe just apply it to any post with spoilers in text.
Just a proper multi-line spoiler block would be great, e.g.
[spoiler name]{{
spoiler text
on many lines
with URLs and images:
It would be rendered as a show/hide button and can be used for hiding images, huge quote blocks, walls of texts, etc.
The whole spoiler block could as well be named (optional). The name is always visible before the spoiler show/hide button and can be used to describe in a couple of words what's behind the spoiler.
- Profile page accessible to other members with
- profile info such as contact data, location, gender, birth date, etc - all optional, of course
- link to send a PM
- statistics for favourite manga, mangaka, characters, etc
- wall for posting statuses, public messages/conversations, discussions, blogging, fanfics, other users creative output
LOL, so basically a DR social network
but really, at least some more info about the user would be something to start with. Right now there's just no way to learn about other readers except for manga discussions
+1 for Subforums
last edited at Dec 12, 2014 10:26PM