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Forum › Silent Snow discussion

joined Aug 19, 2018

That was a beautiful story and art, but goddamit girls, there is a cool invention called A PHONE NUMBER, EXCHANGE IT!!!!!

Where is your pic from? My dog asked.

joined Apr 4, 2021

Ah shit, here we go again

joined Apr 1, 2015

Nice to see Rem branching out into some different roles

joined Jun 13, 2016

wow.. this is how u do a one shot , thanks for scanlating this!

joined Mar 7, 2021

I mean come on you can just take the train back on a day trip and tell her you love her too, you know she's always at one location at a specific time it would be so easy to meet her again.

I always like the build up of stories like this but I hate, hate, hate when it concludes with the and they never met again, especially when it's so easy to overcome. it really devalues the supposed "love" that they feel for each other since it seems like they won't even try.

on the whole this was really good but the ending just frustrating to me.

joined Oct 30, 2018

Oh hey, what's this wetness on my cheeks? Oh... they're tears...

Dammit! That was beautiful as fuck and amazing and everything but I NEED a sequel! They need to meet again so they can exchange names and phone numbers! Maybe even date! Marriage too cause honestly those two work really well together! I would legitimately pay money for a sequel one-shot!

Ugh... how is it one can be so happy and so sad at the same time...

joined Jan 19, 2020

Psssst later they found out each others names through sheer coincidence, like blonde haired girl saw Konoha in the newspaper or something and was able to get in touch with her. Both of them had their happy end together, that's how it's gonna end, amirite...

Damn it's 1am and I am close to crying

joined Jul 26, 2020

It's been a while since I've seen a story with this much snow, something that I realized I've been missing.

Despite how bittersweet the ending is, where we'd usually expect a dramatic reunion, I think that the ending is still quite hopeful. If Kotoha continues down her path in acting, I don't think it's unlikely that they run into each other again.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Meh. The ending ruined any good feels this had going for me. There's absolutely nothing keeping them from meeting up again.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

They need to meet again so they can exchange names and phone numbers! Maybe even date! Marriage too cause honestly those two work really well together! I would legitimately pay money for a sequel one-shot!

For oneshots like these from Yuri Hime, you can take the reader surveys and mention you enjoyed this author and this oneshot. It's how you get the newbie oneshot creators more spots in the magazine. Might be too late for Sumire, but it wouldn't hurt to mention her in the free space

joined Jun 6, 2013

This is a special one for sure.

joined Feb 8, 2021

not me trying to do a where’s waldo on the last panel thinking she’d be there

joined May 26, 2020

I ended up smiling and crying. What a complicated feeling.

joined Apr 30, 2018

i kept tapping and it won't show the next pages hello where are the next pages? why does it say fin? hello? where's the part where they meet again, it hurts

joined Jan 18, 2016

bittersweet but still very sweet ;(

Alice Nightrose
joined Feb 9, 2021

I'm crying

joined Oct 10, 2016

Me at the beginning: Hm I don't see missing limbs
Me at page 2: Okay so blonde's blind
Me at page 4: Wait no she's deaf
Me at page 7: WAIT WHAT

Me: Yeah, typical.

last edited at May 5, 2021 7:47AM

joined Jan 15, 2020

Aaaaaa I miss stories like these.
Its beautiful and emotional at the same time, like 2/3 years ago there were a lot of angst and beautiful stories like these.
You don’t see stories like these often these days, only drama and yuri stories that ends a happy endings and lots of nsfw..., unlike yuri stories back then. (not that I’m complaining, I quite like it too, I’m just a sucker for bittersweet/angst endings lol)
* I don’t read much yuri these days so I could be wrong and I could’ve missed some beautiful yuri mangas *

last edited at May 5, 2021 3:42PM

joined Mar 4, 2018

Party foul! Regardless, this is how life really is. Lots of little patches that weave the tapestry that is us. Bitter, but sweet.

joined Jan 31, 2021

Gonna go cry bye

joined Jan 21, 2019

They both become famous actresses and meet again BOOM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Is psychosomatic muteness due to overstressing oneself from anxiety really a thing?

It's perhaps exaggerated in this case, but yeah a traumatic event could cause something similar to this. I've only ever experienced it in short term, but I've absolutely had times where I can't speak even alone during an episode so if she has some underlying disorder it's very possible. You want to say something but you body just refuses to let the air pass because you brain doesn't trust you not to traumatize yourself and it's... Well it's fucking horrifying.

I don't know from firsthand how realistic such an extended and severe case would be though, I guess.

joined Jun 10, 2019

It always hurts when separation is involved, even though it's a good ending

joined Dec 27, 2014

Excuse me I didn't ask to get stabbed in the heart

joined Apr 22, 2017

This is such beautiful story ;v;

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