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joined Jan 22, 2015

This line-up of tags intrigues me.

Edit: Did not disappoint. 8/8 I think this is great.

last edited at Mar 23, 2021 8:46PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Nice credits page on ch1.

joined Oct 15, 2014

This line-up of tags intrigues me.

Oh, it only gets more intriguing from here.

last edited at Mar 23, 2021 9:01PM

joined Mar 10, 2018

So glad this made its way here.

joined Jul 19, 2015


joined Jul 26, 2016

...are you quite sure this doesn't merit What the fuck am I reading? too?

joined Oct 30, 2018

Indeed. I planned on just checking out the first chapter, but... I couldn't stop reading.

Worst part? I want to read more

joined Jan 6, 2015

This is weird and I should hate it but I want to see more.

joined Mar 20, 2021

We've all been placed on a watchlist just for clicking on the link. Thanks as always, goggled anon and crew.

joined Jul 22, 2018

the lolis are here!

joined Sep 30, 2017

Yeah, no... Hard pass on this garbage...

joined Sep 27, 2017

I can't believe we've been left on a cliffhanger lmao

Thanks for translating this! It was weird, but entertaining. Your hard work is greatly appreciated <3

joined Oct 10, 2020

i kinda like this

joined Jul 21, 2017

Ehh... Did she rape them and now they must rape everyone else? That's hardcore for sure. Somehow I have confused feelings when rape in manga looks like funny thing. Except hentai comedy.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Except hentai comedy.

p sure this one fits the description...

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

This is really dumb... But I can't stop reading.

joined May 1, 2018

ay yo wtf is this? Also my previous comment looks blank wtf. Someone add the "wtf am i reading?" tag and the "rape" tag... but yeah...

AY YO WTF is what i kept thinking throughout the entirety of this doujin

joined Sep 27, 2017

ay yo wtf is this? Also my previous comment looks blank wtf. Someone add the "wtf am i reading?" tag and the "rape" tag... but yeah...

AY YO WTF is what i kept thinking throughout the entirety of this doujin

Does this...really qualify for the rape tag...? This entire thing feels like some weird acid trip horny fever dream, about a world full of people constantly trying to fuck each other for some magic reason or another, and then everything "explodes" into basically some kind of sex orgy filled with ahegao and weird comedy shenanigans. I feel like the rape tag should typically be reserved something...less absurd? Maybe I'm wrong though.

joined May 1, 2018

ay yo wtf is this? Also my previous comment looks blank wtf. Someone add the "wtf am i reading?" tag and the "rape" tag... but yeah...

AY YO WTF is what i kept thinking throughout the entirety of this doujin

Does this...really qualify for the rape tag...? This entire thing feels like some weird acid trip horny fever dream, about a world full of people constantly trying to fuck each other for some magic reason or another, and then everything "explodes" into basically some kind of sex orgy filled with ahegao and weird comedy shenanigans. I feel like the rape tag should typically be reserved something...less absurd? Maybe I'm wrong though.

Honestly I have no clue but chapter two especially just made me go "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" also what's with touko going "yui's first time is reserved for me!" or smth lmao as if they didn't get raped/sexually harassed by both the witch and the plant girls aklsdjflsd

joined Sep 27, 2017

ay yo wtf is this? Also my previous comment looks blank wtf. Someone add the "wtf am i reading?" tag and the "rape" tag... but yeah...

AY YO WTF is what i kept thinking throughout the entirety of this doujin

Does this...really qualify for the rape tag...? This entire thing feels like some weird acid trip horny fever dream, about a world full of people constantly trying to fuck each other for some magic reason or another, and then everything "explodes" into basically some kind of sex orgy filled with ahegao and weird comedy shenanigans. I feel like the rape tag should typically be reserved something...less absurd? Maybe I'm wrong though.

Honestly I have no clue but chapter two especially just made me go "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" also what's with touko going "yui's first time is reserved for me!" or smth lmao as if they didn't get raped/sexually harassed by both the witch and the plant girls aklsdjflsd

I'm not sure what "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" means, sorry lol

Also mainly what I'm saying is that both the protags are also part of this constant sex driven rollercoaster, so it's hard to tell what rules and morals apply here. Some brief examples of this series, we have the main characters hold each other's crotches so they'll be "less exposed", one of them who boldly doesn't mind showing her lack of underwear...and it makes a dragon woman become her apprentice in the art of...masochism? Like the whole thing is just insane haha

joined Jan 22, 2017

So it's basically Alice in Sexland, just with yuri? It's cute enough and has this silly comedy fantasy hentai charme where you have to switch your brain off with things like dubcon.

joined Sep 27, 2017

So it's basically Alice in Sexland, just with yuri? It's cute enough and has this silly comedy fantasy hentai charme where you have to switch your brain off with things like dubcon.

Yeah, this being the "turn your brain off" type of entertainment is the easiest way to convey what I was trying to say. The whole thing is just utterly nonsense of the highest degree, and that's pretty much the only way to do a porn comedy I think.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I'm not sure what to feel about this. It's soft porn with an excuse for rape-ish interactions between young girls.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm not sure what to feel about this. It's soft porn with an excuse for rape-ish interactions between young girls.

It's a series where a character has a staff that contains floating menstruation blood. I really, really wouldn't think about it too hard lmao

joined Jun 3, 2014

I love that the witch has the voice of a loli

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