Forum › Comprehensive Tovarisch discussion

joined Apr 16, 2013

This is one of my favorite mangas, I love the humor, all the cute pairings, the characters are super likable... I also think the concern Kanna has about her future and not having a real passion for anything is really relatable and sets this story appart from other romantic comedies (at least for me). But after reading it a second time ... did that ever get resolved? It's like at some point the author forgot about that very important problem the mc has and focused only on the shipping, which is a shame.
I really liked Yuu's subplot with her sisters and how that affected her personality, it's just a shame the main character didn't get anything like it.
Overall.... I'm still in love with this story and all its characters, I'm just frustrated at the lost potential there.

As the author's notes show, she only had one volume (volume three) to finish the story. There definitely were too many characters introduced and the more serious themes weren't resolved. I thought it was a shame the original stooges were pushed to the side somewhat when the student council was introduced, but I think it's pretty amazing how much she accomplished with so little in the end.

I'd love to see a proper continuation, a re-do of the story starting from volume three. Volume three and the extras were fun for lack of a better word, but that did come at the expense of the character building that was more focused on in the first two volumes.

Extremely funny though, and I was laughing throughout.

That clears things up, i didn't know
Yeah, the introduction of the student council feels unnecesary but makes sense if Arata Iri was planning on writting more volumes. I'm sure she's more than capable of writing very interesting character development (BUT THAT JUST MAKES ME ANGRIER DAMN IT!!!)

I would die happy if more of it were to come out but I don't think it's going to happen........ Guess we can still dream :)
But also any new comedy she writes I'm probably going to be happy about lol (I can't seem to get into her drama stuff sadly)

joined Oct 22, 2018

Re-reading this. Am currently at break time 3. I just commented to my dad "This Rika girl from the comedy manga I'm reading just won phobia bingo.".

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ahhh... Re-reading all this was super enjoyable. I'm tempted to recommend it to some of my friends and two veeeery weeeeeeby relatives.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

You gotta do it, BV. You're obligated to by the laws of yuri.

I finally finished it. I'm eternally grateful to Purin, for having put in so much work on this when seemingly it was never going to be finished! Reading through Volume 3 gave me serious nostalgia of pushing through the raws with a friend and struggling with my horrific Japanese comprehension (6 years later, it's still horrific). I cried when it ended and then cried again after finishing all the extras. It's a really great, special series. (Don't worry, I'm not totally biased since I'm madly in love with everything about Arata Iri or anything)

With the good stuff said, I do have to say - with an editor like that it's no surprise the magazine collapsed (I'm being rude. Sorry editor-san, I'm sure you're great!). I was surprised to read the afterword and discover that Volume 3 was (sorta) pre-planned. Does that mean that Hobunsha more or less knew Tsubomi was going down the drain, or was the series getting the soft axe? In any case, she's got some great skill in pulling off a variety of crazy yet memorable characters, but I feel like the development - especially seen in Yuu - just didn't come across that strongly with so little screen time to cover it.

It is hilarious how she transformed from a nothing girl into some kinda carnivore, but there's like a big gap between the Yuu we see in the first two volumes and the Yuu we see in the Extras (even the original V3 extras). While I am a huge fan of gap moe, the gap doesn't feel like its gets enough airtime, which was a real shame...

Anyway complaints aside, it's a great series. Very happy Arata Iri is still in the business!

last edited at Oct 17, 2021 12:10PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

You gotta do it, BV. You're obligated to by the laws of yuri.

Correction: In addition to that (and, actually, evenmoreso (given how unfortunately superfringe yuri (or any GRSM media, for that matter) is here in the Balkans)) I'm also obligated to that by the laws of comedy as well.

last edited at May 12, 2020 4:17PM

joined Mar 13, 2016

No matter how many times I look and see that this series has been completed, it just doesn't feel real.


I can't thank ---->Purin*<---- enough for what they did to yuri, THAAAAAAANKS I just can't put it into words... thank you from the bottom of the heart of many yuri fans :_____

I have finished reading right now just because after all this years, everytime I clicked on the series and saw them with the same 6 old chapters I got super SAD ... because is real that this series are SPECIAL, iconic in some way... I continued reading Arata Iri other works and they are amazing of course, but this caracters, Yuu, Kanna... are, idk, unique in the yuri world, this super cute, crazy and smart comedy, just I can't evennn <3 there is nothing like this out there, is different.

#TopYuu team, btw, I flipped out with that!! kdnvodsodhsv... but how cruel Arata-sensei always had to break the sexy moments and never show almost anything, but still how brilliant she is on increasing the temperature so much with such "light" options!! is impressive <3

I hope she take care of her health too :___

joined May 30, 2020

It's good to see Akatsuki and Rika end up together since I've shipped them from the start. ♡

joined Feb 1, 2020

It's good to see Akatsuki and Rika end up together since I've shipped them from the start. ♡

Same. I want to see them kiss but Rika staying over at Akatsuki's house and meeting her little sister would be nice too.

joined Mar 30, 2020

I did not like this.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I did not like this.


joined Oct 22, 2018

I did not like this.


joined Feb 4, 2021


kuuderes are the fuckin best

last edited at Mar 7, 2021 11:00PM

joined Feb 4, 2021


too many characters.... its so hard to follow...
cute ending though
joined Apr 19, 2012

Yuu's gap was the best part, although I really liked Miyako's personality too!

joined May 18, 2021

I know i'm being greedy, but i need more, moORE, I NEED TO SEE THEM BEING ALL CUTE AND LOVEY DOVEY

joined Feb 1, 2020
joined Jul 22, 2017

After rereading it, it's obvious that Arata wanted to do a lot more with these characters, so a reboot/sequel would be great. Stuff like the StuCo love square and Rika's bad luck are clearly meant for more gags but there just wasn't enough time. I just hope it doesn't come at the expense of Come Rain or Shine

joined Jul 31, 2019

I read this after reading through Come Rain or Shine... and it was just as much of a chaotic and disjointed mess, but still somewhat likeable... but I do feel like this author sold me roughly the same story with two slightly different dressings.

last edited at Jul 3, 2022 1:13PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

a chaotic and disjointed mess, but still somewhat likeable..

To me, that’s exactly this one in a nutshell.

It didn’t help that it was running at the same time as AnoKiss, with a similar basic setup but exponentially more control.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Blastaar posted:

It didn’t help that it was running at the same time as AnoKiss, with a similar basic setup but exponentially more control.

Yeah, but less punching people out during chess matches. (I assume, I ended up dropping it like 20 chapters in due to not having time to keep up with it and haven't gotten back around to reading the entire thing.)

joined Jul 31, 2019

Blastaar posted:

It didn’t help that it was running at the same time as AnoKiss, with a similar basic setup but exponentially more control.

Yeah, but less punching people out during chess matches. (I assume, I ended up dropping it like 20 chapters in due to not having time to keep up with it and haven't gotten back around to reading the entire thing.)

I actually really liked that revolutionary method to achieve a checkmate in the first move, don't think the overall hyperactive and nonsensical tone was the main problem, it's more that it just didn't result in something... coherent I guess.

But I started to read that other manga just now because of this conversation and it does seem... higher quality overall. (but holy crap 50 chapters that will take me a while, they seem long too :P).

last edited at Jul 3, 2022 6:45PM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

b58 posted:

Blastaar posted:

It didn’t help that it was running at the same time as AnoKiss, with a similar basic setup but exponentially more control.

Yeah, but less punching people out during chess matches. (I assume, I ended up dropping it like 20 chapters in due to not having time to keep up with it and haven't gotten back around to reading the entire thing.)

I actually really liked that revolutionary method to achieve a checkmate in the first move, don't think the overall hyperactive and nonsensical tone was the main problem, it's more that it just didn't result in something... coherent I guess.

That knockout punch was one of my favorite parts of the entire series, lol. I was curious what she'd use as her handicap but punching out her opponent was absolutely not what I expected at all.

joined Jan 22, 2022


joined Oct 24, 2018

I still comeback to this series once in a while. For some reasons, Arata Iri’s style clicks with me in a way I can’t explain. I love the characters, the comedy, various parings. It was kinda unfortunate that Come rain or shine doesn’t have its own appeal like this one and possibly Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten though.

joined Nov 16, 2017

This remains my most favorite comedy yuri of all times even after like 5 years

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