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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Any tag requests for this will be rejected for the time being. Enjoy reading your yuri zombie guro violence tragedy het love triangle.

joined May 27, 2019

Well, that was...something

joined Oct 1, 2020

that was a plot twist i didnt know i needed

joined Sep 9, 2016

Well, fuck. That was...

joined Jun 13, 2020

well that's idiotic

I can't say it's not the best yuri zombie guro violence tragedy het love triangle I've ever read.

joined Jul 22, 2015

Once again, a reason why we need the Not Yuri tag

joined Aug 13, 2019

Imagine perfectly covering up a murder only to realize you just happened to bury the corpse on the only cursed mountain in all of Japan.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Imagine perfectly covering up a murder only to realize you just happened to bury the corpse on the only cursed mountain in all of Japan.

Quality comment.

joined Oct 1, 2020

As great as this is, nothing can beat the translation on MD that gave everyone Australian accents. I almost coughed up a lung at lines like, "Momo, luv, I never considered you ma homie."

joined Dec 16, 2014


Wow. A love triangle that actually completes the triangle. That's rare.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

whatayuri posted:

Imagine perfectly covering up a murder only to realize you just happened to bury the corpse on the only cursed mountain in all of Japan.

Depending on the murderer that might actually be a pro rather than a con. That way you get to kill them a second time. (Though in this case it's probably a con.)

joined Apr 16, 2017

Protagonist decides that going out with a guy you didn't like was better than confessing and then ultimately decides that killing the girl she loved and burying her in a shallow unmarked grave was better than confessing. This oneshot wants to be some tragic love story but it laughably falls short of that because the protagonist's actions don't make sense or even hint at the twist at the end, there was absolutely no build up except the very obvious death. 0/10 oneshot

Protagonist decides that going out with a guy you didn't like was better than confessing and then ultimately decides that killing the girl she loved and burying her in a shallow unmarked grave was better than confessing

The first part is a common trope and is perfectly logical. The chances of her love both being gay and returning her feelings are very low, so instead of risking rejection and losing her completely, she does what she can to maintain the status quo.

The second part... well, yanderes gonna yandere. "If I can't have her, nobody else can"

joined May 24, 2013

Teenage relationships are so full of drama

joined Jun 13, 2012

Any tag requests for this will be rejected for the time being. Enjoy reading your yuri zombie guro violence tragedy het love triangle.

Why though? And how about the ghost. tag?

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 12:39AM

joined Jun 12, 2014

As great as this is, nothing can beat the translation on MD that gave everyone Australian accents. I almost coughed up a lung at lines like, "Momo, luv, I never considered you ma homie."

Link plz

Edit: nvm Found it

last edited at Dec 27, 2020 12:48AM

joined Aug 11, 2019

As great as this is, nothing can beat the translation on MD that gave everyone Australian accents. I almost coughed up a lung at lines like, "Momo, luv, I never considered you ma homie."

Link plz

Edit: nvm Found it

Oh, it's SSSSS. Their habit of swinging by to drop in a few random chapters far ahead is a tad annoying for some groups, and their preference for meme-speech in translating irks lots of purist readers, but I find it pretty hillariously refreshing when consume in moderation :))

joined Mar 2, 2019

Pet Sematary came to mind while reading this

joined Sep 25, 2015

Maybe there's a reason she didn't go for her brain...

joined May 18, 2020

you could've said you like her?

joined Aug 21, 2016

At least end with a confession or a mutual yuri ending despite the twisted circumstances...

joined Jun 8, 2020


joined Feb 9, 2017

As great as this is, nothing can beat the translation on MD that gave everyone Australian accents. I almost coughed up a lung at lines like, "Momo, luv, I never considered you ma homie."

(going on a completely silly and in no way serious rant ;) )

As an Australian I feel I must protest. At least to some extent. The 'bout is certainly accurate. But Homie or Lasie definitely not. Sheila is somewhat cliche but much more likely. And Homie... nope it's always mate. Mate if you love them. Mate if you hate them. Mate for strangers or friends. "Some bloke said you canny..." Okay we've got a tonne of ex-pat Irish here. Seriously swimming in Guinness. But nobody talks like that unless you're parodying or joking about. Also known as "taking the piss."

Any Australian would say this parody is "a dog's breakfast" :P .

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