Did the translators understand the metaphor for carrot and stick? The chocolate and whip seems identical in effect, and there is no reason for either to have any balance? What balance? They didnt explain it very well in their notes.
Its refering to methods of persuation- of either donkey, or human in the german version.
Its saying which works best as a method of persuation- offering an incentive such as a carrot dangled in front of the donkey, offering chocolate to a human- or will you get better results if you beat the donkey with a stick, or whip the human, till they do what you want? Its not a choice you are giving them.
Or to put simply, the carrot or the stick? Is asking which works best, to reward success, or punish failiure?
That aside, I liked it :)
last edited at Dec 20, 2020 7:17AM