You thought you were the most obsessive Tsubasa? You got a long way to go, kid.
Best motivation ever.
gasp WHY, this is so cuuuuute!!
Why are there no actual R18 doujins of this couple!?!
Ugh I love this comic so much. I've probably read it a hundred times since Veebu first posted it. >_<
Good to know I'm not the only one!
I have also came back and looked at this at least 20 times just counting today
Veebu's art has a mesmerizing feel to it....I just can't stop reading these...
this is perfect
Maaaaaaan. Gotta live your reputation Tsubasa!!! Don't lose being an obsessive fangirl girlfriend Tsubasa!!! Gambattttttteeeeee!!! Fiiiiiggggghhhtttttoooo!!!
Veebu is addictive I try not check these too often.
This one helps me come up with lots of love stories between 2 idol groups. hope there'll be more :)
grrr!!! why must you keep us in the dark to who she is dating!!!!
Veebu got that natural talent for making comedies. It makes me smile everytime I see her artwork.
Sort of an impossible space situation going on here. Foreheads meeting but Yui is way too far behind to be able to do that.
Ehehe... eheh ♥
Hugs! ♥
Nice work!
@flips maybe it's just weird angle or something :/ and i don't see them touching with foreheads, for me it looks like Azusa only looks at her.
I didn't see it at first but yeah, there's some defiance of space going on here. Yui's hair looks like its resting on Azusa's head.
You can quite clearly see the hair overlapping, and the shadow Yui's head is casting on Azusa's ^^
Hanayo: Ah well... It should BE ME that is hugging Rin-chan.
** exits fandom **
Poor Hanayo on the side... (´・_・`)
Well, we all know how Nico feels on this too, right?
What's with all the Azusa x Yui stuff today? Not that I'm complaining.
Azusa x Yui
It's Azusa's birthday, apparently.
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