^ you got really into this haha! I guess I'll play why not? I have not idea how to play D&D
Name: Melissa; age: 14; style: cool beauty ; hair: straight, indigo ; eyes: black ; bust: small(not tiny) ; skill learned: none yet ; buff: double xp on spd training ; weakness: back of the neck ; alignment: neutral evil
Ok let's roll: You arrive at cafeteria, the menu includes pancakes, waffles, omelette du fromage or an apple with a glass of milk.
Melissa: ok let's take the healthy one! apple please! ............you eat the apple.... a few minutes later you are found on the bathroom with blank eyes and foaming out of the mouth....... the apple had been invaded by a alien bacteria that eats the human nervous system.......GAME OVER! RETRY?
Me: WTF!? ok fine.
On your way to the cafeteria the buildings physics change to Brawl, you trip and land on your left leg...it hurts YOU LOSE 3 TURNS and and draw 4...hey at least you found a get out of jail free card NICE!
Me: -_- how many games are mixed in this ok next player!