Nothing beat a cheerful Kasumi.
"Me. My girlfriend, and her 5000 rupie six foot tall Vyrn plushie."
This meme is fresh
I wonder if LL is going to be one of those timeless things we just get to see forever
Digital and analog girls
I'm not cryin', you're cryin'
Love 4 ever
Pantsless Friday
A kiss in the dark
This is right after they filled out the marriage registration form.
Dang I want a giant flaffy
The Emperor's panties must be tasted for poison multiple times daily.
Ah that looks n i c e
Finally finished this game the other day (the definitive edition), and I screenshotted/video captured every ounce of Ristelle subtext I could find.
Oh wow, I haven't thought about this series in so many years.
That's Nanoha in her jammies getting proposed by Fate in work outfit.
^^ LOVE is the occasion.
^ interesting lil comparison. I like small details like that
gotta love drunk love
the one with them holding Vivio together in the middle, it's so precious TTuTT
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