A kiss in the dark
This is right after they filled out the marriage registration form.
Dang I want a giant flaffy
The Emperor's panties must be tasted for poison multiple times daily.
Ah that looks n i c e
Finally finished this game the other day (the definitive edition), and I screenshotted/video captured every ounce of Ristelle subtext I could find.
Oh wow, I haven't thought about this series in so many years.
That's Nanoha in her jammies getting proposed by Fate in work outfit.
^^ LOVE is the occasion.
^ interesting lil comparison. I like small details like that
gotta love drunk love
the one with them holding Vivio together in the middle, it's so precious TTuTT
In the same vein that you can’t out-pizza the hut, you can’t out-mama the Nozo
^ How much was there? I am aware of the scene when they earn the name Ristelle, but what else is there?
last edited at Jun 12, 2020 11:14PM
Ah, I love this pairing! Rita is so abrasive with everyone else but turns unexpectedly sweet and concerned around Estelle.
oooh boy! the meme have made it here! can't wait to see the rest coming. XD
That's the face of true happiness
Gotta love the fact that Fate was the one who proposed KYAAA!
last edited at Jun 12, 2020 10:10PM
Ristelle nuff said
IIRC this is pretty much canon. Poor Vira.
Blessed image.
I wish this series never had to end
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