Wait- Isn't that Kaoruko, not Mahiru???
last edited at May 15, 2020 11:04PM
Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals
So, no relation to the US state?
^I was thinking the same thing. It's Marie Antoinette Kaoruko's outfit.
That poster... getting paradoxical here
No, it's more likely a reference to the Greek Island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller that were stationed there.
Sorry, that's my bad. I'm not very familiar with Revue Starlight and requested this as Mahiru x Maya instead of Kaoruko x Maya. Now I have to find an actual Mahiru x Maya picture so the new tag doesn't stay blank...
Mahiru x Maya
Kaoruko x Maya
last edited at May 15, 2020 11:15PM
^Plot twist, it's a body pillow cover.
Double plot twist: It belongs to Cloud.
^ Kasumin being a horrible schemer is what makes her so cute~
Also, is that side story from a card or is it from a character bond side story?
Are you sure she's not...
We need more of This...
there is an angry green haired oni somewhere
nods in approval It's good to cut your nails before dealing with adult business.
Schwarz's animation with the dolls are so damn cute
last edited at May 15, 2020 11:34PM
High-octane competitive lesbianship
Rina is extremely cute without that board in front of her face!
Anyone else part of Team Yell?
A classic pairing.
These two are the best of the anime!!!
This would be the best ending imo Author san pls, don't crush our dreams, not when you already take us THIS far
@softlessbean didn't realise the pixiv version was censored, although it makes sense it would be. Replaced with full puss.
@drpepperfan You're doing god's work, friend.
Inside you there are 2 wolves... You know the rest.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) incest
last edited at May 16, 2020 12:09AM
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