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joined Jul 14, 2019

naw don’t pretend you didn’t see, you be related to her man >~< this isn’t alabama bro xc

joined Apr 9, 2020

Predictible plot but still interesting. This really needs a sequal. This reminds of a visual novel I played long ago called Love Ribbon where two blood-related sisters fall in love before knowing they were related. I actually don't mind incest in fiction works but irl it would be disgusting tbh, but I wonder if such a coincidence would actually happen IRL and would the feelings of love disappear because of the fact they are related?

lmao and this is how it begins

joined Apr 9, 2020

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

joined Jan 30, 2013

Atleast the dad made two kids that love each other now.

joined Jun 27, 2018

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

The two greatest taboos of contemporary society.

joined Jun 25, 2019

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

The two greatest taboos of contemporary society.

What about hot incest and Lemonade ?

joined Aug 18, 2015

I don't care about nothing else in this predictable manga and yes I made an account to comment after lurking here for YEARS but why is there HOT LEMONADE?! Has that always been a thing? I can't focus on anything else. Was that really in the original translation? Does hot lemonade even taste good? So many questions...

Hahaah about the hot lemonade, it's a very popular drink in bending machines during winter and cold days, it's sweet and tasty! Just perfect :D

joined Jun 27, 2018

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

The two greatest taboos of contemporary society.

What about hot incest and Lemonade ?

Those are fine ;)

joined Feb 11, 2013

sweet home akihabara

joined Nov 22, 2019

Hot lemonade vs lemonade is exactly the same as tea vs iced tea and coffee vs iced coffee.

joined Aug 12, 2019

1/2 of the comments “incest is bad waaaaaa”
1/2 of the comments “who the hell wants hot lemonade”

The two greatest taboos of contemporary society.

What about hot incest and Lemonade ?

Those are fine ;)

and that's how the manga, Citrus came into existence. it all makes sense now.

and yes, i'm aware that Cirtus is pseudo-incest but I'm making up my own scientific analysis. it's all connected.

Thought experiment: imagine how absolutely berserk people would go if you swapped the word "lesbian" for "incest" in these comments; it's funny how fast "love wins" and "it's none of your business what two consenting people do in private" disappear when it's something that you have a squick reaction to but absolutely no logical reason to reject beyond "but it's unnatural!!".

"Uh... I don't like lesbians"

"Why does this not have the lesbians tag?"

"I'm not exactly fond of lesbians"

"Well, I simply made a comment that I don't like lesbians"

"I get that adding a lesbian tag would spoil the plot twist, but couldn't lesbians potentially be a trigger for some people?"

"Agreed, if I know it's lesbian then I most likely wouldn't have read it. TBH it's a cute story with a twist and good art! it's just the lesbian thing kinda bother me, but to each their own."

"I actually don't mind lesbians in fiction works but irl it would be disgusting tbh"

joined Oct 28, 2016

It would iff people off if you change it to "cats" as well (aside from non-cat people of course).

"Uh... I don't like cats"

"Why does this not have the cats tag?"

"I'm not exactly fond of cats"

"Well, I simply made a comment that I don't like cats"

"I get that adding a cats tag would spoil the plot twist, but couldn't cats potentially be a trigger for some people?"

(some cut due to length purposes)

Kidding aside, I must admit that personally, I'm not a fan of incest, but I find this story really good. I'll take it as it is, and, if I don't like it, then I'll just move on.

I think part of the people here complaining about incest here are either very surprised by the ending (it's okay, the story is supposed to be written that way, that's why she's crying. It's a realization of what just happened.) or may have been distraught with the rise of incest stories in yuri (I /have/ noticed more, or perhaps, I've been more aware of it since citrus, and waay more arguments about consent and incest). Dissing these people wouldn't really help, and using the lgbtq+ slogan of "love is love" is low, since the lgbtq+'s argument had always been about sex and gender, not age-gap, pedophillia(other than debunking the gay pedophile stereotype) nor incestous relationships. The LGBTQ are still struggling to reach equality in many parts of the world, attaching other factors like incest or homosexual incest, would make mainstream assimilation more difficult for those who are just, well, homosexual.

And if convincing people had taught me anything, it's easier for people to accept things one at a time then as a tsunami of change.

I agree with some that biologically it shouldn't pose a problem. But socially it could. Other than a new set of morals that have to accompany it, there's also how the whole community will be rearranged to fit this into the norm, it's effects on the community and a lot of psychology yada yada.

I don't want to invalidate anyone, and these are my own observations, you are free to raise up concerns and replies, I reccomend the discord server @ me if you would want. Same as username

may have been distraught with the rise of incest stories in yuri

"I'm distraught with the rise of lesbian stories in manga" sounds pretty awful, doesn't it? Like, really, really awful?
I'm sure the rise in the amount of debates about acceptance of homosexuality over the past decades was extremely uncomfortable to those who took it for granted that being gay was wrong, but that doesn't mean that conversation shouldn't have been happening.

The LGBTQ are still struggling to reach equality in many parts of the world, attaching other factors like incest or homosexual incest, would make mainstream assimilation more difficult for those who are just, well, homosexual.

And if convincing people had taught me anything, it's easier for people to accept things one at a time then as a tsunami of change.

If your argument isn't that incest is wrong but that change is hard for people to accept - what entitles gay people to getting equality but not those in incestous relationships, or getting it first? If it's too hard to get equality for both, I suppose we could be fighting to make incest equal first while talking about how gross and disgusting and unnatural being gay is.

I mean, I'm gay and not incestous, but it frustrates me to no end to see the formerly oppressed** being ready to hypocritically throw another minority under the bus because it's more convenient for themselves, while using the exact same arguments that were used to shun gay people. "Equality for me, not for thee" is no equality at all. That's just privilege. I thought the fight for gay rights was a fight against oppression, but sometimes it seems like it was merely a fight to join the oppressors.

**"Formerly oppressed" in the sense that we are no longer imprisoned for homosexuality, can marry or at least form civil unions in many countries, etcetera. I know the fight against homophobic discrimination is far from over despite gradual mainstream acceptance.

last edited at May 10, 2020 4:59AM by

joined Oct 28, 2016

may have been distraught with the rise of incest stories in yuri

"I'm distraught with the rise of lesbian stories in manga" sounds pretty awful, doesn't it? Like, really, really awful?
I'm sure the rise in the amount of debates about acceptance of homosexuality over the past decades was extremely uncomfortable to those who took it for granted that being gay was wrong, but that doesn't mean that conversation shouldn't have been happening.

It does, and I see that you're very passionate about equality through your post. It might be a reason, I'm not saying that it's the definitive answer. I've checked back through the series in dynasty and it seems like the general amount had been the same. So it might be people's perceptions or the appearance of different types of users in the site that have a different mindset to the majority of the older ones. We are having a conversation : ) Don't worry I want to understand where you're coming from, since it does stem from one sort of oppression.

If your argument isn't that incest is wrong but that change is hard for people to accept - what entitles gay people to getting equality but not those in incestous relationships, or getting it first? If it's too hard to get equality for both, I suppose we could be fighting to make incest equal first while talking about how gross and disgusting and unnatural being gay is.

I mean, if you want to? If that does happen though, and someone is gay and incestuous, then things will still be a little hard on them due to the latter part of your statement.

I mean, I'm gay and not incestous, but it frustrates me to no end to see the formerly oppressed** being ready to hypocritically throw another minority under the bus because it's more convenient for themselves, while using the exact same arguments that were used to shun gay people. "Equality for me, not for thee" is no equality at all. That's just privilege. I thought the fight for gay rights was a fight against oppression, but sometimes it seems like it was merely a fight to join the oppressors.

**"Formerly oppressed" in the sense that we are no longer imprisoned for homosexuality, can marry or at least form civil unions in many countries, etcetera. I know the fight against homophobic discrimination is far from over despite gradual mainstream acceptance.

(I too, am gay and not incestuous) I didn't say that people shouldn't fight for it. I meant to say that if it will be fought for, it will have to change a different part of people's pre-concieved perceptions. The LGBTQ+ had the rights stated above because they defined the terms they wanted as so. If they had not, people would have had a vocal minority no one knows how to appease, and a minority who doesn't communicate what they need. (as is with relationships, when one doesn't say what they want but acts demanding, the other is likely to be left confused unless they had a clue beforehand). The LGBT+ also had no long lasting effects that could directly hurt other people, but incest between heterosexual people (if the as of now "hypothetical" campaign includes heterosexual people as well), then there may be reprecussions if they do have a child together as the child would have a high risk of genetic disorders and would reduce human diversity by 1 (well, there are already a lot anyways). If the do choose to adopt or have one through IVF, then it would be a different matter of biology.

I don't mean to oppress them, it might appear that way, but I'm trying to map out what is most likely to happen with what had already happened before. If I may ask, how would the LGBTQ+ community make it so that incestuous people are not oppressed? I am genuinely asking because I haven't really met any of them in person (or at least, one that had opened up to me) and could not speak for them myself.

last edited at May 10, 2020 10:22AM

joined Jun 27, 2018

I think the real issue about incest is how easy it is to result in power imbalance and therefore abuse. It can happen in relationships between siblings, since you've been raised together and your entire network of family relations is connected to your sibling as well. Think things like "if you don't do this I'll tell everyone about us" and harming your relations with family members after a breakup.

I'm not even going to go into parent/child relations because that's pedophilia and rape, and nobody should even try to defend this.

There is the matter of a slightly increased risk of genetic diseases in children of these couples, because the chance that you both carry the same rare recessive gene is higher than for random strangers. It's not a "very high risk" or anything, just higher than average. So genetic counseling for these couples is strongly advised.

In this particular story, however, there is neither a power imbalance nor risk of genetic diseases, so any complaints people have about this couple fall into the category of morality, as in, what people consider inherently right or wrong.

In the issue of power imbalance, a relationship like this one would probably be much healthier than a pseudo-incest relationship between stepsisters who were raised together.

last edited at May 10, 2020 10:33AM

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

Another day, another Dynasty forum roundtable on the morality of incest.

As for the story itself, I'd agree it kind of stops in a pointless place. It's not happy or sad because we don't know what will happen after. As is, it's definitely an incomplete narrative.

Thanks for your work regardless, Yuri Project.

last edited at May 10, 2020 1:21PM

joined Jan 3, 2018


joined Mar 30, 2020

I knew they were related right away when both their fathers were dead. Coincidence I THINK NOT! This is a great concept, if love to see a series!

joined Dec 16, 2014

Im more mad by the fact that her father never once visited her.

joined Jan 14, 2020

"I think the real issue about incest is how easy it is to result in power imbalance and therefore abuse. It can happen in relationships between siblings, since you've been raised together and your entire network of family relations is connected to your sibling as well. Think things like "if you don't do this I'll tell everyone about us" and harming your relations with family members after a breakup."


Even in something like Citrus, where they met at age 15 or so and share no genes, they're living together -- sharing a room and bed, even. So if they hook up and then break up, it can be massively awkward -- same as why dating your co-worker can be extra risky even if there's no power imbalance.

I feel no shame about incest as a fictional kink but I can still recognize that in reality it raises various kinds of bad-idea flags, depending on the circumstances.

joined Jul 22, 2018

it's cute but the conflict is rushed but yeah idc at least they kissed and viva incest

joined Mar 4, 2017

Who the fuck drinks hot lemonade?

joined Feb 17, 2019

Who the fuck drinks hot lemonade?

Yoite (Nanari no Ou)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Who the fuck drinks hot lemonade?

I had some leftover cranberry juice (which I normally don't like) from a fermenting project, and I've been drinking it hot with honey. Turns out it's really good that way, much like a herbal tea.

Hot lemon with honey is a pretty common, if not medially recommended, folk remedy in the west (well, North America at least) for sore throats. Since you can taste things better warm than cold, I would imagine for those who like lemon that would be pretty good.

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