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joined Feb 23, 2016

Well at least they got closer together :)

joined Dec 5, 2019

The shy airhead initiating things instead of the cool onee-san was nice

joined Dec 8, 2018

I kinda feel embarrassed when a main character is named like me, and is super lovey-dovey with her girlfriend.
Ahh, the envy.

joined Mar 28, 2015

These girls have no hips to speak of.

joined Dec 4, 2017

^ true

joined Sep 6, 2018

When was this published?

This isn’t the current Mira we’re familiar with. This one is kinda old, in my opinion.

Cute story, btw.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Oooh that was embarrassing indeed, imagine if that had happened to non lovers like a senpai or something or the school nurse....Well, not that thighs are that hard to take off even wet.
But really cute indeed

joined Mar 3, 2019

How romantic. Mira's a damn fine Yuri mangaka.

joined Oct 3, 2018

Ngl this reads like the most deadass parody of generic ecchi. Even other of Mira’s very early works I’ve read have had some additional conceit.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Didn’t notice it was Mira. Was at page 5 and thought ‘No big boobs but those eyes...’
I was right :D
Idk if it is something to be proud of.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Ngl this reads like the most deadass parody of generic ecchi. Even other of Mira’s very early works I’ve read have had some additional conceit.

It just needed one "trip over nothing into a facefull of boobs" to really stick the landing.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Didn’t notice it was Mira. Was at page 5 and thought ‘No big boobs but those eyes...’
I was right :D
Idk if it is something to be proud of.

It is something to be proud of—you’re a yuri connoisseur... able to recognize a mangaka’s work at a glance like Canno or some other mangakas who uses one name only to identify themselves. Alright, I admit I don’t memorize names, but I’d recognize quality yuri too.

Now go out there and buy yuri manga to support the artist! Because that’s what connoisseurs do.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Ah the good ol' "it's painful if we stop here" line. Letting guys turn back seat grope fests into sex since the dawn of time.

joined Apr 15, 2016

that sneeze tho...

joined Oct 22, 2018

But since both the characters and the author of this are female, then shouldn't it, in this case, be gals turning grope fests into sex?

joined Sep 1, 2017

But since both the characters and the author of this are female, then shouldn't it, in this case, be gals turning grope fests into sex?

Yeah you're right. However I've never seen a girl actually use that line before. I wasn't sure if people would get what I was going for if I didn't use the boys as a reference. It's actually kind of nice to see that the classic cheap move works for the ladies as well.

last edited at Mar 27, 2020 1:08PM

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