Forum › It's a Detached Relationship. discussion

joined Jan 3, 2020

Sometimes (and not usually or often, but sometimes), I enjoy reading a series where all of the characters are pretty heavily flawed. This series fits that description almost perfectly. Every character introduced so far has some serious problems.

Aya is maybe the least flawed but just barely. She's willing to have sex with a woman she's met three times previously while acting as a replacement for somebody else during the sex just so that the woman will be her friend online. Seriously? Yikes.

Kuro and the best friend are even fucked up than she is, obviously. Kuro fantasizes about her students, which I guess would be acceptable even if it's a little creepy (you can't control who you like) except for the part where she went after a student from a different school (so she wouldn't get in trouble). On top of that, she is stuck on a single rejection that happened many years ago and can't have sex without muttering the name of the person who rejected her confession once. The best friend is easily summarized with the phrase "has a bad case of yandere" and doesn't seem like she'd be out of place in a hardware store looking for a chainsaw to "help Aya see the light".

joined Jun 25, 2019

and doesn't seem like she'd be out of place in a hardware store looking for a chainsaw to "help Aya see the light".

I can really see Haruki trying to physically harm Kuro at some point if she found who she is.

joined Jan 10, 2020

I live for these toxic relationships.

joined Jun 22, 2018

I live for these toxic relationships.


joined Dec 27, 2014

sniff I'm get Kuzu no honkai vibes here

joined Jun 13, 2019

sniff I'm get Kuzu no honkai vibes here

oh god please no.

joined Nov 11, 2015

Okay... tf?
This is so wrong... almost every time that high school teacher talks something is a new red flag.
HONESTLY, i would read the SHIT OUT of a history based on Aya and her best friend, i would love it, everything else is just wrong and illegal.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 5:57PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I could never like the friend... She says thing like "I would die if you leave me" (and not in a romantic way, she says it with a straight face, no hesitation like an ultimatum) or "Why not try something more revealing???" when Aya was just trying to look nice with clothes that were absolutely harmless just to make her feel like a slut, in other words her mind is full of things like "DOn't ever leave me, you can't leave me, I won't let anyone else take you away from me not matter what I have to d .but I won't confess my feelings, instead I will make you feel bad for even trying to get close to someone else"

But I feel like a lot of people can't see how bad she is because, she has a valid excuse pretending to be a knight to the rescue (although she was acting manipulative and passive aggressive before even knowing the teacher) well in fact, some of you do know but said things like "I rather if she ends up with her friend because I don't like the teacher" as if that's the lesser evil so it's good but, it's totally not.

At least, wish for Aya to find happiness instead... Whatever that happiness look like in the end, but I just don't get how you can dislike the teacher so much but be okay with the friend.

I wish Aya had a real friend to be honest.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just don't get how you can dislike the teacher so much but be okay with the friend.

Cause one is an adult and the other a teenager ? One is supposely a mature person, i mean she is a teacher, and yet she decide to act forceful and sleep with a teenager with low self esteem. Not to mention the "sexual predator" act (might be too much but i don't find a less powerful term) and also the taunting toward Haruki with the photo sended post sex and the café scen where she just openly taunting her. The other is a teenager who go throught puberty with hormones working at full speed combine with immaturity and clouded jugement. Yes Haruki is overprotective but that's because she know Haruki's family situation and probably her low self esteem. By no mean what Haruki does is good but i personally find it less harmful than what Kuro does.

as if that's the lesser evil so it's good but, it's totally not.

But if i go there then nothing is good since all the characters are just mess of a person so what ? They all just part ways from each other and voilà ? The end ?

Everyone has their own opinions on the situation. I personnally don't like the teacher and think what Haruki does is legitimate in her point of view. But whatever, she will probably do something stupid and Aya will break ties with her and have a toxic relationship with Kuro. I can bet on that. I don't even see how or why Aya will go back to Haruki beside Haruki locking her up. Honestly i will only watch from afar cause train wreck isn't something i enjoy watching.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Well you shouldn't read these kind of stories based on what's morality appropriate and good with the law but instead of what's more passionate and exciting to read (and being fully aware that this is a fictional work)... To me, the friend is almost violent and no fun at all so YIKES, that's a no for me. And reading the raws or the spanish version you think she couldn't get worse but she does... A LOT

Like, I wouldn't read the manga Happy sugar life expecting the police to come and save the day (in fact I didn't read it but only because I don't like violence) and everyone receiving therapy or going to jail...

joined Jun 25, 2019

you think she couldn't get worse but she does... A LOT

Are wetalking about Ch.9 where Kuro taunt her on purpose just to get her mad, which make me hate Kuro more because she act cocky because she know have the upper hand and probably won't lose it or there is another chapter out ?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Well you shouldn't read these kind of stories based on what's morality appropriate and good with the law but instead of what's more passionate and exciting to read (and being fully aware that this is a fictional work)... To me, the friend is almost violent and no fun at all so YIKES, that's a no for me. And reading the raws or the spanish version you think she couldn't get worse but she does... A LOT

Like, I wouldn't read the manga Happy sugar life expecting the police to come and save the day (in fact I didn't read it but only because I don't like violence) and everyone receiving therapy or going to jail...

I didn’t quite realize until I started reading the Dynasty forums just how many people relate to fiction purely as groups of imaginary persons that they either like or dislike, approve or disapprove of, feel friendly towards or not, and most importantly, want to spend time around, just as if they were encountering people in real life.

That is, of course, as opposed to fiction as works of narrative art presenting a series of hypothetical situations to be worked through.

Naturally, those things go hand in hand, and readers can be responding to both aspects simultaneously, or only one or the other. Happy Sugar Life is great case in point for the latter—I had basically no emotional connection whatsoever to a single one of those characters, and I wouldn’t even say that reading it was “enjoyable” in any visceral sense, but to me it was worth finding out how the author would work through the rather remarkable—although remarkably unpleasant—situation they had created.

So yeah, these people are definitely messed up, but I’ve had friends that were worse. And some of those weren’t even imaginary.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Lilliwyt posted:

you think she couldn't get worse but she does... A LOT

Are wetalking about Ch.9 where Kuro taunt her on purpose just to get her mad, which make me hate Kuro more because she act cocky because she know have the upper hand and probably won't lose it or there is another chapter out ?

Nop, I mean ch8 when instead of trying to talk she forced herself on Aya but she was (obviously) rejected... There was absolutely no way that was going to work but she did it anyway...And because that didn't work out, she's now going to threat Kuro instead sigh The day she talks with Aya without trying to make her feel bad, without threats or being manipulative maybe then something might change.

joined Jun 25, 2019

she's now going to threat Kuro instead

Kuro reap what she sow tbh. She is the one who taunt Haruki in the first place to see her reaction. Haruki's reaction was a given. But i think it will better to stop talking about while happen.We can talk about it when chapters will go out, if they go out and if i still want to read it.

last edited at Jan 12, 2020 8:48PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Nah it's fine, your stance is pretty clear with that response so there's no point.

joined Jun 25, 2019

OK, i won't force you.

joined Jun 1, 2017

Finally, some good fucking food

joined Jun 28, 2018

I heard that the translator has dropped this manga !!! T_T

joined Jun 25, 2019

I heard that the translator has dropped this manga !!! T_T

There is still the spanish version on Mangadex if you can read it. At least our spanish community is happy that the "terribles" English readers can't criticize anymore.

joined Jun 28, 2018

I heard that the translator has dropped this manga !!! T_T

There is still the spanish version on Mangadex if you can read it. At least our spanish community is happy that the "terribles" English readers can't criticize anymore.

Sadly, I cannot read spanish T_T.

joined Aug 6, 2018

Sometime satisfying

joined Apr 20, 2013

Muahahahaha the first volume got a reprint :) that's very good for a yuri, there's demand! here if you want to support Flowerchild u.u/

There's another yuri in yurihime that's getting high demand but LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THAT ONE

joined Jun 25, 2019

There's another yuri in yurihime that's getting high demand but LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THAT ONE

Did this one is english trasnlated and if yes can you tell me which one in spoiler.

joined Mar 15, 2017

Did this one is english trasnlated and if yes can you tell me which one in spoiler.

I guess they probably mean Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii, which also recently sold enough of its 1st volume to have a reprint. But Yuri-Hime's biggest success of 2019's new series is Whispering You a Love Song.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I guess they probably mean Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii,

Oh.I understand now. I'm seen this one.

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