Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

joined Apr 23, 2015

It looks like I'm basically the only one who still likes Izumi at this point. She's manipulative oc, but what you gonna do if you're smarter than anyone else in the group trying to push things towards your advantage? The moral will obvs. be that you shouldn't do that, but I still like her character-design.

No, I like her too. I like that she flawed but not like some total bitch-senpai with malice. I hope she will accept situation and start to be a better person, like Nanaki trying to. I think that people just exaggerated for the sake of jokes when called her yandere, lol. And, yeah, her character design is the best here.

Well. I don't hate her. And I don't think we will really be given a reason to once they clear up the current set of issues and probably . . . all remain friends? I think there is a good chance of that.

Don't know what to say about the current .5 chapter. 'sokay I guess? ^^;

joined Mar 15, 2015

One thing I liked about Izumi in the early chapters was that she was one of the nicer and more reasonable members of the gyaru group, particularly in her attempts to play peacemaker between Fujishiro and Miki. As for the more recent chapters, I'll reserve judgment on her until this arc is over.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I just want Izumi to win now because she's clearly the sexiest (I mean I thought that for a while but this mini chapter clinches it)

joined May 27, 2019

Izumi OP

She better get some kind of happy ending >:(

joined Nov 26, 2019

Izumi needs like 4 girlfriends, she's too sexy for 1 girl to handle, tbh.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Once again TOMOLO (The Other, More Overtly Lesbian One) strikes!

No matter who or what she is or does, the Tomolo third wheel always gets the lion’s share of the reader shipping love.

joined Oct 28, 2016

Once again TOMOLO (The Other, More Overtly Lesbian One) strikes!

No matter who or what she is or does, the Tomolo third wheel always gets the lion’s share of the reader shipping love.

Wait this term exists?? Honestly I need to be using this a lot more xD

joined Jul 29, 2017

Once again TOMOLO (The Other, More Overtly Lesbian One) strikes!

No matter who or what she is or does, the Tomolo third wheel always gets the lion’s share of the reader shipping love.

Wait this term exists?? Honestly I need to be using this a lot more xD

Well, yes and no—I made it up, but have been using it my head for a long time, and here a little bit.

Sayaka from YagaKimi is the one that first comes to mind, but her name is legion. Her Other (besides the OTP)ness is the key element—99% of the time It Ain’t Gonna Happen, but man, do readers go all-in on the ship.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, if her ship must go down, may Izumi's go down in a glorious drama filled inferno, with FLAMES THAT NOT EVEN THE SEA CAN QUENCH!

joined Oct 22, 2018

All I could think about reading much of this chapter was, quote: "Ah, dammit... Iroha is a Loralei-type shipper... Just great..."

joined Nov 7, 2013

hahaha. ive always had a crush on izu chan. maybe becoz we have the same hairstlye, aye

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, Iro-chan, it's just your bad luck to be asking about love while everyone else in the room makes up a love triangle...

Excellent result for the punishment game, though.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Anyways, I'm just gonna pass the results of the game as some foreshadowing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Anyways, I'm just gonna pass the results of the game as some foreshadowing.

One can only hope.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Nah, Iroha is just the airhead comic relief at this point.She will nothing more than joke materials. Also don't make the chapter forget that Izumi isa goddamn twisted girl. She will do anything to protect her "princess"

joined Aug 4, 2018

I had no idea "chin-grab-kabedon" was a thing, even less that some fans favored it.

I'm so out of the loop.

joined Nov 26, 2019

I had no idea "chin-grab-kabedon" was a thing, even less that some fans favored it.

I'm so out of the loop.

I didn't either before this chapter. But now I know it's a thing and I favor it so...

joined Jun 12, 2019

Oh I was wondering why it was short but I see now

joined Aug 26, 2018

Naturally born lady killer who loves a natural born lady killer princess. Very unfortunate.
The fact that Iro-chan ships them doesn't surprise me though lol

joined Feb 10, 2016

Oh I sort of like Izumi and Akazawa together

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Oh I sort of like Izumi and Akazawa together

Same, but to be fair, I'd ship Izumi with literally anyone so long as it means she'll stop meddling with Kanade and Nanaki.

joined Nov 26, 2019

I still think it should end up polyamorous but y'all know my inclinations. I think everything should.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Feb 10, 2016

Oh I sort of like Izumi and Akazawa together

Same, but to be fair, I'd ship Izumi with literally anyone so long as it means she'll stop meddling with Kanade and Nanaki.

Sorta agree with this too. She's obviously not gonna win over Nanaki, and she is kind of toxic. I hope she can move on and find someone else

joined Oct 22, 2018

Oh I sort of like Izumi and Akazawa together

Same, but to be fair, I'd ship Izumi with literally anyone so long as it means she'll stop meddling with Kanade and Nanaki.

Sorta agree with this too. She's obviously not gonna win over Nanaki, and she is kind of toxic. I hope she can move on and find someone else

Akazawa Iroha for example?

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