Forum › The Female Body discussion

joined Oct 30, 2015

There needs to be more stories about yuri couples with kids.

Yeah I agree... It is natural also this days besides I want to understand how the kids would react in the kind of family they have.

joined Sep 5, 2012

Re-reading this made my day. Feels very nostalgic hmm..

joined Feb 28, 2013

God, I still love this so much.

The art, the story, the feels.

All of it

joined Aug 16, 2014

God, I still love this so much.

The art, the story, the feels.

All of it

Ikr? Def one of the best oneshots here. I never tire of re-reading either.

joined Feb 12, 2016

I feel you. We need more college, adult life, co-worker and OL.


We can all agree on.

joined Sep 19, 2014

I re-read this and it is still as adorable as the first time I read it

joined Jun 17, 2014

this was great :3

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Oh, it's lovely. I never saw this before!

joined Mar 23, 2013

I still reread it every time it pops up in the featured chapter slot.

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

An old favorite I have revisited many times.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I still reread it every time it pops up in the featured chapter slot.


joined Sep 5, 2012

If only this is Cotton sequel.

I always think this is Cotton sequel... lemme dream.
I want a gay ending for that one but Konno-sensei did not satisfy....

joined Sep 1, 2017

It's a darn shame Sumi-chan's jerk brother got to Kaori first.

joined Sep 1, 2017

If only this is Cotton sequel.

I always think this is Cotton sequel... lemme dream.
I want a gay ending for that one but Konno-sensei did not satisfy....

Yeah I hated that one too. It was shaping up to be a sweet yuri pseud-incest romance. Then, a stupid het twist, completely out of no where.

joined Dec 21, 2015

This was great. Glad the het was resolved in a nice way too!

joined Jul 19, 2018

Awwww, super adorable.

joined Aug 20, 2016

Nice Oneshot, i want to add this to my Fav, but it's sooo short...
Well i add it anyway, I just love Adult Life Yuri! Especially Mother x Woman.

joined Nov 30, 2015

Read so many times, still sooo gooooood.

joined Aug 23, 2018

It's a darn shame Sumi-chan's jerk brother got to Kaori first.

Jerk brother gave Kaori her greatest gift in their son. Plus without him Kaori wouldn't have met Sumi. Sweet story but i could imagine the uproar once Sumi's folk's and brother find out. Plus the poor kid will have some exampling to do when he gets older when friends ask him. First off his mother has a female partner. Who happens to be his father's sister and his aunt lol. But it's a nice one shot.

joined Mar 15, 2019

Lovely! Love this story! Happy end! How rare - in life! ~^-^~

joined Mar 15, 2019

It's a darn shame Sumi-chan's jerk brother got to Kaori first.

Jerk brother gave Kaori her greatest gift in their son. Plus without him Kaori wouldn't have met Sumi. Sweet story but i could imagine the uproar once Sumi's folk's and brother find out. Plus the poor kid will have some exampling to do when he gets older when friends ask him. First off his mother has a female partner. Who happens to be his father's sister and his aunt lol. But it's a nice one shot.

We can do just one thing - wish them happiness!

joined Sep 1, 2017

I always wondered what Kaeori ment at the end about messing up the relationship with Sumi's brother. Did she mean she messed up the relationship? Like it was her fault fault that her husband turned out to be a cheating dick. Or did she mean she messed up by falling for the jackass to begin with?

joined May 8, 2020

I always wondered what Kaeori ment at the end about messing up the relationship with Sumi's brother. Did she mean she messed up the relationship? Like it was her fault fault that her husband turned out to be a cheating dick. Or did she mean she messed up by falling for the jackass to begin with?

She meant the divorce, but she realised that it was a necessary ''mess up'', it was justified since he was a cheater and also it led her to meeting Sumi. A lot of people stay married regardless of cheating just because they want to keep the appearance of a 'perfect life/family/relationship' or to not cause an uproar. I'm glad Kaori didn't put up with it!

joined May 11, 2020

This is fine... too short... but still not bad tho..... goes to my favorite

joined Jun 20, 2020

Those people in park are really shocked.
( ̄▽ ̄)
I wonder if Takkun saw that.

Either way, he's going to see a lot of kissing from now on.

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