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joined May 27, 2015

Watashi wa mou shindeiru.

Damnit, I was beaten to the punch. Though because Mimi refers to herself in third-person all the time I would've went with "Mimi wa mou shindeiru".

joined Sep 30, 2018

Dead people always make me what, mimi is a ghost,or smth?

joined Sep 11, 2016

wait what! what happen with people die if they are killed.


joined Oct 22, 2018

Meanwhile, in one of the later episodes of CBR Mk.2:


Is what the Buccaneer advanced destroyer in Cienfuegos said, probably...

Special thanks to:
SakuraIce22 for making a comment reminding me of it.
BurgerKrieg and Dawkinzz for making the audio narrations.
TPang, the BlueCassete team and the entire CBR community on Reddit and Discord for putting this all together.

last edited at Jul 28, 2019 3:50AM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Mimi seems fairly lively for a dead girl. Most corpses don't move around and talk quite that much.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Big update.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Jun 5, 2016

^ It seems to imply she has a latent healing ability that she's unaware of... I reckon it depends on if it could cure/"remove" her curse.

joined Aug 15, 2018

Yeah, it's usually the cliche case that a character (Shiina) thinks they're ordinary and not "powerful" when in actuality they have some untouched power hidden within them.

The ending scene is foreshadowing that Shiina had this untapped ability to bring the ~almost dead flower (mimi) back to life. But that's just a theory, a gay theory.

joined Jan 4, 2014

Yeah, it's usually the cliche case that a character (Shiina) thinks they're ordinary and not "powerful" when in actuality they have some untouched power hidden within them.

The ending scene is foreshadowing that Shiina had this untapped ability to bring the ~almost dead flower (mimi) back to life. But that's just a theory, a gay theory.

Considering the way the good doctor states: "It's fine. It's fine. My healing magic is irreplaceable" after the spat with the school leadership, followed by her exacerbating the cause of said spat by filling Shiina in completely...

Either the doctor sees her own ability reflected in Shiina, and is grooming her because of that; or, on the slightly darker side, Shiina is being set up to be the next sacrificial lamb to create a new Mimi, or even become the next Mimi herself (we saw that Mimi and she share some odd compatability, as Mimi was able to heal her)...

joined Apr 22, 2019

Mimi is thought of as a supersoldier of sorts, so it makes sense that they would try to make as many as possible like her to have an edge in the war. Which of course would involve a lot of secrecy (taboo and all that) and empty coffins.

last edited at Aug 24, 2019 7:18PM

joined Aug 15, 2018

I wondering, when Mimi supposedly "hurt"her head, did Shiina subconsciously use her healing magic, the sparks that arose from her seemed like the same on from the plant.

I feel like when the doctor (Furan Sensei) said she was irreplaceable it was foreshadowing and irony that she's going to be Shiina's precessor and is going to have to look after Mimi after she's gone.

joined Feb 9, 2019

They are golden together. Loved the book scene. We all know why Mimi was under all those books.

joined Sep 21, 2015

She has some amazing healing abilities

last edited at Aug 24, 2019 7:54PM

joined Aug 25, 2018

This is so wholesome. The artstyle, the pase, mimi's cute toddler naivety and shiina's big sister aura, it's all so beatiful.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Hmm... as for Shiina’s sudden or hidden power, I wonder if she’s got it after Mimi healed her. Like passing some sort of it? Probably, there’s still secret behind the Reanimation magic that the sensei hasn’t telling about, that’s why Furan-sensei letting Shiina and Mimi getting close together, she’s observing... well, just a theory. This manga is interesting enough.

last edited at Aug 25, 2019 12:26AM

joined Jan 26, 2019

Child soldiers: immoral even when the little murder machines are cute?

joined Feb 22, 2018

Mimi seems fairly lively for a dead girl. Most corpses don't move around and talk quite that much.

This is what is referred to as "gap".

joined Jun 5, 2016

Mimi seems fairly lively for a dead girl. Most corpses don't move around and talk quite that much.

Well, she DID die for real, the first time. Something killed her, and her mother sacrificed herself to bring her back. Presumably she has all life functions intact and working or else she wouldn't bleed when injured. But the fact remains she was brought back from death, and has wicked strong magic powers in addition to her never-ending healing, so what does that make her? A sort of adorable lich? She's a lichling?

joined Jun 5, 2016

They've apparently kept her sequestered away from all the other students from the beginning. So yeah, all she's known is whatever the "adults" have told her or what she's seen while being kept secluded all those years.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I wonder how long this supposed war has been going on for

joined Jun 5, 2016

Quite a long time if Mimi was conscripted back when the school wasn't even a school yet. Unfortunately I don't recall seeing anything to indicate the founding year for it to give us a better ballpark.

joined Jul 5, 2018

Im not okay, the girl who gave mimi used clothes her upper classmen (the one she was smooching on the staircase) most likely died in battle probably the one in chapter 5. Maybe they just parted after graduation? Ahh both thoughts are pretty sad :c

joined Feb 16, 2018

This needs the "depressing as fuck" tag. Start a betting pool on which of Seiran or Ari dies first.

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