Forum › Fuzoroi no Renri discussion

joined Jul 27, 2015

Iori's sister is in first year of high school apparently (based on her conversation with Shizuku's the deliquent). Shizuku repeat a year, but does not look like she is younger than Minami much. So my question is... did Shizuku repeat classes a lot of time , or is Minami even younger than the given 18?

I'm trying to find out where's the part when they mentioned Iori's sister is a first year.

And why Iori thought that it was a crime if she is in a relationship with an 18 years old girl?

Technically the age of consent in JP is 13, but many places (like Tokyo) have their own age set to 16-18. It is also "illegal to engage in sexual activities with partners who are below this age unless a parent approves of the romantic relationship"
Also their age of adulthood used to be 20 before being lowered this year. So if Minami is 18 and Iori doesn't have her parents' permission...

joined Jul 13, 2018

"I want to be on top!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. You want me to go at you from below?"

Such a considerate girlfriend.

joined Dec 7, 2018

totally ship this couple! Iori is sooo lucky.
why this kind of thing never happened to me...

joined Jul 27, 2015

Where's the next chapter.

Behind a paywall on my Paymetons.

No seriously tho are you okay? It's not just about the chapters but about you, are you okay? If you guys need help with translation or something maybe I could help a bit (even though my English sucks)

Where's the next chapter.

Behind a paywall on my Paymetons.

No seriously tho are you okay? It's not just about the chapters but about you, are you okay? If you guys need help with translation or something maybe I could help a bit (even though my English sucks)

New responsibilities at my job. Just getting used to things before I can get back to translating these.

joined Jul 27, 2015

New responsibilities at my job. Just getting used to things before I can get back to translating these.

Good luck with that then. Do your best!

joined Dec 27, 2014

You're either born a top or a bottom.
I'm sorry Iori

As a switch.... I'm slightly offended.

(Sometimes it's fun to get it, sometimes it's fun to give it, after all.)

Yes, switching is best.

Switchs unite. \o/


Amen (◕ᴗ◕)

Really solid video game console, I agree.

Yes I switch with my console

I really like playing the switch yeah

Where's the next chapter.

Behind a paywall on my Paymetons.

No seriously tho are you okay? It's not just about the chapters but about you, are you okay? If you guys need help with translation or something maybe I could help a bit (even though my English sucks)

New responsibilities at my job. Just getting used to things before I can get back to translating these.

I’m available for cleaning/typesetting/proofreading/QC help as well. Thanks for your hard work on this.

Don't really need help with any of that (for this series at least). I'll probably have time this week to translate, since I'm gonna be trapped in a hotel room again.

joined Feb 9, 2016

Thank you for the treat, uploader san!! xD the little sister's relationship has become more interesting to me than main couple ahahah

joined Jan 6, 2015

I want some more development chapters with little sis x scary girl, then I want the two couples to meet. It's gonna be fuuun.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I approve of Fearless Imouto. Or would that be Fearsome Imouto? Why not both? I approve of Fearsome/less Imouto.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I've never had a toy that could kick my ass so decisively.

joined Jul 4, 2018

I've never had a toy that could kick my ass so decisively.

I have.
My stuffed piggy back used to kick my ass at monopoly...

joined Aug 11, 2016

Ah a new ship

Loveless did erotic ear piercing better.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Help yes to both chapters.

joined Aug 18, 2015

I absolutely adore Saori, she's so goddamn cool. You can tell just how serious she is about the things she says. These two pages in particular are my absolute favorites. It's deliciously obvious that she is not gonna be the "toy" that Nakano seems to think she'll be... unless she prefers toys that kick her ass when talked back to.

I had a good feeling about lil' sis from the beginning, but I think she's just gonna get better and better.

last edited at Jan 13, 2019 1:46AM

joined Nov 8, 2017

Nakano is creepay

joined Aug 25, 2018

Forget the main couple, I want to read more about the sister and the delinquent!

joined Jan 11, 2014

Forget the main couple, I want to read more about the sister and the delinquent!

I'm with you sister! Although I must say I dislike the delinquent girl's hair. It just shaved off on the side and not even fully shaved out. Looks weird and it bothers the hell out of me. I think she would look more stylish and just as bad ass if instead of shaving she just do tiny cornrows on the side like this. Or maybe that is the current style, but I can't tell because the art doesn't seem very accurate.

joined Feb 6, 2014

When Violence solve everything.

last edited at Jan 13, 2019 3:05AM

joined Jan 18, 2017

One thing I really hate about Japan, is in their anime and manga about gay couples. Whether it be Yaoi or Yuri. There's always one who is submissive and a bottom and one who is a top and a Dom. Always. Not every gay couple is like that. It's a real stupid stereotype.

joined Apr 15, 2018

Ah yes "my toy"

joined Jul 31, 2013

The imouto being the top for her delinquent hottie is sooo good. It's a good gap from how needy she is with her sister

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