Ok, I'm mad at the new Senran anime. This is unwatchable, not even going to give it the benefit of the doubt until ep 3. No civilian moved. EVER!
It's like someone drew the key frames and then they let some idiot with 0 knowledge animate the rest.
And the tweening, oh my fuck, it makes the DBS dragon look somewhat passable. ok it's not THAT bad
And don't give me the they are in a shinovi barrier duh because they were not!
Even the fan service was bad. How do they mess up the thing that boost the sales like that?!
The only thing that kept me from rage quitting besides the 2x speed button was the little Homura jokes...
And ugh!!! Asuka is second fiddle to Yumi now. That makes Homora a supporting character to the supporting character :/
Rip in pepperoni SK, hope your sister series VD has better luck in the future.