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joined Mar 22, 2017

At the end we can see the official ships next to each others AS IT SHOULD BE!

Yup every ships is already SET IN STONE!

Need more cute Naru moment! That headpat. :3

joined Nov 1, 2015

that was surprisingly high quality

joined Jan 6, 2017

Those last few panels give me life

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Let's throw some raw meat to the shippers!

The cover page implied Momo was bustier than
Hajime, and the second panel corrects that. I
would say the busty girls pairing off with the
less-so girls is a theme.

joined Jul 26, 2016

These bosses know their underlings only too well... and poor Hifumi couldn't keep a secret to save her life lmao

The cover page implied Momo was bustier than
Hajime, and the second panel corrects that.

Largely just an effect of everyone standing at different angles relative to the viewer methinks...

joined Mar 25, 2015

The cover page implied Momo was bustier than
Hajime, and the second panel corrects that.

Largely just an effect of everyone standing at different angles relative to the viewer methinks...

Also fun fact, breast size isn't static throughout a woman's life, even after puberty. The cast is largely in their young adulthood, and the younger of them (Momo, Aoba, Nene, etc.) aren't even 100% done growing. Beyond that, a woman's breasts can go up and down in size over large enough periods of time.

...not that I think that's what's happening here.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Largely just an effect of everyone standing at different angles relative to the viewer methinks...

Either that, or there ain't no artist who can be bothered with a manipulating a Christmas sweater tone around those boobs.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Largely just an effect of everyone standing at different angles relative to the viewer methinks...

Either that, or there ain't no artist who can be bothered with a manipulating a Christmas sweater tone around those boobs.


joined Aug 16, 2014

Everyone sleeping with their designated wives at the end there

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The cover page implied Momo was bustier than
Hajime, and the second panel corrects that.

Largely just an effect of everyone standing at different angles relative to the viewer methinks...

Also fun fact, breast size isn't static throughout a woman's life, even after puberty. The cast is largely in their young adulthood, and the younger of them (Momo, Aoba, Nene, etc.) aren't even 100% done growing. Beyond that, a woman's breasts can go up and down in size over large enough periods of time.

...not that I think that's what's happening here.

We should probably ask Hazuki Director, as she's said to be an expert in women's breasts going up and down.

joined Jun 12, 2017

They're sleeping in pairs, that's so cute!

joined Apr 20, 2013

I'm just waiting for the new chapter to be updated here to make a bad star wars' reference

last edited at May 18, 2018 3:08PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Too embarrassing after all forget it :D I wonder if the new characters will have more weight later, doesn't really look like it.

Now moving on! I really like this chapter, Hajime had a lot of character development, the team in general had a lot! Can this survive without Kou? yeah, without a doubt.
Hajime is so effortless sexy hahaha

last edited at May 18, 2018 6:41PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well, even if they don't appear much it's still nice to see some of the staff outside the main focus group. Reminds us that this company's far more than just them.

Also lmao Umiko failing in the "bad cop" role

joined May 18, 2018

I d be glad if they released a season 3 of this

joined May 15, 2014

"instead of looking at the immediate profits" My immersion is ruined, i cant see this as a real game company now.

last edited at May 18, 2018 7:18PM

joined Aug 1, 2011

This chapter was kind-of infuriating. All of the criticism had literally nothing to do with the game and Yamato came off as kind-of incompetent and very annoying.

joined Jan 25, 2017

...Have we met Hana-chan before? I feel like we have but I can't remember when...

joined Jul 26, 2016

-- and Yamato came off as kind-of incompetent and very annoying.

Sounds like an accurate representation of the average workers' impression of the people above them (or at least above their immediate superiors) then. :v

joined Apr 20, 2013

Omega Deuse posted:

This chapter was kind-of infuriating. All of the criticism had literally nothing to do with the game and Yamato came off as kind-of incompetent and very annoying.

Yeah, well someone had to be the last boss in this arc, but it was indeed super harsh saying stuff like "This won't happen, you won't deliver in time etc etc" like come on... I would understand if they had another game in development with more potential but discarding solid ideas like that isn't productive when you haven't even give it a chance.

But even if that was too hard, it was short too so I can let it pass (although, in anime it will feel more rude).

joined Mar 13, 2014

I was kind of surprised because I couldn't tell if Hana was a man or woman before I read her name, but the 404: Men Not Found tag holds true.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...isn't that the okama boss who takes all the guys into his section while Shizuku gets all the girls in hers? He's turned up once or twice before IIRC.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Goddamn I love this series. Hajime is getting some nice time in tbe spotlight. Now where's my Aoba x Hifumi chapters?

Also new girls!

joined Mar 22, 2017

But even if that was too hard, it was short too so I can let it pass (although, in anime it will feel more rude).

It's not just simply feel more rude. It will be SUPER rude (Like that Naru incident and thank to that she receive a TON of HATE that she didn't deserve)

Tsukasa seem like Hajime rival? I guess. btw new girls! XD

last edited at May 19, 2018 12:01AM

joined May 23, 2015

What bothers me is that just two volumes ago Christina was cursing her inability to get Aoba, the new employee without any history, pushed as the main character designer. But here she's doing the exact thing to Hajime that she was so sore over happening to Aoba.

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