That still seems like an awful comparison.
I really don't know where people are getting this idea that she's got lots of friends. She's shown desperately avoiding anyone she once knew. She briefly got in touch with a single person, but immediately cut it off. And it never shows her being in contact with that person again.
But she's attractive! Which totally makes her life better, when she never leaves her house or talks to anyone but her family. And has major self esteem and anxiety issues making it all but impossible for her to actually take advantage of that fact in whatever way you might think she could. Also, she's a character in a fucking manga series. Pretty much all characters in manga series are depicted as being attractive. That's not actually anything special or out of the ordinary in her world. It's average, at best.
People who are so adamant that they have it worse than her to that extreme a degree really seem kind of delusional to me.
Considering that a number of her problems stem from actual medical issues, it's kind of like going up to a paraplegic struggling in a wheelchair and telling them to suck it up and that they don't really have it tough, not in the slightest. After all, they're pretty, and you have it much worse with leukemia. Even if it's true that you have it worse (which again, I really question), it just makes you a gigantic asshole.
Heck, I'm pretty sure I've seen some people claiming Neeko has it better than them while at the same time making statements denying the legitimacy of mental health issues. Which is completely absurd. And the latter is something I absolutely will not stand for.