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joined Dec 25, 2015 i wish i hadn't read this chapter before a couple more released. I hate cliffies that end in drama. There's no freaking relief.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Please, grow up.

Never grow up. I repeat... REFUSE to grow up!

And Midnightgunner. Curious. Are you okay, man? You should come over to r/wholesomeyuri and enjoy the vibe.

Oh, and there is something called "society" that doesn't take too kindly of people brave enough to do something like that. And you are saying to just drop everything and go away riding a white horse towards the sunset without a care in the world or thinking what you'll leave behind? Mei would have to sacrifice her reputation, her friends and maybe even part of her family.

It may be painful, but everything has it's pros and cons. I think in this case there are too many cons to her current situation. You weigh your options and move on. Move to a different society which has a more positive outlook. Make new friends who actually appreciate you. Don't just stay in the same situation for the pro's which will eventually be corrupted. Your health is important as is others around you. Staying, you will ruin yours but not the others. Leaving, you will become happier and the others will just grump for a few years.

After one comes to a point of desperation, reputation is a bonus not a lifestyle.

Hello. I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I already like you just because your avatar is my goddamn OTP.

And to respond to what you just said, I also agree that she should just leave and get rid of all these shackles. Maybe. I'm just saying that it's never that simple.

Again, people are complex. Specially when people around expect the world from you. For rich people, image is something very serious. Also... Gramps is dying, I guess. (Not that I care). I don´t think Mei would deal well with the guilty of abandoning a realtive in his last days going against what would probably be his final wish.

There is a lot of things pressuring her to go with it. More than just running away, I would much rather see some kind of catharsis between Mei and Gramps.

joined Oct 6, 2015

People are really harsh sometimes..I wonder if this person really see or understand what Mei's going through..

People take things so lightly like this is the solution blah blah blah as if after chasing end of the rainbows, you can find pot of

last edited at Jan 21, 2018 1:51PM

joined Jan 21, 2016

That's quite the character development (sort of) for Mei. I think it's quite amazing how much her facial expressions increased/varied since the first volume.

So like, on a side note, here are the things I think will happen next:

  • Udagawa-san, being a mutual acquaintance of Yuzu and Matsuri may have a slip of tongue. Matsuri being aware of Mei's pending engagement may assume what's going on.
  • Somehow I just feel like Matsuri will tell Yuzu. Anyway, one way or another the truth will most likely not come from Mei. Just so the story will give Yuzu the feeling of being betrayed.
  • Udagawa-san might see Mei's ring-necklace and recognize it as the one Yuzu bought, iirc he saw the pair of rings previously. Since he encouraged Yuzu before, he just might be a key cog that will help the two of them get over this engagement arc, ironically.

Anyway, in light of this all, I am incredibly curious how Yuzu will react. I actually want to see her mad/angry for real because she's always such a goofball. :)

joined Jan 21, 2018

Honestly, people talking about how much drama this manga has but common. If it's not because of THOSE drama, Citrus wouldn't be this much popular. It's all because of the drama ( and the art too ) that Citrus became so popular, good or bad drama. If it make the manga popular, i think Saburo Uta is nailed it. (Oh and sorry about my English, i'm not too good with it, it's not my native langued )

joined Sep 6, 2015

Blah, I tried reading your drivel, gunner, I really did, but it was just too stupid for me. I live surrounded by a fair amount of arranged marriages, even in my own family, but I guess I am just too young at three decades to see it for what it is. Thanks, you opened my eyes, gods bless the internet. Also, you seem to forget Mei's father exists. You know, the one who did the 'unrealistic' thing of turning his back to family obligations.

joined Jun 23, 2017

Yeah I don't get the hate for Mei, except that she made Yuzu suffer, or perhaps people don't like ice queen or whatever. Well, it's not the only characters that is judged harshly, many people do it for many characters, sadly equating bad individual with bad characters.

joined Sep 6, 2015

Yeah I don't get the hate for Mei, except that she made Yuzu suffer, or perhaps people don't like ice queen or whatever.

I just hate that she kept all this a secret for so long. Yuzu is building a future for the two of them inside her mind, and Mei is hiding this arranged marriage thing from her. Never mind her going along with it, I get that keeping family tradition is important to her, and represents an inner struggle for her character, that much I genuinely do understand. It is keeping her lover in the dark about it that I dislike. Like, privacy even in a relationship is something I value, but not when it is about something that can impact them both.

joined Oct 12, 2010

I love Citrus.
I love the drama.
It never fails to deliver.

I was never into standard soap. But this is our very own yuri melodrama.
I hope it never ends.

my prediction for future plot points :
1. Yuzo Assasinating Mei marriage candidates behind her back
2. ??? babies
4.more Citrus

last edited at Jan 21, 2018 4:07PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

I find this development a bit too cliché, to be honest.

Arranged marriage, strict family, obedient child who makes up for her father's freedom by tying herself down, social pressure, and all that jazz... been there, read that...

If I were to think about this realistically, I can't see how this can be resolved. In Asian culture, not obeying your parents and making them lose face is a big taboo. Not to say it can't be done, but the consequences are usually quite heavy. In that context, throwing away her whole family just to be with Yuzu would be out of character for Mei.

But, she should have told her. Because it will hurt more when Yuzu feels "betrayed" and realizes she's been lied to.

But I guess there will be a "positive" resolution at some point. I put my money on some "Mei breaking off the engagement, has sex with Yuzu, gets up in the morning before she wakes up and goes abroad to do whatever. Yuzu is all brokenhearted, but they eventually reunite a few years later and they live happily ever after, having numerous science babies".

joined Jun 23, 2017

I just hate that she kept all this a secret for so long.

That's part of Mei, she wants to shoulder everything on her own. She also doesn't want to hurt Yuzu even more or think she wouldn't understand, not realising what she does is even worse I guess, but she's still a broken girl and a teenager... And it's only been one year since she knows Yuzu, so she has a lot to do before catching up Yuzu's level of honesty and inspiring figure.

last edited at Jan 21, 2018 5:36PM

joined Jan 21, 2018

I love citrus so much. Never want it to end!
I hope mei and yuzu find a way to be together

joined Mar 22, 2014

It's frustrating to watch Mei be so reserved because we're spectators to her story, but she's just a regular teenage girl who grew up without a proper mother figure and a flaky father. She was raised by her grandfather, who she probably feels deeply indebted to having taken her in during her time of need. She thinks she owes this to him, and she's just a kid, but it's precisely because she's a kid that she feels like she's invincible and that she can handle it. She fears confrontation, but I mean, don't we all? :P

Although, I'm not gonna deny that there was too much over-the-top drama in the beginning of the story, LOL.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Blah, I tried reading your drivel, gunner, I really did, but it was just too stupid for me. I live surrounded by a fair amount of arranged marriages, even in my own family, but I guess I am just too young at three decades to see it for what it is. Thanks, you opened my eyes, gods bless the internet. Also, you seem to forget Mei's father exists. You know, the one who did the 'unrealistic' thing of turning his back to family obligations.

Yeah. Sorry, Sorry. I know I might have used too many complicated words for your brain to understand. My bad. And, If you really did read my arguments (or at least tried to comprehend them) You'd know I haven't forgot about Mei's father at all. I already shared my view about his actions and the consequences he faced because of them, sweetheart. It's all about the consequences. If you really live surronded by arranged marriages and is happy, good for you. But be aware that a Lot of people in this kind of situation don't think like your niche. Now, if my responses brother you, remember that you were the one who started this shit. Stop whining.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Cut it out, Midnightgunner. The aggressive jerk shtick was almost cute at first, but you overplayed it. Stop insulting people.

And the rest of you, don't insult them either.

In fact, nobody insult anybody.

Now let's all go get ice cream.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Cut it out, Midnightgunner. The aggressive jerk shtick was almost cute at first, but you overplayed it. Stop insulting people.

And the rest of you, don't insult them either.

In fact, nobody insult anybody.

Now let's all go get ice cream.

I'm intolerant to lactose.

Also. I'm not being a jerk. Trust me. You would know If I was. But I'll stop. It's cool. Who am I to go against the almighty moderator Nezchan, right? I've read my share of comments in here to know that never goes well.

Oh. I never wanted to look cute.


last edited at Jan 21, 2018 7:30PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, there's always that frozen Rice Dream stuff, it's really good.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Well, there's always that frozen Rice Dream stuff, it's really good.

I don't even know what that is....
joined Apr 19, 2012

It's frustrating to watch Mei be so reserved because we're spectators to her story, but she's just a regular teenage girl who grew up without a proper mother figure and a flaky father. She was raised by her grandfather, who she probably feels deeply indebted to having taken her in during her time of need. She thinks she owes this to him, and she's just a kid, but it's precisely because she's a kid that she feels like she's invincible and that she can handle it. She fears confrontation, but I mean, don't we all? :P

Although, I'm not gonna deny that there was too much over-the-top drama in the beginning of the story, LOL.

+1 to this.

I just want to see Mei show more of her soft side to Yuzu and they get the happy ever after we deserve, haha.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I love Citrus, but even i have to say that the drama feels really pointless right now, and thats saying something with Citrus. Everytime it feels like Mei goes through some character development, she immediately regresses the next arc. Like wasn't the last arc with her wanting to get more physical with Yuzu some sort of way of telling us that Mei was slowly being more honest with Yuzu about her feelings? Why is she acting like early chapters Mei now? I really hope this storyline doesn't get dragged on more than necessary.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, there's always that frozen Rice Dream stuff, it's really good.

I don't even know what that is....

Non-dairy frozen desserts. I've only tried the rice-based one but it's quite good.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I love Citrus, but even i have to say that the drama feels really pointless right now, and thats saying something with Citrus. Everytime it feels like Mei goes through some character development, she immediately regresses the next arc. Like wasn't the last arc with her wanting to get more physical with Yuzu some sort of way of telling us that Mei was slowly being more honest with Yuzu about her feelings? Why is she acting like early chapters Mei now? I really hope this storyline doesn't get dragged on more than necessary.

Unfortunately, this is the way humans are. It can take many years of patience and effort to truly change yourself and grow out of your problems. In the interim, there will be plenty of ups and downs.

joined Jun 17, 2014

I love Citrus, but even i have to say that the drama feels really pointless right now, and thats saying something with Citrus. Everytime it feels like Mei goes through some character development, she immediately regresses the next arc. Like wasn't the last arc with her wanting to get more physical with Yuzu some sort of way of telling us that Mei was slowly being more honest with Yuzu about her feelings? Why is she acting like early chapters Mei now? I really hope this storyline doesn't get dragged on more than necessary.

Unfortunately, this is the way humans are. It can take many years of patience and effort to truly change yourself and grow out of your problems. In the interim, there will be plenty of ups and downs.

^yeah i barely changed at all from elementary school tbh, its very hard to change a persons nature....very hard....i tried....RIP

last edited at Jan 21, 2018 8:54PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Well, there's always that frozen Rice Dream stuff, it's really good.

I don't even know what that is....

Non-dairy frozen desserts. I've only tried the rice-based one but it's quite good.

That's a vegan ice-cream. Is there any kind of food nowadays that doesn't have a vegan version?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, there's always that frozen Rice Dream stuff, it's really good.

I don't even know what that is....

Non-dairy frozen desserts. I've only tried the rice-based one but it's quite good.

That's a vegan ice-cream. Is there any kind of food nowadays that doesn't have a vegan version?

If you're lactose-intolerant, what possible alternatives for ice cream would there be?

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