Forum › Fureau hodo ni koi o shite discussion

joined Oct 15, 2013

Sex kicked in quite fast xD

Anyways, I really liked this one, going on my Favorites...
It's exceptionally sweet compared to the other works from the mangaka.

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 12:15AM

joined Jul 21, 2013

Well that escalated quickly

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 12:19AM

joined Nov 2, 2013

It was sweeter than just the regular porn.. but at the same time not really. Plus the translation is awkward.

"it feels like we're making sex" whatttt? lol

joined Feb 18, 2013

"it feels like we're making sex"


joined Jul 26, 2013

It was cute I guess?

The wording is kind of weird lol

joined Apr 14, 2013

Its sex so im good
joined Aug 20, 2013

okay after reading it now I understand all these comments xD

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 7:55AM

joined Aug 23, 2014

Well that was fast...

"Hey childhood friend I haven't seen in years, how are you? Let's have sex."

joined Mar 21, 2013

its not "making sex" if its not painful.
I've been going about life all wrong then

joined Aug 24, 2014

its not "making sex" if its not painful.
I've been going about life all wrong then

Time to apologize to my girlfriend for not hurting her.

joined Aug 6, 2013

This is really bad, haha. I stopped halfway but had to keep reading to get to the "making sex" comment.

Concept is kind of similar to the first story of Fleurir, but like a campier version.

joined May 17, 2014

"Hey childhood friend I haven't seen in years, how are you? Let's have sex."

what is a plot even?
Dammit i keep on missing all the event flags in my life! Maybe I should just become the transfer student... it's a wierd time of year, it could work.

joined Nov 7, 2014

Awkward translation + no plot = no turn on no matter how many bewbies and close ups of vags there are..

joined May 10, 2014

I liked it, the sex was like "my long lost love...LET'S F***!!" but they should have used the infirmary.

joined Jan 20, 2014

well yea it hurt, they were freakin doing it naked on a super hard ground XD idk how all these highschool girls do that; simply on the floor of my living room is uncomfortable...

the whole piece woulda been like 10x better if they analogized their love to some type of motor vehicle :/ that was one of the many things berserker will always triumph over anyone with.


joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Feb 3, 2013

they sure can drool

joined Mar 23, 2013

"it feels like we're making sex"


I lol'd everyone missed out on the reference.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I lol'd everyone missed out on the reference.

Well, not quite everyone:

the whole piece woulda been like 10x better if they analogized their love to some type of motor vehicle

joined Mar 30, 2012

it was porn with a little play(the background plot).

lol at how everyone zeroed in on the "making sex" sentence.

joined Feb 8, 2014

Super rushed. I feel like it could have been better if it there was more to it. :T I've read worse though lol

joined Jun 27, 2014

This just go me wet . ;)

joined Apr 10, 2014

It was sweeter than just the regular porn.. but at the same time not really. Plus the translation is awkward.

"it feels like we're making sex" whatttt? lol

I really like Amanagi Seiji works, but the weird translation ruined the whole thing for me.....

joined Oct 4, 2016

Time to apologize to my girlfriend for not hurting her.

I've had to do that before.

Regarding the doujin, I was confused by how big Shimakaze's boobs were. Normally they're a lot smaller.

joined Oct 6, 2015

its not "making sex" if its not painful.
I've been going about life all wrong then

I don't even want it to be maybe I'm not "sexing" enough..I need to ask my girl to insert more next time. Loooool

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