The finale of Chouko's arc(ch. 24 and 25) made me really sad... Even after adding her to the harem she's only used as a running joke about how not needed she is.
Now I kinda wish for Setsu to end up in at least some kind of romantic relationship with her. Among the Oddmen currently in Setsu's harem Chouko looks like the one who needs it most.
The revelation about Kika and Chouko's backstory really resonated with me... I actually got a bit choked up. I also think the Catgirl is pretending to enjoy being "The Slut", because I don't think she likes being sexually used and abused.
I also think the Catgirl is pretending to enjoy being "The Slut", because I don't think she likes being sexually used and abused.
This is probably what she sees in Setsu. Shirashi knows that Setsu would never force her to do anything she wouldn't want to, which is why she goes out of her way to be around her. A relationship with Setsu is one in which Shirashi would be free.
I didn't realize at first that squid girl was looking upset when Chouko was chosen to take Setsu. She probably wanted to take Setsu home.
I don't think that's it. More like "meh, so bothersome". Otherwise she wouldn't be there when she gets handed back - she'd have taken her in herself ^^
Honestly my go-to series as far as Dowman is concerned, though I love his other works too. Even managed to snag me a copy of the tank'. So far I love all the Oddmen (Itami-bro included) but I've gotta feeling that #11 is gonna be something. Even them sweet pigtails from her silhouette and her sick-ass belt are a prelude of goodness to come.
But, if I recall good, we miss oddman 11 and oddman 6 o.o I don't know who are those two at least (not yet).
Here we have all the oddman
And this is a list I made with all the oddman we know
I wanna know moooore ;^; I love this manga.
i really love this story. i've been reading this for a couple of times now and its still doesnt bored me i hope new chapters are gonna be uploaded sooner though (i've been waiting for these uploads like for ages huhu ) and i hope she doesnt end up with itami (brother).
Three of the chapters I could find are in the Comic Megastore Alpha's 2016-01 (p446-447), 2016-03 (p449-450) and 2016-05 (p446-447) issues. RAWs can be found on sadpanda and translations can be found on /u/'s Translation Thread archives. Far as I can tell, all Dowman's appearances afterwards are Oddman chapters.
Three of the chapters I could find are in the Comic Megastore Alpha's 2016-01 (p446-447), 2016-03 (p449-450) and 2016-05 (p446-447) issues. RAWs can be found on sadpanda and translations can be found on /u/'s Translation Thread archives. Far as I can tell, all Dowman's appearances afterwards are Oddman chapters.