Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey! My full results are too long to really post here(and importing all the images would be a problem) so please check out the full post on my blog if you're interested:
However, I will post the details here that I find most pertinent and interesting.
Gender and Sexuality:
The results for gender were roughly as I expected. Out of the 695 respondents, 328 were women, 308 were men, and 59 were non-binary or listed other for another reason. Because of the large non-binary contingent, no gender made up a majority of respondents, though women made up a plurality at 47.19%.
The sexuality results are far more interesting. Of women who responded, 96.04% marked a sexual orientation other than “heterosexual”. On the other hand, only 23.38% of men marked a sexual orientation other than “heterosexual”. Of those who listed a gender other than male or female, only one marked their sexual orientation as “heterosexual”. It’s not entirely unexpected that women into yuri are less likely to be straight, though the extent to which that’s true is surprising and significantly higher than in Japan.
Initial Website:
Twitter 340
Reddit 155
Dynasty 69
Tumblr 27
Sufficient Velocity 23
Facebook 12
Other 16
Favorite Works
What you enjoy about yuri
Below is the original post.
The survey can be found here:
Hello, people of Dynasty. I've been working on a project lately involving the demographics of the yuri manga industry and its fandom. While data on subjects like this is notoriously hard to come by, I have been able to get a rough estimate of the genders of yuri mangaka. Harder, of course, is the fandom. While it's by no means scientific, there's a survey of the Japanese fandom in the 2013 paper, Beautiful and Innocent. This data is very useful to my project, but I thought the lack of such data for western fandom was a shame, as it would greatly increase my ability to accurately write about the subject if I had a comparison case. Because of that, I've created a survey of my own for Western yuri fans.
Since Dynasty is, perhaps, the largest hub for yuri on the English-speaking internet, I figured it would be an ideal place to post my survey. I'd greatly appreciate it if you took the time to complete it; while this isn't scientific, a larger sample size will make it much easier to compare to the Japanese sample as well as to get useful data out of this.
I plan on leaving the survey open for a week or two, at which point I'll start doing some data crunching, assuming enough people respond that doing so is worthwhile. Thanks!
last edited at Oct 14, 2017 6:15PM