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Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Apr 28, 2016

I am, I explained it later in my post. Sungji is reading Sumin the wrong way and instead of talking about it, she chose to run.

Then please think again.

Actually, I can't see Sungji trying for some time? How can I say Sungji tried her best if she'd rather spend time with people from work, for example? Sumin even picked it up and told her they see each other rarely.

LOLLLLL, so who allows Seju to stay at Sumin's house?
Oh, I'm tired and lazy now, please read the story again too see it.

And if you didnt see it, why did you so earnestly supporting Sungji, LOLLL.

The more I talk to you, the more I feel sorry for Sungji, seriously, how could you turn your back on her like this? In fact, you only think of Sumin and Sumin and what is best for her, you dont even care about other characters, do you?

Sungji knew perfectly well about Seju's situation and their past together. Sumin was also honest with her about the pillow.

Yeah, and what? Sungji has to accept that honest, without any doubt? Really? For real? She is not allowed to run out of the house out of anger and disppointment? Really?

Yes, she knows. How could she not to if Sumin became honest, always told her she'll do whatever Sungji wants, looked at her with so much love? Sungji used to read her so well in the past but for the drama she had to stop, huh?


God, please, please, think of Sungji's pov, not by Sumin's pov and what Sumin has done and showing to readers to see, for you to see.

I'd give her a benefit of the doubt and still sit and talk which Sungji never did. She left instead. Then and now. And to think Sumin had no reason to be afraid of her leaving... heh. She should've talked to Sungji about it too, never did.
So she ran away to think? Break the person she loves because she needs to think? That's not how you do it, lol.

Just, please, read the chap and know why Sungji left, just do it, its not even because Sungji is angry at Sumin for sleeping with Seju.

Ok, maybe she was in a worse state when she lost her parents :P

With every break up before Sungji.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 11:41AM

joined Mar 4, 2017

^As I said, if I were Sungji, would've talk to Sumin. But she NEVER did. Not even once. Not even before the cheating. And I was never a fan of her, lol. I liked her more by Sumin's side because she was healthier. Can't say that anymore with how Seju had finally did what I wanted her to do and Sungji acted like a kid.

It's not a secret that I like Sumin and she's the one I care the most. But it's also not a secret I wanted her to fix her relationship with Seju and for them to stay friends because I do like Seju. I was just frustrated with how she refused to let go to heal herself which would allow her to start her own path to be happy, either with Sumin or someone else (Nami, I'll go down with this ship).

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 12:39PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

yoonie you are losing it XD
Anyways, Izz, you might think that Sungji ran or acted on an impulse because you never believed that she already knew what she wanted right from ch83. Then her decision became clearer in ch84.. I will touch on that later, but for now try to think about it.

joined Mar 4, 2017

yoonie you are losing it XD
Anyways, Izz, you might think that Sungji ran or acted on an impulse because you never believed that she already knew what she wanted right from ch83. Then her decision became clearer in ch84.. I will touch on that later, but for now try to think about it.

Nope, not an impulse. I'm even sure she wanted to tell her she's breaking up with her (she told Sumin she'll tell her something the next day when they were in bed) but she chickened out. She'd need to give her a reason, she'd probably say she's letting her go to be with Seju. They'd talk and Sumin would explain everything to her. But since she ran... We have another drama to get through.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 3:07PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

When did Sungji really reach her conclusion about her relationship with Sumin?

If you are Sumin, you would think that she did it out of nowhere in ch90. But because you are a reader who saw Sungji interacting with Seju and Sungji with her sister in Law.. then Sungji with Sumin and Seju, it makes sense that you have a better estimation than Sumin's.

Let me summarise it chronologically:
ch79, Sungji and Seju:
Sungji: why do you have to act like such a bad person
Seju's answer:

but then Seju asked her an important question: have you ever felt like that before?
Sungji's silence isn't because she doesn't know the answer.. and the answer is in ch62

BUT, was Seju really a bad person to Sungji? Sungji's sister in law gave her another perspective: ch82 which led us to:
ch83: Sungji realises Seju's pain.. tries to understand where Seju comes from. Sungji who was told by Sumin that she hates Seju too, is now telling Seju that Sumin doesn't hate her, nor does she wants Seju to disappear. Sungji heard and saw the worried Sumin about Seju.
here where yoonie and I went head to head ch83

and again: ch90

What Sungji meant originally in here, it wasn't the cake.. but the current situation between the three:

Let's now move on to the birthday party in ch84:
Sungji saw the interaction between Sumin and Seju she got the following;

  1. Sumin doesn't drink when Seju does
  2. Seju doesn't get violently drunk
  3. Seju never forces Sumin to do anything she doesn't want to
  4. even if the other person is drunk and Sumin was drinking, Sumin would still rationalise sex and fight the temptation

-> the cheating that Sungji saw in ch55 was by Sumin's full choice.
-> Sungji realised something to a point she got drunk for the first time ever and expressed to Sumin what she needs, her fears, and in ch85 her insecurities (why do you like me.. what is it in Sungji that Sumin would date her for instead.. Sungji needed Sumin to tell her that she needs her.. this is why Sungji dated and accepted Sumin back in the first place)

Later on; we know that Sungji doesn't need to forgive Sumin to be with her.. she loves her, but cares that she won't be hurt again (by Seju that is)
again, Sungji knows.. Sumin would feel guilty towards Seju even more than she would feel conscious about Sungji's feelings about this matter.

What is it that Sungji was thinking about alone in the balcony in ch89,90?
she asks Sumin another question and gets a false assurance:

Sungji feels guilty that her love for Sumin would make it so hard for her to let her go, she apologises for it:

she again, asks Sumin for everything she enjoyed about dating her.. the kisses, the intimacy.. a date. before again she sees that her holding on to Sumin would only make both of them suffer:

Sungji knows that it would never be over between Sumin and Seju.. what would she tell Sumin really? ask her for another assurance ? or an apology? Did Sungji really run or let Sumin go for a reason that Sumin knows very well.

what I wanted to say all along, Sungji knew that she can't sever the bond between Sumin and Seju ch77, and she can't trust Sumin either, even if she could forgive her. (the pillow and ch55). Her love to Sumin hindered her rationality, and she even felt sorry for that in ch90. Sungji didn't run away, she knew what should be done, and finally did it.

Sumin KNOWS why, but that's for another post.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 5:46PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

ah.. alright, I remember reading something about how Team Gaji use visual cues instead of telling a thing directly. Well, this is a visual art, just like caricature the deeper the meaning in the image and the less wording used, the more clever the art is. Gaji, the artist, spent a great amount of time transferring the author's ideas into an image we could understand while putting her trust in our appreciation. Her art is sophisticated with emphasis on body language more so than on a voice over (i.e thought bubble). If this art was simpler, I wouldn't have bothered reading something that doesn't move or challenge me, and I guess you also feel the same.

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 5:49PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I mentioned that: Sumin knows why Sungji broke up with her.. I decided to collect these scenes to remind you why I think she already knows.

joined Jun 23, 2017

Thank you, Nora, for all you do for this manhwa and fans of it. :)

joined Jun 6, 2016

I wonder till this chapter, how many still believe there is a chance for seju x sumin? Beside sia ue.

And what get #1?

joined Jul 11, 2017

Seaweed, thanks for doing my sungji justice.
I love your long-ass ass-ay lol

last edited at Aug 30, 2017 9:27PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

You can't live in hatred


It destroys our spirit. Our choices are affected negatively.

If I was Sumin,I had to forgive Saehyun, not for him but for myself.

For yourself to do/be what?

My choices will not suffer.

You are giving me goosebumps.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Nora, Foxy Lady

Like I said before, implied understanding doesnt give you the right to silently leave

When a couple break up, no matter what kind of reason, what kind of situation, even before the breaking up words were said, there would be a mutual understanding, but the breaking up words would still be said, just for the sake of two people to move on more easily. That's all.

In Sumin and Sungji's case, so what if Sumin knows? what if Sungji knows? just because they know, so there is no need for saying lets break up and leave?

Run away, that's the exact word for Sungji's action, no analysis or explanation to justify it. There is none.

No matter how much you think the other understands why you left, for what kind of reason you had in your mind, you still need to say it, not only for your sake but also for the other party's sake.

In Sungji's case, she also said "I'll make sure the one I love wont get hurt anymore". For what kind of reason, what kind of situation, what kind of mindset, she had failed her words terribly. I dont care what leads to that to justify her words and actions are persistent, I only look at Sumin and her broken self right now to say Sungji has failed her own words.

You could say she left for Sumin to be with Seju, to decide where her heart lies. This should be said, not implied or mutual understanding, cause at least Sumin would knew the purpose, not getting lost in severe pain and hurt. I dont know but for whatever the pain Sumin is enduring, Sungji is the part of it, no, the main reason of it.

So dont say the words you couldnt keep if you cant do that. In Sungji's case, she failed and no matter what kind of reason is giving out like Sumin knows, Sungji knows, everyone knows, that's not the problem.

The problem is Sungji has hurt Sumin, badly, just like Seju 10 years ago. No excuses.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 1:28AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

I agree with yoonie on this one (we finally agree on something!).
If Sungji wants to break up, she should have done it properly - look sumin in the eyes, say the words and give reasons when asked. Ghosting is immature despite what she or sumin thinks and assumes. Let me exaggerate a little bit, your marriage is not great for the last 2 years, are you going to leave behind a divorce paper and cut contact without a word (after a long night of sex)? Are you cool with your husband/wife doing that? If you are, well, nothing else say will change your mind.

joined Apr 28, 2016

I agree with yoonie on this one (we finally agree on something!).

yehhhhhhhhhhhhh, lolll

joined Mar 4, 2017

Nora, Foxy Lady

Like I said before, implied understanding doesnt give you the right to silently leave

When a couple break up, no matter what kind of reason, what kind of situation, even before the breaking up words were said, there would be a mutual understanding, but the breaking up words would still be said, just for the sake of two people to move on more easily. That's all.

In Sumin and Sungji's case, so what if Sumin knows? what if Sungji knows? So what? just because they know, so there is no need for saying lets break up and leave?

Run away, that's the exact word for Sungji's action, no analysis or explanation to justify it. There is none.

No matter how much you think the other understands why you left, for what kind of reason you had in your mind, you still need to say it, not only for your sake but also for the other party's sake.

In Sungji's case, she also said "I'll make sure the one I love wont get hurt anymore". For what kind of reason, what kind of situation, what kind of mindset, she had failed her words terribly. I dont care what leads to that to justify her words and actions are persistent, I only look at Sumin and her broken self right now to say Sungji has failed her own words.

You could say she left for Sumin to be with Seju, to decide where her heart lies. This should be said, not implied or mutual understanding, cause at least Sumin would knew the purpose, not getting lost in severe pain and hurt. I dont know but for whatever the pain Sumin is enduring, Sungji is the part of it, no, the main reason of it.

So dont say the words you couldnt keep if you cant do that. In Sungji's case, she failed and no matter what kind of reason is giving out like Sumin knows, Sungji knows, everyone knows, that's not the problem.

The problem is Sungji has hurt Sumin, badly, just like Seju 10 years ago. No excuses.


joined Jun 6, 2016

In Sungji's case, she also said "I'll make sure the one I love wont get hurt anymore". for what kind of reason, what kind of situation, what kind of mindset, she had failed her words terribly.

Anyway, you got a lot of agreement with people you rarely did...

For people who think that sungji doesn't have any mistakes for this one, then you could have the same level of mind as i** (if you know what I mean) :)

Sorry, not sorry.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 1:03AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I bet 10$ on that the one who calls out "Sungji-ah" is Sumin. lol I will come back to collect the money from you guys in mid-September. :'D

joined Mar 21, 2017

As much as Yoonie and i don't see eye to eye a lot of the time, her arguments do come across as having the least bias to either couple.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 2:18AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

As much as Yoonie and i don't see eye to eye a lot of the time, her arguments do come across as having the least bias to either coupl

Lol she's always arguing both sides of the fence. It is its own game of chess XDDD

joined Mar 4, 2017

As much as Yoonie and i don't see eye to eye a lot of the time, her arguments do come across as having the least bias to either couple.

So many cupcakes... :)

joined Jul 26, 2017

I bet 10$ on that the one who calls out "Sungji-ah" is Sumin. lol I will come back to collect the money from you guys in mid-September. :'D

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Lol she's always arguing both sides of the fence. It is its own game of chess XDDD

Libra. Enough said.

joined Apr 28, 2016

In what sense, yoonie? Isn't not where "bond" should dwell on? On implied understanding?

In every normal common sense

This is where most relationships failed to reconcile because of intervention. Let them find their own way. As Saehyun has no right to interfere ten years ago in manwha time between Seju and Sumin. He should have left them to iron out their misunderstandings,

Well, lol, who intervents SuminxSungji's relationship? There is a Saehyun for them?

Saying breaking up is called intervention for their relationship?

You agreed that they understood each other, who are you, then, to judge?

I'am reader.

And I dont agree, I said as you said. Question mark, dont you see?

She didn't run away. I won't say she walked away. Team Gaji didn't show this. Just the back of Sungji. She could have said something just like the previous chapters... LOL...

Then Sumin should be a turtle for not being able to follow her.

That is your perspective. Not Sungji's. And from the manwha, she made all things that she can to reach out. Sumin knows that.

Who are you to think that its not your perspective and its Sungji's? You are no her.

And that is not my perspective, that's common courtesy for every break up

WDTFS art is unique. Thanks to Gaji, the artist. The details plays a vital role to make trajectories basing from these frames and connect these frames on a similar note from the circumstances between chapters, past and present. If readers are not keen about it, then even making inferences is impossible. Read chap.13, Seju's office, parking area, hotel and lastly, chap. 49. "what are you telling me" is a classic response of Seju because she won't buy the idea that Nami is doing all of these because she ia a friend of Sumin. There you go, Nami finally admitted "sleep with me at least once". I even think Seju bogged down purposely to prevent the "forced sex". But this one has no evidence. So, I never brought this up until now because it is not valid. I can't back it up.

Thus, I would say, this is a weak argument If you based it to what you have seen.

Every argument to you is weak so you should just stop arguing to our weak low people, lol.

How much wdtfs is special to you, I'm not sure but that doesnt mean its perfect.

Again, a weak argument. What is your basis? Rudolf, the red nose reindeer, in the grocery store? It is not conclusive that Sumin was thinking of Sungji.

lol, who are the root of this mess? So, for real, whatever broken Sumin is suffering, not even just a little bit cant be casted down to Sungji? Its all to Seju later or Sumin herself?

Ok sure, your logic is brilliant. I cant follow. I'm just a normal person who feels the hurt if I got left behind by someone I love, no matter how much I understand that person.

Again, what is your basis that Sungji didn't keep her word? When is letting go harmful more than clinging on? When is returning a couple ring signifies something other than letting go? When is looking at the eyes, saying goodbye at least, a standard of breaking up if these two couples clearly understood that it is futile to continue?

everyone's basis, just not yours.

Again, it is a different circumstance. Sumin threw the ring together with the roses. Seju came back but Sumin won't listen. On the other hand, Sungji asked so many questions that Sumin didn't answer signifying she is not willing to trust. You give part of yourself to people you love and that would be knowing you intimately, deep within the inner sanctum of your being. The most important thing is - Sumin understood. Who are we then to interfere?

Weak argument, who are you to think that Sumin understands?

joined Aug 29, 2015


I wouldn't say WDTFS is a "clever art" because it is common for artist to use hidden context/meanings behind their artwork to save them from explaining things thoroughly but imo they left a lot of things too ambiguous or vague, particularly when it comes to portraying their character's emotions or thoughts. so it's no wonder why even though we already finished 90+ chapters, we can't still fully figure out Sumin and Sungji.


if WDTFS exist in the real world. there's no excuse for Sungji to suddenly break up with Sumin without a proper explanation but I guess TG only wants to save time and space and assumes that the reader will understand it. but to be honest what Sungji did was kind of a douche-bag way to break up with someone. real world or not lol

joined Jul 11, 2017

Lol she's always arguing both sides of the fence. It is its own game of chess XDDD

Libra. Enough said

But I like her approach lol. Nobody is beyond reproach

joined Feb 4, 2017


Thank you, Nora, for all you do for this manhwa and fans of it. :)

anytime my lady. :* .. I enjoyed it


I wonder till this chapter, how many still believe there is a chance for seju x sumin? Beside sia ue.

You are forgetting me XD


Seaweed, thanks for doing my sungji justice.
I love your long-ass ass-ay lol

I enjoyed pantating around.. anytime sticky sticky rice-o chan XD

I understand why there is no argument that could justify Sungji's deed.. but again, fair is not what Sumin really needs after her 32 breakups.. she must've learned something or could see a pattern.
as to Sungji's words that she won't let the person she loves hurt anymore.. hahahhaha
how do we define hurt? what hurt did Sungji think Sumin suffered.. even better, what hurt did Sungji spare Sumin ?

Kami Sama

I wouldn't say WDTFS is a "clever art"

that's why I asked you for recommendations before.. to see your bench mark.

but imo they left a lot of things too ambiguous or vague, particularly when it comes to portraying their character's emotions or thoughts.

that's a part of what clever art is.. unpredictability even though you have everything handed down to you.. but not fed how we used to.

gosh.. what if we were to argue George R. R Martin books.. you may want to burn his house XDD

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 5:56AM

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