Forum › Stretch discussion

joined Feb 23, 2014

As much as i enjoy their relationship, im a very impatient person and would prefer these two to get together before 400+ chapters have happened.

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Keiko-senpai is a tsundereee... >_<

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Not going to read 10 pages here so forgive me if it's been asked already but;

Has anyone tried any of the stretches described and demonstrated in the manga?

I've started doing a couple. That "getting up in the morning" routine looks really tempting.

joined Nov 12, 2013

So turns out this is a somewhat deep manga with an actual serious plot.
Would never guess from the first chapters...

joined Oct 15, 2013

Everytime I get off my chair my bones crackle... Reading this makes me aware of how out of shape I am... but I feel much better after reading this:
Still... I know I should probably do something for the sake of my health :p

Sorry... was pretty random there.

joined Jul 20, 2013

I'm just waiting for one of these increasingly suggest stretch scenes to turn sexual. I mean, just LOOK at this!
I can't be the only one seeing this!!

joined Apr 27, 2013

Speed! This chapter was just released

First movie was clearly The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... Not really what I'd have picked to show intellectualism

Nice to see Ran acting affectionate

joined Nov 28, 2011

17 chapters in...should I give up hoping for kisses or any yuri at all? ;__;

joined Mar 10, 2014

I'm just waiting for one of these increasingly suggest stretch scenes to turn sexual. I mean, just LOOK at this!
I can't be the only one seeing this!!

no you're not the only one
joined Apr 19, 2012

> > Not going to read 10 pages here so forgive me if it's been asked already but;
> >
> > Has anyone tried any of the stretches described and demonstrated in the manga?
> I've started doing a couple. That "getting up in the morning" routine looks really tempting.

I've done all of them. I think I'll add these to my morning and nighttime regime.

joined Aug 23, 2013

Hitcher Guide to The galaxy reference there! I suppose Higashiyama Shou was acknowledging the passing of Douglas Adams birthday the other day.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Next one the 27 march =D

last edited at Mar 13, 2014 4:50AM

joined Apr 5, 2013

Dammit Keiko! Why you didn't follow Ran!? Wasted chance!!! U_U

We go back to cute slice of life. I don't mind, but I want to know what really happened to Keiko in the past.

Also yuri. I want yuri!!!

I miss Prism. T_T

joined Nov 29, 2013

Dear @rincewind:
I want some yuri too >"<

joined Dec 18, 2013

So cute <3

joined Apr 8, 2013

If they wanted to make a regular slice of life they should have stick a guy and there and close our hopes forever of it being yuri. But no...they decided to add a bit of it and makes us turn and roll over something like this...stick to your genre! live the yuri alone. Sorry it just pisses me of Keiko is pretending to be miss two goddy shoes and doesn't seem to care a flying F over Ran. When I know she is dying to be with her.

last edited at Mar 14, 2014 4:26PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

If they wanted to make a regular slice of life they should have stick a guy and there and close our hopes forever of it being yuri. But no...they decided to add a bit of it and makes us turn and roll over something like this...stick to your genre! live the yuri alone. Sorry it just pisses me of Keiko is pretending to be miss two goddy shoes and doesn't seem to care a flying F over Ran. When I know she is dying to be with her.

You know...
He could be not so black and white
Like he's doing
Besides there are faaaaar worse examples of mangas with girls being extremely touchy and etc but not being actual yuri (Though most of them are moeblobs and i don't deal with that)

joined Jul 10, 2012

If they wanted to make a regular slice of life they should have stick a guy and there and close our hopes forever of it being yuri. But no...they decided to add a bit of it and makes us turn and roll over something like this...stick to your genre! live the yuri alone. Sorry it just pisses me of Keiko is pretending to be miss two goddy shoes and doesn't seem to care a flying F over Ran. When I know she is dying to be with her.

You know...
He could be not so black and white
Like he's doing
Besides there are faaaaar worse examples of mangas with girls being extremely touchy and etc but not being actual yuri (Though most of them are moeblobs and i don't deal with that)

I agree with Kyonne.

I also like seeing platonic affection between girls; sometimes we forget that not all affection is romantic.

joined Feb 7, 2013

I like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie reference with Marvin the depressed robot.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Let us dream! Let us believe in what we want!
Beside yuri is the best way to see things so...

I really like the pace of this story! I kinda missed prism and it's the reason i try reading this one even without the yuri tag...
But to keep my happy mood i'll go read a real yuri now ~~

joined Dec 7, 2013

we need mooooooorrrrrreee

joined Feb 8, 2013

The manga has a short prologue at the start which is quite funny.

joined Sep 22, 2013

I thought it was boring and useless as manga.. but I was in mistake.
I red all the 17 chapters and I like it very much! It's funny, realistic, light and badass (yes, that's badass for me e_e). I think the tag might be also "Lots of stretch", it would suits the opera xD

joined Mar 6, 2014

It IS badass though, i'd also say it's quite manly but maybe it doesn't fit very well
Of course, no piece of work will be more badass/manly then Chi's Sweet Home, but still

joined Apr 15, 2011

Even if this is not yuri it's still fairly good for a SoL.

SoL = ?????? Silly one-liner? Stack of Lies? Story of loners?

Of course, no piece of work will be more badass/manly then Chi's Sweet Home

awwww....... I love Chi's Sweet Home. It always makes me want to go out and adopt a kitten. then I remember that my home is not pet friendly, so I go back to ready Chi's Sweet Home.

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