It feels a bit off... I know that there was a kiss last chapter and everything, but the way we get to know the President actually likes Wakatsuki feels a bit off, almost rushed (which is a ridiculous thought considering how slow things are). Maybe I got used to Morinaga's prior works: Both in "Even if we're not friends" and in "Girl Friends", we had Hitomi and Mari who we know from early on have a crush on their best friends, and Nana and Akko who first reject them due to shock; but as they think it over thoroughly, they realize they made a great mistake they wish to ammend. Here, an simple internal monologue on the corner of the page just let us know the feeling is mutual, even though none of them knows it yet...
The confession wasn't direct enough!!!
She won't understand and we'll have more beating around the bush!!!
Exactly. It's extremely frustrating.
Morinagaaaaaaa ! ! ! щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
I love you guys.
last edited at Apr 21, 2014 12:05AM