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Forum › I Got Myself a Little Sister discussion

joined Sep 12, 2013

Super Cute! No yuri (or not yet), but super cute!

Yuri Project
joined Dec 12, 2012

Always nice to provide people something for their pigeonholing fetish, I know the people who've worked on this will appreciate it being the sole point of discussion. You know the suggest tags thing here also allows to suggest a tag removal, right?

I really need to write a browser script looking for "tag" and variants of "not yuri" in comments and throw those away as the youtube comment trash they are.

joined May 22, 2013

Always nice to provide people something for their pigeonholing fetish, I know the people who've worked on this will appreciate it being the sole point of discussion. You know the suggest tags thing here also allows to suggest a tag removal, right?

I really need to write a browser script looking for "tag" and variants of "not yuri" in comments and throw those away as the youtube comment trash they are.

Off topic, but I'd rather write a standalone executable to do this via navigating thru the DOM tree than writing a single line of JS.

joined Apr 15, 2013

Always nice to provide people something for their pigeonholing fetish, I know the people who've worked on this will appreciate it being the sole point of discussion. You know the suggest tags thing here also allows to suggest a tag removal, right?

I really need to write a browser script looking for "tag" and variants of "not yuri" in comments and throw those away as the youtube comment trash they are.

No need for the hostility. For the most part the discussion has been fairly positive. I understand you have a different point of view since you were involved in the scanlation (thanks, by the way), but people having differing opinions on tagging isn't inherently some kind of attack on your work.

Normally this would be the part where I link to a youtube video with cute cats set to "why can't we be friends" in order to diffuse any tension, but I can't remember if outside links are kosher on these forums. So... you'll just have to imagine it. Good stuff.

joined Oct 27, 2013

You know I am just adding to what everyone is already saying but I have to agree what little Yuri in here is not enough to justify the tag. Sure it was in a yuri magazine, but that doesn't make it explicitly yuri.

On another thought completely it could go under a new tag like "Realizing Sexuality" or something. But then again a lot of yuri and almost yuri stories would have that tag.

Little Bits Of Mini
joined Nov 8, 2013

This story was so adorable and I think it deserves a Yuri tag even though it wasn't very explicit. It still focuses on the relationship between the two girls and they clearly care and want to get along with eachother. Maybe I'm just optimistic but I could definitely see them going somewhere along Yuri lines.

joined Feb 17, 2013

so damn cute :3

joined Jul 20, 2013

Woooooow. Drop dead gorgeous artwork in this one. I haven't seen backgrounds this stunning since I read a manga by Naoki Urasawa. Geez, the detail is so incredible, it really transports the viewer directly into each scene. I'm so distracted by the art in this I haven't even finished reading the story yet.

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Page 3: "She's really beautiful..." "her eyelashes are so long" etc.
Page 31: Saki ignores the open seat and squeezes in right up against Azusa; both are all smiles.

I would say it's almost certain to move in the yuri direction. But whatever, I look at nearly everything done by Yuri Project, so there was no chance I would miss this one, yuri tag or no.

This one is a wonderful story. Thanks Phyis and everyone else who was involved in this project.

joined Jul 21, 2013

Sweet but no yuri ~.~

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

I really loved this, thanks for doing it. It was a wonderful, sweet story.

joined Feb 9, 2014

I hope that they fall in love with each other.
Even though me and my sister always fight. LOL

joined Oct 27, 2013

Being what I said earlier I would LOVE a sequel in which they do start to develop more intimate feelings for each other.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hah, I didn't notice that panel at the end where the goofy friend actually reacts to getting hit by a flying heart. What a great detail.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Art is gorgeous. I wish there was more from this author.

joined Feb 16, 2013
joined Jan 19, 2015

this art style is too much for me to handle. I'm in loooove

joined Nov 13, 2015

Goddamn, that's some beautiful scenery. Givin' me flashbacks to Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

It seemed like she was gonna say I got myself a girlfriend at the end, but of course that doesn't make sense lol

joined Apr 23, 2015

That was a really well told story. Wonderful art. Top marks!

joined May 27, 2017

no yuri at all in this manga

but, well, I should thanks to Yuri tag... I found this because of it

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