I think Seju is already used with seeing Sumin with another girl. those stalking she did in the past really did have some use after all. but does Sumin and Sungji need to talk if they will let Seju to stay in the house just a few feet away from her? the f*ck she could hear everything they said.
I find it cute that Seju was trying to hold her laughter after seeing how Sumin is like a child who needs permission from her mother to let her friend stay over in their house. Sungji's argument is understandable, given that she knows how deep Seju and Sumin's relationship was. any gf will be anxious to agree with this kind of situation. but Sungji doing all those PDA thing in front of Seju was cringeworthy. well, she's clingy even from the start and it was kinda annoying.
I need more interaction between the three main character. I felt the chapter had a smooth and nice pace into it. the highlight of this chapter for me is how Seju look like she give zero f*ck but the truth is, she's dying inside lol I hope Team Gaji create another character to be Seju's love interest. it doesn't matter if it will be just implied in the end but give her a happy ending because I think a lot of Seju fans want WDFTS to be a healing journey for her and not only Sumin.
last edited at Apr 9, 2017 3:16AM