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schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

There's nothing in the Japanese in that panel about it being a same-sex lover. Possibly the translator mistook 同棲 (cohabitation) for 同性 (same-sex) as the furigana and first kanji is the same.

Oh. You're right. Apologies for the screw-up, looks like I'm blind.

joined Feb 15, 2013

The author maybe has managed to trick all of the audiences about what really happened. Considering the teacher narration was what we believed all along, and is pretty much gonna be proven wrong.

Shio mom and Satou aunt can't be the same person, right? The time scale does not fit

joined Jan 27, 2016

What the fuck am I reading?

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

What the fuck am I reading?

The greatest literature known to man.

joined May 15, 2014

im starting to think that sato is some sort of demon or cthulhu type creature XD

joined Nov 15, 2016

I give this chapter pretty high marks for avoiding my expectations.

Somehow Sato is an awful person, yet some small part of you still wants to root for her.

last edited at Apr 5, 2017 8:08PM

joined Sep 28, 2011

When will we finally change the title of this thing to "Fucked up people keep fucking up"?

joined May 24, 2014

Did they kinda imply that Sato's aunt sexually abused her? That's a new degree of fucked up

joined Dec 21, 2015

When will we finally change the title of this thing to "Fucked up people keep fucking up"?

The only accurate TL of the manga's title. It perfectly describes what's going on, what already happened, and what will keep happening.

last edited at Apr 5, 2017 11:06PM

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Wow, this is really different than i thought. Even more better!

This manga is gooooooooood.

joined Sep 22, 2014

That was a beautifully executed twist. It called back the imagery of the first page. And it gives an actual reason why the aunt's appearance was hidden all this time. It brings so many things to a head. Sato's one friend being put to the test and failing, the boy being worried and running because he was worried about competition and being creepy again, the teacher being put in his place.

I really love this reveal. So glad it wasn't what we were all lowkey expecting it to be.

And we finally get to see Shio again. I was worried her absence was hinting at something, but I guess it was just the outfit change, phew.

joined Mar 29, 2017


Then again, it was exactly what anyone would have theorized up to this point, so it would have been a bit underwhelming if that was the case so straight-forwardly. Now that the teacher assumes it, I'm inclined to think there's something really off about the theory. I can't wait to see what the twist of it is. Could the one in the bag actually be Shio's mom?

This might explain why we haven't seen Sato's apartment so far in this volume.

I swear to god if the twist is its Sato herslef is in the bag.................

joined Nov 14, 2016

This manga is so weird yet so interesting.
Loving the art and the twisted characters.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Holy fk, what's a way to introduce the final boss. The aunt's like the concentration of insanity of every character in this manga. She's like evolved version of Satou in term of fucked-up-ness. Manipulative, corruptive, insane. Thank God that she's a submissive masochist

After seeing how many characters in this manga should be killed with fire. I think we can all agree that Satou deserve happiness

Best-friend-san can't pass Satou's test. Unfortunately. Meanwhile, pedo guy still is a creepy pedo...

last edited at Apr 5, 2017 11:55PM

joined Nov 14, 2015

I don't know what you are thinking, but I like the aunt :D Such a great psycho ~

joined Sep 2, 2015


joined Sep 22, 2014

I don't know what you are thinking, but I like the aunt :D Such a great psycho ~

I like her, too. How many different forms can yandere take in one story? It's so fascinating. What I love is that she is a genius at reading people. I don't know why she doesn't get involved herself, but I truly doubt she doesn't know what Sato is doing. After all, Sato is uncharacteristically not "empty" anymore now that Shio's in the picture. You would think that would be more of a problem.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

My favorite part of meeting the aunt is going back to the chapter with Suu, where Satou's aunt "guides" her via Satou's hallucination.

joined Aug 26, 2015

Chapter 17: I just looked into a mirror of my sexual life. I liked it. DIG DEEPER!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Whooooaaaaa. No wonder Sato's all kinds of wrong in the head.

joined Oct 17, 2014

Aww poor Shouko, she had good intentions but i guess she wasn't ready for all of that fcked up shit. I hope she makes an appearance again in the plot

joined May 5, 2013

I still wish that Shouko will save Sato's sanity...if there's anything left to save.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Shouko didn't fail a test. The past two chapters were Sato's deliberate scheme to drive her away, just like all the other threats to her castle. Sato is very good at customizing her plots for each victim:

Sane friend (Shouko): Show her something unbelievably fucked up. Then, when she shows the slightest hesitation at getting involved (you know, the sane reaction), heap guilt upon her to make sure she never tries again.

Stalker (Suu): Give her everything she wants and more. Then, threaten to take it all away unless strict conditions are met--namely, stay away.

Adults (teacher and manager): Adults have a public face they need to protect, so threatening them with exposure is a good way to get them to back off and provide favors (trash disposal and higher pay).

joined Mar 28, 2015

You know, I got the feeling that the Policeman was reluctant to leave. And that he will come back.

Because the abyss gazed back at him and saw through him.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Shouko didn't fail a test. The past two chapters were Sato's deliberate scheme to drive her away, just like all the other threats to her castle. Sato is very good at customizing her plots for each victim:

Sane friend (Shouko): Show her something unbelievably fucked up. Then, when she shows the slightest hesitation at getting involved (you know, the sane reaction), heap guilt upon her to make sure she never tries again.

Stalker (Suu): Give her everything she wants and more. Then, threaten to take it all away unless strict conditions are met--namely, stay away.

Adults (teacher and manager): Adults have a public face they need to protect, so threatening them with exposure is a good way to get them to back off and provide favors (trash disposal and higher pay).

I feel like there might be a little more depth in the case of Shouko - a possibility that Satou, deep down, felt some hope that she might be accepted, and that she pushed Shouko away partially as a defense to protect herself from one more rejection. I do believe that it was mainly a ploy, she was using Shouko as a pawn in her game, and this was her way of eliminating a piece that was no longer needed. But Satou's flashbacks after she leaves Shouko standing in the street show genuine pain.

Either way, it seems like it will be incredibly effective in getting Shouko to leave her alone. That girl will probably blame herself for this for the rest of her life, and will find approaching Satou again overwhelmingly difficult.

I do wonder though how Satou would've reacted if Shouko hadn't wavered like that.... It's really a question of how completely corrupted her soul is. Will she ever be able to trust anyone again?

last edited at Apr 6, 2017 7:16AM

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