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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Speaking of which, no offense, but Chinese people are, on average, not very tall, so when it says that these dudes are crazy tall, how tall are we actually talking here? I have cousins who are 6 ft that were such a rare sight when they visited China that strangers would ask for pictures with them.

I don't think it's genetic, because kids of Chinese extraction in my city (of which there are tons cause this is Vancouver) are the same height as everyone else. Meanwhile, this school seems to be firmly in the "burgeoning new Chinese middle class" category, so probably most of the kids there grew up on a more Western style diet, with more calories, meat and so forth. So they're probably mostly Western-size, no doubt towering over both their elders and poorer kids, and when they get old will have Western rates of heart disease etc.

Height is tied mainly with nutrition at an early age, so having a western diet when growing up would tend to produce kids that have the same growth curve as typical western kids. In males, there's a little influence of testosterone, as I recall, being one of the signals that turns growth off toward the end of puberty.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Speaking of which, no offense, but Chinese people are, on average, not very tall, so when it says that these dudes are crazy tall, how tall are we actually talking here? I have cousins who are 6 ft that were such a rare sight when they visited China that strangers would ask for pictures with them.

I don't think it's genetic, because kids of Chinese extraction in my city (of which there are tons cause this is Vancouver) are the same height as everyone else. Meanwhile, this school seems to be firmly in the "burgeoning new Chinese middle class" category, so probably most of the kids there grew up on a more Western style diet, with more calories, meat and so forth. So they're probably mostly Western-size, no doubt towering over both their elders and poorer kids, and when they get old will have Western rates of heart disease etc.

Height is tied mainly with nutrition at an early age, so having a western diet when growing up would tend to produce kids that have the same growth curve as typical western kids. In males, there's a little influence of testosterone, as I recall, being one of the signals that turns growth off toward the end of puberty.

Yeah, that's why Koreans are you usually taller than other East/South East Asians. Different diets.
Or at least South Koreans. North Koreans are usually shorter than most other ethnic groups in general, since they're all starving, cause Kim Jong-Un ate everyone else's food.

Also, holy shit Nezchan you changed your picture (though its still someone nom noming on bread so I guess its not that big a change)

last edited at Jan 23, 2017 11:15PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Also, holy shit Nezchan you changed your picture (though its still someone nom noming on bread so I guess its not that big a change)

It's the same character, too. Except this time the art is by Tima.

joined Feb 7, 2013

I didn't read this serie a while. Is it changed name to Sun Jing no basuke yet?

joined Nov 13, 2015

Is there any particular reason why the scanlators haven't posted any more updates to this in over two weeks? It's been nineteen days since the last installment... which as far as I remember, is not a normal trend for this series. It would seem normal if you only followed it through Dynasty, since the updates are larger and take longer. but when you follow the scanlator's tumblr, it tended to get updates more frequently than it has been recently...

Are they just shifting focus to Beloved for their yuri kick, or has the artist for this thing been on a break/hiatus?

joined Jul 15, 2016

Is there any particular reason why the scanlators haven't posted any more updates to this in over two weeks? It's been nineteen days since the last installment... which as far as I remember, is not a normal trend for this series. It would seem normal if you only followed it through Dynasty, since the updates are larger and take longer. but when you follow the scanlator's tumblr, it tended to get updates more frequently than it has been recently...

Are they just shifting focus to Beloved for their yuri kick, or has the artist for this thing been on a break/hiatus?

It probably had something to do with the author being on a vacation over the Chinese New Year and thus not drawing new pages.

joined Jan 5, 2017

I needs more!!!!

joined Dec 21, 2015

Life is good when their story is updated.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Qiu Tong looks pretty jealous at the end XD Girl realizes she gay

joined Aug 6, 2015

This remains one of my favorite series on the site, even if this basketball game is going to take half a year to get through. lol

joined May 21, 2015

Life is good when their story is updated.

^ This

joined Aug 26, 2015

Oooo...Bad call for that emotional display. Timing girl, timing. Unless it was intentional. In which case you devious girl. Naughty, naughty. Playing on your love like that.

joined Mar 21, 2017

We seem to be getting a new episode roughly every two weeks (If you are following the translators blog that is).
Tan Jiu does mention on her Weibo account that she wishes she could draw faster so at least she seems to recognize how popular this is.

joined Sep 12, 2014

Sun Jing coming to steal your girl~!

joined Feb 28, 2013

Qui Tong yandere mode = unlocked.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Oooo I can't wait to see her jealous ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Life is good when their story is updated.

^ This


joined Mar 15, 2015

Life is good when their story is updated.

Life is sad when you finish the chapter

joined Feb 5, 2016

SJ is so handsome. (´・` )♡

joined Jul 18, 2015

Is that progress I see? Right about damn time. The fillers are funny and all the the main story is far more enjoyable.

joined May 21, 2015

Life is good when their story is updated.

Life is sad when you finish the chapter

^ This as well XD

joined Jul 22, 2014

Say have there being any news about English translated physical book?

joined Dec 27, 2015

I love the look Sun Jing gives the girl on the other team, it was like "good shot girl, awesome job,I won't let you do it again", Qt was just a little jealous. So cute!!
And the clumsy tall guy, still, u put him right under the hoop, he can at least dunk it.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Qiu Tong looks pretty jealous at the end XD Girl realizes she gay

Here's hoping. My bet: Sun Jing totally saw her and did that deliberately to try for a bit of jealousy because she is an adorable, evil shit disturber.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Qiu Tong looks pretty jealous at the end XD Girl realizes she gay

Here's hoping. My bet: Sun Jing totally saw her and did that deliberately to try for a bit of jealousy because she is an adorable, evil shit disturber.

Using the word evil is a little heavy ;p but i totally agree.

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