Forum › Secret Yuri Salon discussion

joined Jul 30, 2015

Oh Mira...You storys where better in the past....

joined Dec 15, 2015

What I like with Mira, is that when you read a work from her, you know what you're gonna read. Always happy to have more of her work, although this one somewhat irked me. If there's a forthcoming sequel, and depending of its content, this migth turn from an okay-ish to a good story.

joined Jun 14, 2016

Oh yes! Finally translated. First chapter was good but the next one is better.


joined Sep 11, 2014

If I got a massage like that, I would think the masseuse had some terribly messed up "hands"

joined Aug 11, 2014

I went in expecting it to go in a "beauty salon + sex service" direction, so it seemed a bit unprofessional when she started peeping and masturbating by herself. But then it turned out that it wasn't part of the service at all and she was just using her business to prey on women, so...

She said she'd put something in the tea to "make her more sensitive", but it must've been some pretty strong stuff if the poor girl was so out of it that she couldn't tell the difference between fingers and boobs. No wonder she thought it was a dream afterwards.

joined Jan 18, 2016

That ass at the cover though

joined Dec 18, 2013

Such a great doujin. Sure is mostly porn but still is one of Mira's best.

joined May 13, 2016

The most fucked up thing for me is that this girl couldn't tell the difference between hands and boobs

joined Jul 15, 2016

That cover is somewhere between hilarious and horrifying, though. Butts don't work like that!

It reminded me of that period of the Nanoha franchise (a year or two IIRC) when every single official art featuring Fate has had her butt turned to the viewers. Even the ones that also showed her face and breasts from the front...

joined Aug 16, 2014

In Yuri-land, no Spa is safe!

joined Jan 19, 2016

Yes, a sequel. Can't wait.

joined Dec 21, 2015

The salon is "nestled within a small alley."
Red flags everywhere

joined Jul 14, 2016

The most fucked up thing for me is that this girl couldn't tell the difference between hands and boobs

Not just boobs, but couldn't tell the difference between nipples and fingertips!

Anyway, I expect they'll get love-dovey in the next chapter. Mira always ends on a happy note, which is why its such a treat to read her stuff (weird art and all).

joined Dec 13, 2016

It's definitely hot and all that, but a bit less than I've come to expect in terms of story in Mira doujin

joined Apr 28, 2016

Mira can write good stories when she puts her mind to it. But it seems like there are times she can't be bothered and just enjoys drawing women boinking each other.

I'm not trying to knock her for it; I can respect and (and even sometimes relate to) simply wanting to draw mindless smut every once and awhile. It's just what I've observed about her body of work.

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 3:25AM

joined Sep 28, 2015

She got the full Dragon Quest Puff Puff service!

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

And here i was wondeding when this chaoter will drop on Dynasty-scans.

Can't wait for sequel.

joined Mar 13, 2017

Rather nice.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I think her butt is pressed into the body of a third woman, whose breasts are the only part you see. Probably the friend. Mira loves to draw women having sex, no doubt about it. Her work usually has more plot, though.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Eh..It was alright, But Mira can certainly do better.

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 6:30PM

joined Feb 3, 2013

Not my cup of tea. The fact that a potential sequel might have both girls under control of this mature lady reminds me too much of certain couple turned into spirits by a dryad.

Mayble I dropped my guard too much after how cute last Mira stories have been.

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 9:06PM

joined Mar 7, 2017

I'm always thankful Mira draws lots of Yuri, even yuri porn she must be enjoying drawing dem scenario fetishes xD

joined Feb 23, 2016

Damnn...!! This was soo hot!!
Spoiler Alert
Thing really got hot and heavy~ and then Moeka got together with Kurumi~(≧∇≦)Kyaa~
Vaginas are the best by Tsukino made me laughed so much(OvO)

last edited at May 22, 2017 10:56PM

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