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joined Jan 17, 2017

I'll look forward to the next as always

joined Dec 8, 2013

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

people react to assault in different ways, dude. some people fight back and some people shut down. not sure if you're trolling but your post was extremely insensitive.

btw i really hope this drama resolves with Misaki telling Tsubasa that Jun tried to RAPE her and Tsubasa BELIEVES her. otherwise there's not much point in continuing to read this. If you don't believe your gf when she tells you she was assaulted, what the fuck is the point of a relationship?

joined Jul 1, 2014

Sometimes i don't understand - is this really so hard just to push fuckers off from yourself? Misaki, all what you need to did is just push this fucker off. But no, let's say "don't!!" and do nothing, like always. It's already just hillarious. Espesially when Jun don't use her strenght and just grope Misaki's boob's and lick them. What so hard just hit her and run? I don't want to think about Misaki like a slut, but this whole situation... for me it's like "ew, it gross, but let's fuck, dude!". What if Tsubasa don't interrupt their little fun? What if in future another fucker just grop Misaki's boobs? Would she resist when or like now not and let this shit happened? I feel so sorry about Tsubasa. Well, i just sit here and wait patiently.

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

This is kind of shaming to rape victims. Not everyone is going to have the same kind of reaction when being forced into something they don't want. The other girl is older and larger. And it's obvious her mental status isn't the kind that allows her to fight back at every instance. No, it's not silly that she doesn't push her off of her. She's young and scared.

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 9:20PM

joined Dec 30, 2013

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

people react to assault in different ways, dude. some people fight back and some people shut down. not sure if you're trolling but your post was extremely insensitive.

btw i really hope this drama resolves with Misaki telling Tsubasa that Jun tried to RAPE her and Tsubasa BELIEVES her. otherwise there's not much point in continuing to read this. If you don't believe your gf when she tells you she was assaulted, what the fuck is the point of a relationship?
This is kind of shaming to rape victims. Not everyone is going to have the same kind of reaction when being forced into something they don't want. The other girl is older and larger. And it's obvious her mental status isn't the kind that allows her to fight back at every instance. No, it's not silly that she doesn't push her off of her. She's young and scared.

Sorry. I'm just a very emotional person. Most of time i really hate this. What i want to say, it's not a "hit her, kick her, etc or you just a trash". I understand that some people don't have a strenght etc for a good resisting, but i speak about THIS situation. What i see here: 1) Misaki and Jun sit on the floor. Jun start raping Misaki. Misaki don't resist and don't try. Jun just groope her. 2) Now then both of them laying on bed. Jun starts liking Misaki's boobs and Misaki still do nothing. Absolutely NOTHIING. How they both turn up on bed? I don't think Jun that strong that she carry Misaki on bed, so, our heroine just do it herself. In that time Misaki just can run or push Jun. Or try to do this. Serioulsly, what she would do if some another random person just try to rape her? Even if this person a weak and small? Do nothing? I don't say that what she need it's succes in her resisting. I sayd that she need to try this at last. Maybe it's just me, but i never understand people, who don't try resist againt this type of situation. Jun don't use gun, knife or she threaten Misaki. So, why just don't try resist? It's better than do nothing. And i don't see so much fear from Misaki - she most like a "wtf? What's going on?". Just look at her face, espesially in the end - is this a face of frightened person?

Well, really sorry, if my post SO extremely insensitive. My "P.S." just was a harsh joke, sorry. Anyway, i hope too on good resolves of this drama, but my opinion about situation don't changes.

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 10:16PM

joined Mar 30, 2013

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

people react to assault in different ways, dude. some people fight back and some people shut down. not sure if you're trolling but your post was extremely insensitive.

btw i really hope this drama resolves with Misaki telling Tsubasa that Jun tried to RAPE her and Tsubasa BELIEVES her. otherwise there's not much point in continuing to read this. If you don't believe your gf when she tells you she was assaulted, what the fuck is the point of a relationship?
This is kind of shaming to rape victims. Not everyone is going to have the same kind of reaction when being forced into something they don't want. The other girl is older and larger. And it's obvious her mental status isn't the kind that allows her to fight back at every instance. No, it's not silly that she doesn't push her off of her. She's young and scared.

Sorry. I'm just a very emotional person. Most of time i really hate this. What i want to say, it's not a "hit her, kick her, etc or you just a trash". I understand that some people don't have a strenght etc for a good resisting, but i speak about THIS situation. What i see here: 1) Misaki and Jun sit on the floor. Jun start raping Misaki. Misaki don't resist and don't try. Jun just groope her. 2) Now then both of them laying on bed. Jun starts liking Misaki's boobs and Misaki still do nothing. Absolutely NOTHIING. How they both turn up on bed? I don't think Jun that strong that she carry Misaki on bed, so, our heroine just do it herself. In that time Misaki just can run or push Jun. Or try to do this. Serioulsly, what she would do if some another random person just try to rape her? Even if this person a weak and small? Do nothing? I don't say that what she need it's succes in her resisting. I sayd that she need to try this at last. Maybe it's just me, but i never understand people, who don't try resist againt this type of situation. Jun don't use gun, knife or she threaten Misaki. So, why just don't try resist? It's better than do nothing. And i don't see so much fear from Misaki - she most like a "wtf? What's going on?".

Well, really sorry, if my post SO extremely insensitive. My "P.S." just was a harsh joke, sorry. Anyway, i hope too on good resolves of this drama, but my opinion about situation don't changes.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze. It's as simple as that. Misaki froze because she wasn't able to understand what was going on. and I don't think you can assume Jun's strength, or any person's strength, based on her appearance. Jun is experienced, Misaki isn't.

joined Feb 3, 2013

I missed a chapter, so I went to read it, before this new one and,... woah! Did this manga suddenly turn into a social critique of Japanese society, where children are neglected in cases of parental abuse due to the hands off approach of all other people involved? Over old fashioned values and gender role expectations being the reason Tsubasa is constantly being her father's punching bag? Could have, but meaningless sex scenes keep delaying plot. Pretty lame and extremely cliche cliffhanger ending, as well. Might actually be surprising if this ends up with Jun making a high school girls harem.

last edited at Mar 8, 2017 10:46PM

joined Dec 21, 2015

I missed a chapter, so I went to read it, before this new one and,... woah! Did this manga suddenly turn into a social critique of Japanese society, where children are neglected in cases of parental abuse due to the hands off approach of all other people involved? Over old fashioned values and gender role expectations being the reason Tsubasa is constantly being her father's punching bag? Could have, but meaningless sex scenes keep delaying plot.


schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Wasn't too hard to see this coming as soon as Tsubasa told Jun about Misaki.

joined Jan 17, 2014

Sometimes i don't understand - is this really so hard just to push fuckers off from yourself? Misaki, all what you need to did is just push this fucker off. But no, let's say "don't!!" and do nothing, like always. It's already just hillarious. Espesially when Jun don't use her strenght and just grope Misaki's boob's and lick them. What so hard just hit her and run? I don't want to think about Misaki like a slut, but this whole situation... for me it's like "ew, it gross, but let's fuck, dude!". What if Tsubasa don't interrupt their little fun? What if in future another fucker just grop Misaki's boobs? Would she resist when or like now not and let this shit happened? I feel so sorry about Tsubasa. Well, i just sit here and wait patiently.

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

I have to agree with you here, hard to call it rape when basically 0 resistance was found.
Tsubasa also did something like that to Misaki too, maybe she really is just kind of slutty.

joined Dec 30, 2013

Sometimes i don't understand - is this really so hard just to push fuckers off from yourself? Misaki, all what you need to did is just push this fucker off. But no, let's say "don't!!" and do nothing, like always. It's already just hillarious. Espesially when Jun don't use her strenght and just grope Misaki's boob's and lick them. What so hard just hit her and run? I don't want to think about Misaki like a slut, but this whole situation... for me it's like "ew, it gross, but let's fuck, dude!". What if Tsubasa don't interrupt their little fun? What if in future another fucker just grop Misaki's boobs? Would she resist when or like now not and let this shit happened? I feel so sorry about Tsubasa. Well, i just sit here and wait patiently.

P.S. And it's really funny, how hard Tsubasa resist against two guys and how Misaki did nothing against Jun. JUN! WTF with you, Misaki? You really looking forward to it, yeah? I know you did.))

I have to agree with you here, hard to call it rape when basically 0 resistance was found.
Tsubasa also did something like that to Misaki too, maybe she really is just kind of slutty.

Thanks for your reminding about first chapter, cuz even if the whole situation with sex scene there have some difference (Misaki clearly told that she don't mind and she like Tsubasa back), i want to pay attention one most significant moment - how Misaki turn her hand from Tsubasa. Some stranger grab her hand, drag somewhere and she even have no fear or worries - she just defend herself without hesitation and with a strong attitude. And what we see now? Some stranger want to fuck her and she don't fight back. And just look at her body - her legs, her hand don't lock, their absolutely free. Her expresion don't seems like she scared, most like she confused in the begining and in the end i pay attention to her last reaction then Tsubasa appeared - Misaki don't seems scared at all. Seriously, any victims seems like that? If i would be Tsubasa, my reaction on than moment would be like "these two absolutely have sex" and not "it's seems like a rape. yeah, definitely". Thats why i disagree with other readers here, even if i fully understand their point about "some people don't fight back", cuz Misaki's situation don't seems like that.

And sorry for my english, guys.

P.S. For me Misaki don't resist because of pleasure, when Jun tease her, not because of fear. Well, that's just my opinion. Not like i think i'm (only) right person here.

P.S.S. If this whole situation use for developing Misaki's attitude about about sex and how to resist and defend herself from someone, if she don't want something from them etc, It would be okay for me and i'm fully accept what happened here. Just look at her - she is very agreement with other people and accept what they do or say with easy. That's her problem.

last edited at Mar 9, 2017 7:16AM

joined Oct 21, 2013

Misaki being the naïve girl living a cozy, carefree life that she is, trusted Jun a little too much ("She's Tsubasa's friend, I can trust her"), and is confused by the sudden unexpected non-consensual sexual contact. I doubt she ever thought about the possibility of getting raped ever in her life and she's now taking awhile to process the new information, being helpless in the meantime. Doesn't sound far-fetched to me.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016


If you grabbed a woman's behind on a subway and she did not speak up or try to get away, is it suddenly okay? Is it not sexual assault? Does it mean she actually wants it because she isn't showing any signs of not wanting it?

Of course not. This is rape and it's portrayed as such. Jun, a perfect stranger to her, is shown as a predator sexually assaulting a clearly unwilling partner. She lured Misaki into her home knowing Misaki would respond to information about Tsubasa. There is no alternative reading here; the meaning is very clear. Believe it or not, the face on page 113 and the words "stop it" on 114 do in fact mean Misaki is unwilling.

Unwilling partners often cannot and do not fight back. This is an established fact of reality you deny only to yourself. Any decent, modern court would try these cases as some form of sexual assault.

Just in case this was unclear to other readers.

And, this thread is starting to get pretty far off topic. As someone who knows what's coming next, I'd like to just rev up the hype train and remind you that the ride isn't over yet. There's definitely been a lot of Snidely Whiplash anticipatory hand rubbing and "mwahahas" on my part as I waited for the comments each chapter.

Edit: Oriko, I believe I read too quickly through or misinterpreted your post in that case.

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 1:49PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

OK... Chapter 4 lists a foiled rape attempt, but chapter 6 doesn't list anything about attempted rape? Just because it is two girls doesn't mean that what Jun is doing to Misaki isn't rape. You can argue all you want about Misaki not pushing her away, but that is just a form of blaming the victim. She said "Stop" and "No" and even her internal thoughts were that it was disgusting. She is also quite a bit smaller than Jun and probably considerably weaker. There is no guarantee that she would be able to push her away if she tried.

Meanwhile, I finally figured out the timeline of this! I was confused before about the chapters with Tsubasa having short hair, but those appear to be in the past, when Tsubasa was in middle school. That would be the last time she rebelled against her father. Since then she went back to being the obedient little girl when she was at school and her sister was watching, but then Misaki came into the picture, which caused her sister to notice that she wasn't actually being the good girl she pretended to be and her father started beating her again.

I'm glad I finally figured that out!

And, this thread is starting to get pretty far off topic. As someone who knows what's coming next, I'd like to just rev up the hype train and remind you that the ride isn't over yet. There's definitely been a lot of Snidely Whiplash anticipatory hand rubbing and "mwahahas" on my part as I waited for the comments each chapter.

I don't know what's coming next, but I'm looking forward to it... We're only at the halfway point of this one, assuming the contents page in chapter 1 is listing all chapters related to this (and the first one that is short is the supernatural short that was included in chapter 1)

last edited at Mar 9, 2017 11:06AM

joined Dec 30, 2013

Oriko, Poliz,

If you grabbed a woman's behind on a subway and she did not speak up or try to get away, is it suddenly okay? Is it not sexual assault? Does it mean she actually wants it because she isn't showing any signs of not wanting it?

Of course not. This is rape and it's portrayed as such. Jun, a perfect stranger to her, is shown as a predator sexually assaulting a clearly unwilling partner. She lured Misaki into her home knowing Misaki would respond to information about Tsubasa. There is no alternative reading here; the meaning is very clear. Believe it or not, the face on page 113 and the words "stop it" on 114 do in fact mean Misaki is unwilling.

Unwilling partners often cannot and do not fight back. This is an established fact of reality you deny only to yourself. Any decent, modern court would try these cases as some form of sexual assault.

Just in case this was unclear to other readers.

And, this thread is starting to get pretty far off topic. As someone who knows what's coming next, I'd like to just rev up the hype train and remind you that the ride isn't over yet. There's definitely been a lot of Snidely Whiplash anticipatory hand rubbing and "mwahahas" on my part as I waited for the comments each chapter.

Hm, no? I don't say this is not a rape. If you talking about my point from Tsubasa's view, so i said it only from her point of view if i would be her. That's all. Otherwise it's absolutely a rape. Nothing less. And i don't see Misaki unwilling - she seems capable, just don't know what to do. That's all. And then i'm said about "she don't resis because of pleasure", i'm talking about her body and how Jun just stimulating her and because of that Misaki feels weak. I don't say that Misaki like that, no. I know she disgust and all, but she doing nothing against. Absolutely. That there the problem for me.

Because my low english, i figured my thoughts very bad, sorry.

last edited at Mar 9, 2017 12:04PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

"mizaki what are you doing?" ahh I dont know being taken advantage of silly

joined Mar 8, 2016

Probably a big factor in some people's confusion is the troubling general hentai convention of "no means yes." Pretty much every h-manga, even yuri ones, even ones featuring established couples in a relationship, feature this kind of non-consent play. I can imagine it creates a very confusing (or fucked up) idea of how seduction and sexual progression should play out in a relationship for people who can't put this stuff into context.

Anyway, that creates a very difficult situation where it's hard to tell if the author intends a particular situation to read as rape (and it's bad), rape as a sexual fetish, or non-consent play (where what's going on is ok for that couple, but in order to seem demure or whatever one partner protests). As a non-fan of any of these things I have learned to mentally block them out most of the time but it's nevertheless a minefield that exists in manga (and particularly h-manga).

joined Oct 21, 2013

Probably a big factor in some people's confusion is the troubling general hentai convention of "no means yes." Pretty much every h-manga, even yuri ones, even ones featuring established couples in a relationship, feature this kind of non-consent play. I can imagine it creates a very confusing (or fucked up) idea of how seduction and sexual progression should play out in a relationship for people who can't put this stuff into context.

Anyway, that creates a very difficult situation where it's hard to tell if the author intends a particular situation to read as rape (and it's bad), rape as a sexual fetish, or non-consent play (where what's going on is ok for that couple, but in order to seem demure or whatever one partner protests). As a non-fan of any of these things I have learned to mentally block them out most of the time but it's nevertheless a minefield that exists in manga (and particularly h-manga).

It's a language and cultural lost-in-translation thing.
More about speaker concerned about self 'behaving improperly' (in the veins of "i'm going to let out an improper noise") rather than protesting the advances.of the other in a consensual scenario.

joined Jan 17, 2014

Misaki might actually be slutty, you know.
Tsubasa herself thought about that being the case since how easy she accepted it in the first chapter.
well, we'll have to see the next chapter to know what's going on.

joined Dec 8, 2013

Misaki might actually be slutty, you know.

yeesh... is it really that difficult to tell the difference between what happened in Chapter 1 (That being Misaki was willing and said it was okay) and what happened in this chapter (With Misaki literally saying "No" and "Stop it" and thinking "this is disgusting")

fucking hell, people...

Just because someone is "slutty" (ie, they enjoy having sex with people they want to have sex with) doesn't mean it's automatically okay to just force yourself on them, and it definitely doesn't mean their opinion on the fuckin subject doesn't matter "because they're just a slut anyway".

i feel like I'm taking crazy pills with this juvenile discussion going on.

last edited at Mar 9, 2017 6:21PM

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

This discussion has turned into something else.

.... I will drop by later.

joined May 24, 2014

Why is she so surprised? She reeked of being a two-timing bitch from the very beginning

joined Sep 21, 2014

Why is she so surprised? She reeked of being a two-timing bitch from the very beginning

None of them are in a relationship with each other. No one is cheating on anyone.
She's probs surprised cus idk, wouldn't have expected to see her classmate/only-friend-in a-while-ever with whom she's physically intimate (??? Theyve yet to really define what they had tbh) in bed with the sketchy abusive predatorial onee-san she's been getting 'physical support' from for years.

last edited at Mar 10, 2017 11:06AM

joined Mar 10, 2017

OK... Chapter 4 lists a foiled rape attempt, but chapter 6 doesn't list anything about attempted rape? Just because it is two girls doesn't mean that what Jun is doing to Misaki isn't rape. You can argue all you want about Misaki not pushing her away, but that is just a form of blaming the victim. She said "Stop" and "No" and even her internal thoughts were that it was disgusting. She is also quite a bit smaller than Jun and probably considerably weaker. There is no guarantee that she would be able to push her away if she tried.

Well, it's sexual assault, not rape. Jun with Tsubasa is statutory rape. But I don't know if we want to tag rape as we would in real life. All the age gap manga are as well. Unwanted kabedon, skirt flipping, could be considered sexual harassment. Based on how things normally get tagged, the judgement seems to be based on whether the characters themselves considered it as as such, and I think this makes sense.

joined Sep 9, 2013

If part of the manga is getting a rape tag(or attempted rape in these case) then we might as well be a rape attempted in chapter 6. I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways due to gender. The excuse of the young girl not doing anything to fight back is weak.

joined Aug 27, 2013

So I didn't catch it, was Tsubasa a prostitute? Did she sell her body with Jun or she never let it happen after those rape attempt?

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