She draw fanart of herself..lmao
whispers just choose both
I actually really like this shipping XD
@Homura E.N.D "Zura janai, Katsura da!"
damn hearts, blocking us from all the Yuri goodness.
NOW KISS!! For real
Nice going grann- I mean, Yukari-san~
She's really thinking about it hahahaha
Ah yes very nice costume design there indeed~
This is sweet, too damn sweet.. I need to balance this out with some coffee..
Seems odd that Kotori would be the embarrassed looking one.
awwwwwwww, that's so cute for my.
Ok...... whoever approves of this say 'I' !! I
last edited at Sep 13, 2016 9:50PM
Rin should have hearts with her message, Rin likes Shizuka's legs. ~_^
@YuzuYuri She's not thinking about the future, Because what she drew will be the future.
This is cute but I too would prefer it to be remilia and flandre but I also want Koakuma and patchouli.
Niiiiice, just when I was thinking we needed more RemiPatche
Aaaww, that was so sweet. Don't worry, Yukari she... did mean that but in a nice way. I think.
after ep 10 i can no loger watch this without criying T.T
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:12AM
loli honk is the best honk
A Phoenix and a Yatagarasu... I wonder if ZUN gonna make a character based on Garuda...
I ship those two so much!!
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