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joined Mar 28, 2015

So, "Bloom into you" can be interpreted as "I will become you".

joined Apr 17, 2015

−−Nakatani-san, did you already know about AnoKiss when you started to draw YagaKimi?

NN: Well, if you draw yuri manga, AnoKiss has already become hard to ignore, so I read it intensely to help me for my own work. Even leaving that aside, my first impression when opening a volume was "Wow, the author is good!" (laugh)

Ca: No way! Thank you very much. (laugh)

NN: To me, seeing a yuri manga that wasn't shoujo-like was refreshing. Sure, it is love-themed, but in the tight lining and expressions, or in the panel layout, it feels closer to shounen. Since there are a lot of shounen aspects in my own way of drawing, I felt maybe we had some things in common in that regard.

Ca: I never read that many shounen manga growing up, and used to read almost only shoujo manga, but I do think my drawings aren't very shoujo-like, so you opinion confirms that.

NN: To me, that makes it easier to read, actually. So I'm glad there is a yuri series with this kind of style!

Ca: I found the art incredibly good too when I read YagaKimi's first chapter. Then Yuu-chan received a confession from a boy, I wondered how she would react, and what kind of yuri story it would evolve into, I was really excited.
After reading the first volume, I was both supporting Nanami-senpai and sympathising with Yuu-chan, who couldn't understand what it was like to be in love. I actually think that if I was into Yuu-chan's shoes, I would be scared of Nanami-senpai. Even though you keep saying "I don't understand", she's constantly pushing in. So reading that and seeing Yuu-chan's acceptance of it, I find her incredibly kind-hearted.


NN: I see. (laugh)

Ca: And yet I'm like "Do your best, Nanami-senpai!", like I'm trying to fan the flames of yuri. (laugh) More specifically, I loved the entire chapter where Nanami-senpai went to Yuu-chan's place! But I guess that's how even a girl feels when she goes to the place of the girl she likes.

NN: I'm glad you say that. (laugh)

Ca: Also, I'm really intrigued by Saeki-senpai. When Nanami-senpai chose Yuu-chan for the election campaign, her friend started to worry that she didn't rely on her, and I love this kind of "complication". (laugh)


NN: Ah, so you do love complications! I actually love Towako from AnoKiss. (laugh) Personally, I sometimes feel I can't write a story without drama, but in a generally quiet and bright story like AnoKiss I was kind of surprised to see a girl like her, who brought problems. I find your way of drawing difficult emotions yet being very clear in the execution really enthralling. [難しい感情を描きつつ、爽やかに仕上げているのが魅力的だと感じます。]

Ca: For AnoKiss, I'm adamant on concluding a given arc within a single volume, or 5 chapters, so I can't create too much complications. So I found it difficult to write volume 3, where Towako appears, with a more dramatic appeal than usual. That's why I love girls in the position of Saeki-senpai… Err, but well, since I said I liked Hishikawa from Doki Doki Precure, I guess that wasn't much of a secret. (laugh)

NN: Indeed. (laugh)

Ca: So yes, I can't wait to see how Saeki-senpai is gonna interact with those two.

NN: I often hear that "Sayaka = Hishikawa", but Hishikawa is voiced by Kotobuki Minako-san, and in the recent PV for Yagate Kimi ni Naru, Kotobuki-san voices Nanami Touko.

Ca: Yes. That's why, when I saw that PV, I was like "It's Kotobuki-san, yaaay!" with a guets pose. (laugh)

−−How did you feel when you heard your characters talk?

NN: Their voices were as I imagined. I didn't picture those voices very clearly until now, but after hearing them in the PV, they are the voices I now hear in my head when working on my storyboards. AnoKiss had some Drama CD's released, what were your impressions?

Ca: From the start, there were characters who talked and others who didn't talk in my head. I was happy that the voices of those who talked inside me could now be heard by the readers. As for those who didn't talk, it felt refreshing, like "so that's what their voices sounded like". I had always imagined Kurosawa Yurine with the voice of Mizuhashi Kaori, so I thought "now everyone can hear it too". Shiramine Ayaka didn't talk in my head, so my feeling was more "Ooh! So that's what you sound like. You're cute, Shiramine." (laugh) The way I picture the characters hasn't changed, but right after the recording I really heard those voices in my head, though now they have quieted down.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Ca: I really think your art is pretty, but do you employ any assistants?

NN: No, I draw all alone.

Ca: You mean you draw everything by yourself, even the backgrounds? That's something…

NN: And you, Canno-san, do you employ assistants?

Ca: I do receive help from friends, occasionally, but normally I work alone. I'm afraid of drawing manga with people I don't know, honestly… Well, you could say I'm just shy. (laugh)

NN: Oh I know how you feel! I'm really shy too… Since I'm not very good a communicating with people, I end up more comfortable with controlling all of my work myself. But I'm aware that it may not be such a good thing when you draw manga.

Ca: That's a very mature comment.

NN: What I'm saying is very childish, though. (laugh) "I can't communicate, so I'm fine by myself!" (laugh)

Ca: Ahaha!

NN: Still, you're pretty impressive yourself. AnoKiss' backgrounds are really filled and polished.


Ca: You could say I'm a bit afraid of the void, so I often try my best to fill the blanks. In your art, however, it's like the blanks are used as an integral component of the picture, and I'm fond of that.


NN: Thank you very much! I have a question about AnoKiss: on the first chapters cover, many characters are drawn, and one of them in the back, Machida Kaoru, already appeared in volume 4. As you are writing an ensemble story, I wonder how far you had planned from the start.


Ca: Kaoru is an exception, actually. I had always planned on introducing her and even imagined the chapter, but she wasn't my top priority either, so she ended up appearing quite late. If the story had ended in 2 or 3 volumes, she wouldn't have appeared, but now we're at volume 4. So, no, I haven't really planned that much ahead. (laugh)

NN: Is that so. Since the gardening club arc and even the astronomy arc flowed so naturally, I thought you had all that in mind from the beginning.

Ca: I pretty much advance at random, but if it feels planned then I'm glad. (laugh)

−−You two have talked quite a lot today. How was it?

NN: As I was one of her fans, I almost feel guilty for talking with her so casually.

Ca: Oh no, I thank you, really. Yagate Kimi ni Naru has a very cool artstyle and you are equally cool, so I was afraid you'd tell me "I don't care about someone who draws such frivolous manga!", but luckily you are a kind person. (laugh)

NN: What do you mean frivolous?! No way! I'm really thankful that I could talk with you today. I could tell you what I liked and what my favorite character was in AnoKiss, so as a fan I feel content… AnoKiss and YagaKimi, despite being both yuri mangas, differ on a lot of aspects, but I was happy to find that I had a lot in common with you, Canno-san.
I'll work hard on YagaKimi so that it doesn't lose to AnoKiss, so please be well!

−−Thank you very much for today.

Interview: Kaazu (Kaazu SP)


…So yeah, you can now consider me a NioCanno shipper.

But more seriously, imagine a yuri written by Nakatani and drawn by Canno. That would be something. * o *

last edited at Aug 12, 2016 7:28AM

joined Mar 25, 2013

That was long, wow. Any chance for that to be made into a .doc?

joined Sep 18, 2014

Ca: My favorite character is Yuno from "Yellow Rose", and I ship her with Rei-chan. Did you read MariMite, Nakatani-san?

Yuno should probably be Yoshino as MariMite doesn't have a character named Yuno. Yoshino is from the "Yellow Rose" family and is frequently shipped with her cousin and grande soeur, Rei.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Yep, sorry bout that.

^^ Will this do? =O

last edited at Aug 12, 2016 11:14AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

"I like girls who are straight with me."

I can't tell whether this is the worst possible translation or the best one.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ship has sailed. Idk why but I'd rather have pres with vice pres or vice pres with mc. Just 'cause ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I lean towards Yuu and Sayaka, if only because they have a lot in common as members of the "Putting Up With Touko's Shit" club.

Touko and Yuu could work, but the story still has to work its way through the former's metric fuckton of emotional baggage first.

last edited at Aug 12, 2016 2:39PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

NN: I didn't. In my interview for Dengeki Online, I said that "In a world where there are also men, I want girls to be chosen anyway.

I don't think it's in the part I translated but is where she outlined why she wanted to do "Bloom Into You" after winning their prize with a more mainstreams (somewhat) drama romance suspense comic.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

…I'm currently translating that crossed interview between Nakatani and Canno (if someone hasn't already), but I'm not sure where to post it… It's pretty freaking long. :x

It's pretty freaking wonderful. It read like something we'd make up for the two mangakas. Thank you for translating and posting it!

By the way yuri mangakas in yuri love is almost my favorite manga topic ever.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Actually I would have suggested making a thread just for the interview text, but I guess I'm late to the party. You can still do it if you like, since it's of interest to more than just Bloom Into You fans.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Actually I would have suggested making a thread just for the interview text, but I guess I'm late to the party. You can still do it if you like, since it's of interest to more than just Bloom Into You fans.

In fact, please post it as a new thread, and I'll make it sticky at the top of the forum for a while.

joined Mar 25, 2013

Yep, sorry bout that.

^^ Will this do? =O

Yeah, that's awesome. Thanks for the translation :]

joined Jul 6, 2016

Thank you for the translation! I'm so happy to learn new things about Nakatani-sensei, she inspires me a lot since the first time I discover her work

joined Apr 17, 2015

In fact, please post it as a new thread, and I'll make it sticky at the top of the forum for a while.

…Okay, done.

On the series itself, I wonder if Maki has already busted Sayaka's feelings?

joined May 19, 2016

In fact, please post it as a new thread, and I'll make it sticky at the top of the forum for a while.

…Okay, done.

On the series itself, I wonder if Maki has already busted Sayaka's feelings?

Maki is an observer, at the very least i think he sense Sayaka has something towards Touko. he said this after all

joined Apr 17, 2015

Huh? It's not in my digital volume… weird.

…So Touko buys a book at Yuu's bookshop, but said book is kinda gay and Yuu thinks Touko just wants to see her reaction. Turns out Touko just wanted to buy a book at Yuu's bookshop and didn't know there was a lesbian romance in it.

I might not survive until the end if Touko continues to be this adorable. .−.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Huh? It's not in my digital volume… weird.

…So Touko buys a book at Yuu's bookshop, but said book is kinda gay and Yuu thinks Touko just wants to see her reaction. Turns out Touko just wanted to buy a book at Yuu's bookshop and didn't know there was a lesbian romance in it.

I might not survive until the end if Touko continues to be this adorable. .−.

Idk the details, but I like that Yuu knows the book is kinda gay, and that Nanami, the actual buyer, doesnt.

joined May 19, 2016

I would like to scan it but i still couldn't find any scanner and i'm having a dilematic thought of wanting to scan it but don't want to destroy my books at the same time. There are also the extra words from the author (which i really really want to read, yea i bought it but i can't understand japanese) and two 4-komas in the cover of the two books. If it is possible i will scan it ASAP.

joined Jul 17, 2016
joined Jul 17, 2016
joined Sep 21, 2014

Oh fuck, yes.
Now I deeply regret giving into temptation and spoiling myself these panels. I'm dying.

joined May 19, 2016
Here are two scenes from chapter 15 :D

Am grinning like a horse here

joined Mar 22, 2015

Yuu has the dumbest hair (to me anyway) but she is still really likable and cute. Nakatani amazes me.

Also normally there is no defining feature between the girl's beauty, but in this it really feels authentic that Touko is picked out to be "striking" and that Sayaka is also referred to as being attractive and more noticeable than Yuu, Koyomi, and Akari. Not that the latter are ugly actually makes sense in universe? There's a special something? (Just me? I don't even like Sayaka much but I can still see it?)

last edited at Sep 1, 2016 1:46AM

joined May 19, 2016

I'm in the middle of scanning the extra chapter of vol 2 right now + some extras on the cover of vol 1 and 2. I'm also planning to scan the extra-talk-with-the-author thingy. I would love to share with anyone who is interested in seeing/reading all of that above, but i don't know where is the best place to put it. Any suggestion?
Note : all of it is in japanese

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