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Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Jul 7, 2016

There was the matter of favorite yuri manga. That's easy. (o.0);; NO, it's not. But I'll play along. (Warning: All choices subject to immediate change, in perpetuity. No refunds).

Forceful YURI: Shoujo Sect
Unconsummated Sweetness YURI: Kase-san
Teamwork YURI: Chatting at the Amber Teahouse
Implied Kiss-Transferred YURI: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou


joined Feb 15, 2016

@Galich great, good job, Galich! almost perfect! hopefully it will suffice :) yes, waiting sucks, I have to wait for at least a week more
do you really have a maine coon? <3
we didn't really have many animes on the TV either.

Thanks! Well, with so many supportive people in this thread waiting is much less painful!

Yup! That's actually an interesting story. My family always had two cats, and the day my second cat got put down by the vet, the this maine coon came up to our doors. He's waited for 2 days at the entrance, since everyone thought that it was one of our neighbor's.
Maine coons are an interesting bread of cats. They're able to change the pitch of their voices to match their owner's. Needless to say, they use that ability all the time. Plus, they walk around the house all the time, patrolling for anything suspicious. Plus they hate being held in arms and love newcomers. It's kind of like a cat-dog hybrid.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Wow. You're all talking about cats and stuff and I'm still dying over Wentworth. I just woke up and immediately startet worrying about Wentworth, That's probably not healthy.

Anyways, part of my family,visited like a week ago and they took their dog with them and she was cute the first few days but after a while it was pretty annoying how much less independant dogs are compared to cats.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 11:34AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@OriginalGengar To be honest, I'd say that talking about cats is more unhealthy. After all, when there's someone crazy in the media, they always have a cat or two.

On a side note, I feel like WDTFS fans - off topic is stealing posts and popularity from this thread. Let's not mention the fact that this thread is more recent

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 11:41AM

joined May 21, 2016

Wow. You're all talking about cats and stuff and I'm still dying over Wentworth. I just woke up and immediately startet worrying about Wentworth, That's probably not healthy.

Anyways, part of my family,visited like a week ago and they took their dog with them and she was cute the first few days but after a while it was pretty annoying how much less independant dogs are compared to cats.

But I love it when I come home from a long day of uni and or work, and my dog wags her tail with endless splendor at my arrival! I also love that if I go to watch Netflix, she'll jump up on the couch or bed with me and be my cuddle buddy. She's very invested in 30 Rock.

We have a lot of neighborhood cats and none of them want to be petted and they get pissy at other cats treading on their territory. >:{

joined May 21, 2016

On a side note, I feel like WDTFS fans - off topic is stealing posts and popularity from this thread. Let's not >mention the fact that this thread is more recent

@Alvis There's the IRC, but AFAIK you cannot send files through it and my maine coon to prove that cats are better. >Don't worry Gengar, I got you covered.

I don't think that's the case... They've just kind of come to a lull. They've kind of made it hard for any newcomer to feel welcome after that happened

Also, IRC is that god awful empty chat room right? I went in there once and I swear I could hear my pixels echo. And that won't do. I need a platform where I can properly display my sheebs from my dank archives.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 2:02PM

joined Jan 20, 2016

@OriginalGengar To be honest, I'd say that talking about cats is more unhealthy. After all, when there's someone crazy in the media, they always have a cat or two.

@Galich Personally. I'd rather have someone think I'm the crazy cat person than the crazy person who talks to themselves. Honestly I love both dogs and cats but there's more cats in my area than dogs. Mainly its because some irresponsible person left their cats when they moved and then they started to multiply and ripping into my trash.

@ChocolateCakeLover I love you username. Chocolate cake is awesome especially double layered chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I think I'm going to get some cake soon...

joined May 21, 2016

Welcome @Rina

I haven't seen any of those series you mentioned. What are they about?

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich oh, it's a bittersweet story :) makes me wonder if coincidences really exist, as if he knew that there was a vacant place, where he would make someone happy with his presence. And he seems to have a peculiar and funny character^^ maybe you could share a picture? you know, some delice for the eyes xD

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Alvis Thanks for the welcome! :> hmm, here're the descriptions that I can provide for the series I mentioned,

Hidan no Aria AA - It's a spin-off of the Hidan no Aria LN series focusing primarily on a new cast of characters; the original LN is the usual standard stuff but AA is more yuri-oriented :>

Locodol - An anime about a girl that got asked to become a "local idol" for her town, it's quite light-hearted even compared to other idol-genre anime and is quite a bit of shipping between it's 2 main characters.

Vividred Operation - It's a lot like Strike Witches if you've seen that, only the cast is limited to around 6 girls and the technology is not based on magic; it is just as yuri-centric or more than the aforementioned anime :>

Here're the wiki links if you want to know more~ (couldn't find one for AA sadly, since it's integrated into the original LN wiki entry)

Locodol -
Vividred Operation -

Hope this post helped!

joined Nov 29, 2014

Speaking of Locodol, someone recently told me that Nagarekawa, the city the anime takes place in, is a gay village.

@Alvis: Having to walk the dog every day would totally kill me.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 3:43PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Galich oh, it's a bittersweet story :) makes me wonder if coincidences really exist, as if he knew that there was a vacant place, where he would make someone happy with his presence. And he seems to have a peculiar and funny character^^ maybe you could share a picture? you know, some delice for the eyes xD

No sharing allowed.

Yup, made all of my family wonder about it as well. The old cat was dying of cancer for almost a year, that night his situation got suddenly worse. I suppose that this cat realized that he'd be needed. The kicker? I live in an apartment on the third floor - this little guy was waiting under our door, which means that he was targeting us specifically.

@Galich Personally. I'd rather have someone think I'm the crazy cat person than the crazy person who talks to themselves. Honestly I love both dogs and cats but there's more cats in my area than dogs. Mainly its because some irresponsible person left their cats when they moved and then they started to multiply and ripping into my trash.

Well, then I'm double the crazy. I swear, I'm not insane :<

I don't think that's the case... They've just kind of come to a lull. They've kind of made it hard for any newcomer to feel welcome after that happened

Also, IRC is that god awful empty chat room right? I went in there once and I swear I could hear my pixels echo. And that won't do. I need a platform where I can properly display my sheebs from my dank archives.

Well, I barely know anything about that thread, so I have no idea. Just saw that.. i'ts rather popular.

Same goes for IRC. Then again, timezones make matters much more difficult; Dynasty's users have very different timezones. To get any replies quickly, I need to post early in the morning or late at night, which is why most of why I've written most of my posts while drunk/borderline asleep.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 3:46PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ChocolateCakeLover I love you username. Chocolate cake is awesome especially double layered chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I think I'm going to get some cake soon...

You taunt me, I was supposed to have steak today but I slept through so I've not eaten ;____;

joined Jun 22, 2016

Dog people vs Cat folks

Oohohoho.... this war is easily decided! We don't need pictures to fight – we'll fight with words! (`∇´)ψ

Dog people are clearly superior to cat folks. That is because people who like dogs are looking for a true companion. They want a real relationship. They intend to take but they are just as much willing to give in return.
Cat folks are just selfish. They don't like being lonely but they don't wanna give anything in return either.
A real relationship is hard work though щ(ºДºщ)

Dog people vs Cat folks:

Ha! Now how do you intend to beat that!
Bring it! (V_v)

@ seaweb

Yo lo! (^_^)/

I don't really know what's going on with Lililicious either but they do still release stuff. Just not as much as they used to anymore...

@ Rina

Welcome, welcome, new friend! ✌(◕‿-)✌

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 6:31PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon By saying that being selfish is not a bad thing >.> After all, you're the only person on whom you can rely all the time. Plus, it makes you not care about others, which means being less annoyed by others. No expectations = no disappointment.
Galich the jaded cynic strikes again.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 7:05PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

I could never rely on myself! - But I can always rely on my dog (being hungry)
So that argument doesn't count! ;P

What you just said made me remember this:


I loved that show! ^^

joined Aug 22, 2014


True companion, eh? More like a loud, smelly, stupid beast who you can't leave alone for five minutes or else it'll trash your house. At least cats are quiet and can take care of themselves. They don't need you like a dog does. When a cat chooses a person it's a special and unique kind of bond that they choose to maintain. You can't get the same sort of thing from a dumb, subserviant dog.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Dogs are objectively cuter than cats, but I think I'm allergic to both and wouldn't want to actually own either.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Dogs are objectively cuter than cats,

That's a straight up lie.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Come at meh >:D

joined Aug 22, 2014

Oh, I will. [takes out daggers] You wanna go, smooth-skin?

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 10:38PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm game, I've got shonen plot bullshit onside >:D

joined Mar 6, 2014

YES! Finally reclaimed my lost cat!
Gotta say, losing a cat when you live surrounded by 3 empty plots full of vegetation and also near an abandoned building? Not easy to find

joined Feb 4, 2015

Congrats o/

joined May 10, 2014

Uh...hello. Is this a place for randoms stuff? can anyone help me find the source of this pic? I haven't been able to find it for some reason...

Speaking of Locodol, someone recently told me that Nagarekawa, the city the anime takes place in, is a gay village.

Are you serious? cool!

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