@Anon99 A triple sloth xD but you manage to cope with translating^^
the sins talk made me remember the movie "Seven" :)
nice cooking strategy, for a yogurt-loving-reptile xD
well, your reasoning seems logical :) and reading as an activity definitely boosts one's feeling for languages.
btw I know some people, and I'm sure there are more out there, who are just fine being alone, living by themselves, and they team up perfectly with their doggy/kitty friends. and they are actually happy, because that's who they are. so if you know what you are meant to be, why do you sound kind of discouraged? you've lost your inspiration to write?
oh German... it was the cause for my poorest marks in high school xD
i'm not a writer and my dream wasn't becoming a translator, but I admit playing with one's words, trying to decipher what's behind them, it's amusing. translating a book would be a nice challenge ^^
hopefully :) I won't be complete if I stay only with translation, plus translation goes well with other fields.
now, time for my mainstream response xD
Fluttering Feelings
NANA/Paradise kiss
Girl Friends