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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Why is everyone hating on Death Note? Death Note was awesome.

I agree with you...right up until L's death. After that, it just descended into unpleasant people being unpleasant at each other via increasingly contrived ploys, and I quickly stopped caring who lived or died except Light's dad who was cool, and then he died. The first third or so of the story was great, though.

At least in terms of the manga. I was never motivated to watch the anime.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If we're talking first anime, I think for me it was the supremely weird Battle Royal High School, with no subtitles. Not that it would have made any more sense with them, from what I gather. Second...probably Fight! Iczer-One, which was also the first anime I saw with yuri elements.

I saw some of the old dark ages dubs before that (Star Blazers, Battle of the Planets, original Voltron, etc.) but they were so badly mangled that they barely counted as anime any more.

As to manga...I don't really remember. Urusei Yatsura, I think?

joined Nov 29, 2014

At least in terms of the manga. I was never motivated to watch the anime.

I only watched the anime and it's pretty much the same situation as far as I can tell. Awesome first half, L dies, mediocre second half at best.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

At least in terms of the manga. I was never motivated to watch the anime.

I only watched the anime and it's pretty much the same situation as far as I can tell. Awesome first half, L dies, mediocre second half at best.

Yup. Light was always unlikeable. Misa was worthless. Near was a cut-rate L. Mello was mildly interesting even though you knew he was a loser from the start. All the cops except Light's dad- were buffoons. And on it goes down the line.

The first part though, with this chess match between Light and L with Ryuk giggling on the sidelines, that was really good. It would have been a great self-contained story if they hadn't kept going after his death with replacements. But then, a lot of anime doesn't know when to quit and goes right past a natural stopping point. Bleach is a really good example of that.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

All this is making me remember all those early animes back in the pre-fansub days, when trades were organized via USNET and done with VHS tapes. It was a tremendously difficult task to even get all episodes of a single season of any show. And all that made it to TV was dumbed down like crazy and edited using a chainsaw. Dark days, indeed.

joined Feb 4, 2015

The first part though, with this chess match between Light and L with Ryuk giggling on the sidelines, that was really good. It would have been a great self-contained story if they hadn't kept going after his death with replacements. But then, a lot of anime doesn't know when to quit and goes right past a natural stopping point. Bleach is a really good example of that.

I know this is the popular opinion on Bleach, but honestly, I think the Fullbring arc was better than the ones before it :/

And the latest arc would have been even better if it wasn't ending in 5 chapters and therefore guaranteed a really crappy ending.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Yet another random question for you fellow citizens of Dynasty's Cafeville from the self proclaimed co-host Galich. What was the series that dragged you into anime/manga?

Probably Robotech. It had some rerun's airing on Cartoon Network's Toonami segment in the 90s. After that is was probably Sailor Moon and Dragonball. Though you probably could say I didn't get really into Anime until I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Of course Robotech now disgusts me, not because of how it cut up 3 series, but because of how Harmony Gold runs their business. SDF Macross is pretty cool.

First Manga I probably read was Fullmetal Alchemist.

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 8:43PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Oh... well, if we're taking those into account as well then it was probably Atakku No. 1 or Jōjī! for me. They played those on kids TV. First ones I saw. I never really liked them though so they never got me into anything, I guess ^^

How about your favorite manga?
We never talked about that...
If you had to name 3...?

joined Feb 4, 2015

Without thinking about it too hard, Prism, Girlfriends, Naruto.

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 9:14PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Nezchan

Big YAAAAY for VHS tapes!!!! (^__^)/
I used to record my favorite shows on those! He he
Those were the times... ^^

@ ChocolateCakeLove

I think Girlfriends was the first yuri manga I read online... if I remember correctly...
Not the first one altogether though...

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 9:16PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

How about your favorite manga?
We never talked about that...
If you had to name 3...?

This is kinda hard. Honestly #1 is the easiest pick for me, as it changed my life.

  1. Girl Friends

After that, I'm not sure. Probably two Yuri titles as that's what I pretty much have been reading exclusively for the last 8 years. Fullmetal Alchemist maybe? I don't know if I would put that in my top 3.


  1. Girl Friends
  2. Hanjuku Joshi
  3. Sweet Guilty Love Bites


last edited at Jul 6, 2016 9:19PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh... well, if we're taking those into account as well then it was probably Atakku No. 1 or Jōjī! for me. They played those on kids TV. First ones I saw. I never really liked them though so they never got me into anything, I guess ^^

How about your favorite manga?
We never talked about that...
If you had to name 3...?


Gokujo Drops
Hanjuku Joshi
Pure Water Adolescence

Not Yuri

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Hikaru no Go


Mainichi Seitan
(there honestly are no others)

joined Nov 29, 2014

I don't really have a top 3 since my favorites are always dependant on what I wanna read at the time. And since Shuninta, Akiko and Takemia alone would more than fill my top 3, I'm just gonna name three of my favorite non yuri mangas, which are Cromartie High School, Nichijou and One Punch-Man, not in any particular order.

Also, can someone please hype about Wentworth season 4 with me? Like, come on guys.

joined Jun 22, 2016

For me naming 3 manga is much easier than deciding on my favorite anime...

  1. Blame! (There is nothing else like it)
  2. 12 Days (not really „manga“ I suppose since it's the work of a Korean woman living in America, but let's count it nonetheless)
  3. Nana (still hoping that this one will be continued...)

Never watched Wentworth, sorry. I'm currently watching Game of Thrones. Never bothered with that one before but now I'm starting to like it... ^^

Oh, and Pure Water Adolescence - good choice! (^_^)b

joined Feb 4, 2015

Turn back from GoT while you can, the show is awful, read the books! D:

joined May 21, 2016

I honestly thought the Weeaboo video by Filthy Frank was hilarious, at least the first half. The second half was a bit >too crazy for me but there were still some good jokes in there.
And I apparently love your taste in music too then. Even kinda makes up for your inferior taste in pets.
Edit: So I just found out... It just doesn't stop. special. For me, when I find out out someone I know is subscribed to someone I'm subbed to, usually I'd internally rejoice and love to talk to them about said content maker. However, when I find out we're both subbed to FilthyFrank, I just feel shame for both parties.

I will prove you wrong one of these days I have a folder of shiba inus that will make you acquiescence, I oath it. I don't believe I can upload personal files on this platform can I?

Also that uploader is ...very cringey. Lol, nearly every other video titles starts with "OMFG..."

Also, for you, you naysayer Eine gute Katze

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 1:36AM

joined Jul 7, 2016

Hi. May I ask a question?

Whatever happened to Lililicious? They've been quiet for a while now.

joined May 21, 2016

Yet another random question for you fellow citizens of Dynasty's Cafeville from the self proclaimed co-host Galich. >What was the series that dragged you into anime/manga?

The anime that started it all for me was Sailor Moon. Even to this day, it's one of my top 3. It doesn't mean it's a perfect anime by any stretch, but the nostalgia hits hard. Also, it portrays Haruka and Michiru better than the manga did and actually gave Michiru a real role and personality. Before she was just an accessory to Haruka. Plus they made me realize I'm not straight >__>

My top 3 series are (in no particular order)
Sailor Moon
Fruits Basket

Death Note was one of the best anime they had on Adult Swim. I remember staying up late when I was 13 to watch it. Ahh, those were the days!

Also, I was thinking of picking up Wentworth @Gengar I assume you recommend?

joined Nov 29, 2014

I would totally have an indepth discussion about why cats are better than dogs with you but the preview of the next Wentworth episode just emotionally killed me so I really don't feel like it right now. Just browse the internet a bit. The internet is full with cats.

The video would have been better if it was a cat by the way. Just saying.

And yeah, Wentworth is literally the best series there is. Season 2 is a bit weaker than the other ones but the other ones are absolutely amazing.

last edited at Jul 7, 2016 1:51AM

joined May 21, 2016

Hi. May I ask a question?

Whatever happened to Lililicious? They've been quiet for a while now.

Ah yes, hello. You've reached the Dynasty Hotline, unfortunately we are out of office; please leave a message after the beep--

kidding~ Also, good question. I really haven't the foggiest idea.

joined May 21, 2016

I would totally have an indepth discussion about why cats are better than dogs with you but the preview of the next Wentworth episode just emotionally killed me so I really don't feel like it right now. Just browse the internet a bit. The internet is full with cats.

The video would have been better if it was a cat by the way. Just saying.

And yeah, Wentworth is literally the best series there is. Season 2 is a bit weaker than the other ones but the other ones are absolutely amazing.

I would KILL you in an indepth discussion about dogs vs. cats but this does not have a PM system. Do you have a skype or email? I have sheebs (shiba inus) in my archives that are a solid foundation to my case.

Shit. You're about to tempt me to waste more of my time. Sigh, I'll do it. This is my destiny.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Alvis There's the IRC, but AFAIK you cannot send files through it and my maine coon to prove that cats are better. Don't worry Gengar, I got you covered.

@Nezchan Well, the thing with Death Note is that once you ask a few people about it, you know what evgeryone's opinion is. I didn't even have to uncover those spoilers to know what's behind them.

Lucky people, I don't think we even had anime on the TV when I was a kid >.> No Tonami, the classics etc. The Only the American crappy cartoons and Soviet bloc leftovers. I honestly believe that the letter were actually much more amusing.

joined Dec 24, 2014

Hello~ I am new here I guess? (lol) Didn't even realized its been 2 years since I made this account. Anyways, hope I can get along with everyone here! ^ o ^

Just to join in the favorite anime discussion earlier, mine are,

  • Hidan no Aria AA
  • Locodol
  • Vividred Operation
joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 A triple sloth xD but you manage to cope with translating^^
the sins talk made me remember the movie "Seven" :)
nice cooking strategy, for a yogurt-loving-reptile xD

well, your reasoning seems logical :) and reading as an activity definitely boosts one's feeling for languages.
btw I know some people, and I'm sure there are more out there, who are just fine being alone, living by themselves, and they team up perfectly with their doggy/kitty friends. and they are actually happy, because that's who they are. so if you know what you are meant to be, why do you sound kind of discouraged? you've lost your inspiration to write?

oh German... it was the cause for my poorest marks in high school xD
i'm not a writer and my dream wasn't becoming a translator, but I admit playing with one's words, trying to decipher what's behind them, it's amusing. translating a book would be a nice challenge ^^
hopefully :) I won't be complete if I stay only with translation, plus translation goes well with other fields.

now, time for my mainstream response xD
Fluttering Feelings
NANA/Paradise kiss
Girl Friends

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich great, good job, Galich! almost perfect! hopefully it will suffice :) yes, waiting sucks, I have to wait for at least a week more
do you really have a maine coon? <3
we didn't really have many animes on the TV either.

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