Okay first of all, bitch. Second of all, I WANT/NEED TO KNOW HOW KURUMI IS DOING IN THE NEXT CHAPTER AND IF SHE'S NOT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER THEN I MIGHT GO BERSERK. Third of all, it's gonna sting so bad when Rii-san snaps out and realizes that Ruu is dead and a teddy bear.
Fourth of All, I want more Miki appreciation, she's the freaking hero of this story, it looks as though she's the only sane and smart one here tbqh. She's also very caring and compassionate, and she's really the only one who's keeping the School Live club on the ground even when she's the youngest. She's so considerate of other people's feelings and state, and she's just so perfect I love her.
Fifth of all, Yuki might be averting back to her delusions/hallucinations but in a much useful way(idk if I'm making sense here). It's like, her mind is still somewhat, kind of in denial but at the same time it keeps her stay positive and gives her a much better insight and solution to most of their problems. It's a weird coping mechanism but it works greatly for her and I'm kinda loving it.
Sixth of all, I don't really give a single damn about the other characters to be quite honest. I mean, I just don't connect with them as much as I did with the original four, so... idk.. idc what happens to them really.
And Lastly, KURUMIKI SHALL RISE! Yes, you heard me, KURUMIKI. Not Yukimiki or Kururii or whatnot. KURUMIKI. Honestly though, don't y'all get that vibe too? I mean, really, the only person Kurumi ever trusts to tell her deepest secrets to is Miki and same goes for Miki. They can be easily vulnerable to each other like it's the most natural thing in the world. Heck, when they find Kurumi, it wouldn't look out of character if Kurumi just runs up to Miki and hugs her while she breaks down in her arms. Idk if this is intentional or not, but I really REALLY feel and see the deep connection they have and frankly, they should be together. Like, I wouldn't mind if they get a spin off with them just cuddling and having half zombie science babies.