Guys guys, check out the volume 2 special!
And also this one :
Oh that's interesting, I didn't think there was more specials. I thought chapter 10.5 was the special
Oh, guest artists. I don't know the rest but the one about Yuu being kind is undoubtedly Itou Hachi :D
Definitely Itou Hachi. Cute af. I don't really understand that one though.
Yuu's a kind girl cus she shared her side dishes.
Yuu's a kind girl because she gave an unpopular book a chance and it recommending it
Yuu's a kind girl because Touko clearly prefers to see her wearing the normal PE uniform for particular reasons and Yuu will likely comply, despite...

On a side note, whoa, the way Itou Hachi draws her, Yuu's basically Maki Seina from Kindred Spirits. Lmao, altho in this case, Senpai's the one who noticed her
that's not an accurate trans, apparently
from /u/:
yuu: oh...there are some side dishes I don't really like in this bento.
yuu: do you eat these, senpai?
nanami: can I really? koito-san is so thoughtful!
nanami: is that book really interesting?
(small text): maybe I should also buy a copy...
yuu: if it's alright with you, you can keep this copy
yuu: I'm not going to reread it anyways
nanami: koito-san is so thoughtful!
(small text): thank you!
yuu: senpai really loves to keep the things I no longer want
nanami: r-really?
(small text): I'm sorry...
yuu: I have worn out to the point of being unwearable gym clothes, do you want them?
(small text): joking...
nanami: p-please be sure to give them to me!!!
(small text): koito-san really is so thoughtful