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joined May 5, 2016

Who wanna see Seju getting drunk again after 10 years without alcohol? Please inform me when you guys see it XD

joined Feb 5, 2016

If Seju is going to be hurt and drunk again one day, I wish this time she will go sleep with Sungji. -.-

joined Mar 8, 2014

@9toenails: But I think Sungji does need to get hurt once. She can't just stay all innocent and happy like this till the end. That's too ideal and unreal. Happily ever after with your first love who happens to be a wreck with alot bargages without getting hurt is just some fairy tales, not irl, I think.

whoa! what?! if someone is 'innocent and happy' they need to get hurt to change? that sounds wrong in so many ways. But anyway, I get what you mean. I doubt Sungji is that innocent though... she just tries to brush things off and I think she's a bit like Seju in that regard. I think in the next chapter we will see her reaction. When she cries it seems kind of weird as I said before... plot twist - she rejects Sumin's ring XD, no hopefully not ^-^''?
And yeah Sumin doesn't seem to do things out of love for Sungji... I'm not sure if it's just her fearing that she might get hurt and not being able to show her emotions completely though, because generally does have that about her.

joined May 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

joined Dec 9, 2014

Do you feel it weird? Seju hasn't done anything to Sumin x Sungji, especially when she knew that Sungji is special, I think she can sense it now and Nammi has been giving her hints about this but unlike that red head, she just let things be. So weird, considering she was made to be possessive, creepy and have a messed up love for Sumin. I

Tbh I never saw Seju as a psycho or very possesive. What she said "Sumin always comes back to me" is possesive but it was her inner thoughts. And to be possesive, she has to act on it too.
There were some other instanses of her acting like that, like the redhead, but to me this is not enough to categorize her as possesive. Although she does have the tendencies.

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

But she has already hit bottom. Her familly hates her and calls her bitch, the only person she ever loved is moving on and acts like a jerk to her, and her father is dying.
The only worse thing that could happne to her is if she died. Or if she has a serious accident.
Which would be too much for Gaji to write. They should find another way if they want to create drama and get Sumin's attention to Seju

joined Feb 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

That "get better", did you mean it's better for Seju because Seju ends up with Sumin, or it's better for her because she becomes stronger and able to live alone or move on without Sumin?

joined May 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

That "get better", did you mean it's better for Seju because Seju ends up with Sumin, or it's better for her because she becomes stronger and able to live alone or move on without Sumin?

Aren't both the same? Serve the only purpose to get her better. I don't think that far yet, honestly XD, because to me, Seju hasn't got hit too hard on the face yet, the last chapter when she appeared on, it's true that she's beginning to feel like giving up, but it's not so strong yet, there is a big part of her still hoping Sumin to be back. She needs to hit bottom, to completely lose any kind of hopes and also lose everything, it either kill her off(god, please no) or make her move on and stronger or Sumin might come back(wow, so ideal, hard to believe). But yeah, that's my sick thought :))). Please don't hate me :)

last edited at May 5, 2016 11:55AM

joined May 5, 2016

But she has already hit bottom. Her familly hates her and calls her bitch, the only person she ever loved is moving on and acts like a jerk to her, and her father is dying.
The only worse thing that could happne to her is if she died. Or if she has a serious accident.
Which would be too much for Gaji to write. They should find another way if they want to create drama and get Sumin's attention to Seju

No, she hasn't. Her father is going to pass away but not yet, the person she loves is moving on but she herself is still hoping. There are still things for her to hold on. Final hit would be when her father passes away AND see how lovey-dovey SungjixSumin are(ohhhh, the rings, haha) at the same time :)))). Wow I am so evil, write these things down for my fav character @.@. If it really happened in the next few chapters, I'm gonna feel so bad

last edited at May 5, 2016 12:03PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

So I guess I'm the only one who like Seju but also want her to hit bottom of hurting to see how far team gaji is gonna push her down? I know I'm crazy XD. But maybe, sometimes, you have to hit bottom to be able to get better, some mad logic I'm having here :))

That "get better", did you mean it's better for Seju because Seju ends up with Sumin, or it's better for her because she becomes stronger and able to live alone or move on without Sumin?

Aren't both the same? Serve the only purpose to get her better. I don't think that far yet, honestly XD, because to me, Seju hasn't got hit too hard on the face yet, the last chapter when she appeared on, it's true that she's beginning to feel like giving up, but it's not so strong yet, there is a big part of her still hoping Sumin to be back. She needs to hit bottom, to completely lose any kind of hopes and also lose everything, it either kill her off(god, please no) or make her move on and stronger or Sumin might come back(wow, so ideal, hard to believe). But yeah, that's my sick thought :))). Please don't hate me :)

If Seju hits a bottom of hurting and then moves on. Do you really give the credit to that bottom of hurting? Don't you think she could go through it because she's strong enough since others might end up doing nothing but committing suicide instead?

If Sumin goes back to her because of that, wouldn't you doubt that Sumin really loves Seju? Wouldn't you want to see Sungji hitting that bottom of hurting too so that it would be clear whether or not this time Sumin would leave Seju and go back to Sungji?

No one hate you.

joined May 5, 2016

But do you think Sumin's hurting words could make completely give up and try to move on? No, I don't think so. I personally think she will still hope and stay even though in the back of her head, there is voice of giving up. If Sumin completely moved on already then Seju needs a bigger reality slap to solely give up. She could kill herself, sure, she could try to be stronger or so on, I don't know, but the Seju I'm feeling right now is in between giving up and keeping waiting, so I want to kill off that waiting part, enough already. Maybe there would be another way, I don't know, like I sad, it's my sick thought.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I think what Seju really wants is not a lover but a family. I believe Seju will be able to move on by herself if Sumin tells her that she will be always a family to her even they are no longer lovers.

joined May 26, 2011

Oh, my heart?? What a surprise move for this chapter when Sumin seemed so conflicted before, but maybe she was thinking about it all this time.. I hope this means she's really happy with sungji and able to really move even more forward with her.

joined Jan 17, 2016

If Sumin tells her that she will be always a family to her even they are no longer lovers.

Hmmm.....that seems like a bad cliche , probably won't happen.. actually I don't see a way out for a happy seju without sumin ...sooo of its really team blonde endgame then , i really hate this but i think it would be better if seju dies ..cuz its the only way sumin can move on cuz no matter who sumin is with ..its all back to seju she compares everyone with seju, she will always loves seju .so if gaji wants to end this circle i thinks its the best way not that i like it but it would so much more meaningful than seju Miraclely healing and moving on on her own with nammi or smh while she been waiting for sumin in 10 years . that would be poor writing

last edited at May 5, 2016 2:23PM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Even when you realize something, doesnt mean that you accept it...maybe?

It seems to me sumin is trying to run away.

The relationship btw sumin and sungjii is a fluffy one.

If you were sumin, what would you do? Whats the easiest way out of this situation?

a.)Breaking up with your sweet/nice new girlfriend and then confront the women you treated like a doll for 10 years and admitting you love her and tell her how sorry you are?

b.)Ignore your love for seju and try to hold on to your fluffy relationship with sungji?

((Maybe even when sumin loves sungi. Her "true love" is seju???))

I think sumin is going with plan b. for a while. But when the time comes, where shits rainig on seju, sumin wont be able to just stand still. and then a.) will come muhahahaha

Thousand Scars
joined Apr 14, 2016
  1. Sumin dies from too much sex
  2. Sungji and Seju find comfort in each other, grieving
  3. Blonde+Pink=canon
  4. ...
  5. Profit
joined May 5, 2016

I would call Seju dying a miracle too since she could die during the past 10 years, but she suddenly dies in the present days to help Sumin moving on without any obstacle. Btw, why did you find Seju dying so much more meaningful than her moving on? Yes, she may always love seju, but isn't this thing applied to almost everyone; still having a unforgetable memory of first love. Is it because it would mean that she will never ever lose to Sungji in this love game? However, I really don't think Seju is going to die as I said before she's a very important character in which Team Gaji has to put a lot of effort into making her story. I believe it'll be at least a happy ending for her.

The thing is, what kind of happy ending will she have? I agree with Layla though, after her brokedown and telling the world how much she loves Sumin, totally shuts Nammi out, Seju moving on with someone is way too forced. So I agree, even though I don't want it, out of all the possible ways out, the most suitable ending for Seju if Teamblonde is endgame would be dying. The manhwa clearly show that positively teamblonde is endgame, so I honestly don't want a half-ass micraculously healing Seju.

Dying could also honor her one and only love for Sumin, just like how she is depicted in the story as well as her 10 years in agony

last edited at May 5, 2016 9:10PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

In the previous chapter, when Seju broke down, it didn't seem to me that she was telling the world how much she loved Sumin, but how bad a fubar life she's in. That's why I think what she really needs is just a friend who she can call a family. And I don't think her actions totally shut Nammi out. I think Nammi and Seju got a bit closer by now. Anyway, I don't say she will move on with someone, I think she will move on by her own.

In real life, you can let go of someone you love, and you are happy with this decision of yours, and you are happy when that person is happy, and your decision is totally commendable/honorable. I have no idea if there are many people who would honor Seju dying as they think it shows her one and only love for Sumin. But I believe there are people out there, such as me, who wouldn't honor her at all since we think that her dying is more like a way to escape from her sorrowful life caused by her family.

Someone here said all they want to see is a Seju's smiling face, a genuine one. Just so do I. Seju dying is really worst of the worst scenario to us, at least to me.

joined Apr 27, 2016

So we're talking about Seju's ending since the author has made Sungji a Saint and pretty much open the gate for teamblonde as endgame?
I've been pondering this alot since I want Seju to be happy more than anything, how to make her happy, given all the situations around her? What's the best? And I can't come up with anything, it's too complicated
1. Die. A very easy way out for her, to end everything, to stop the hurt, probably will stay in everyone's memories. This ending, good because she's finally free, not the way we want but yeah, she's free, bad because that's it? after everything, she doesn't deserve better?
2. Got forgiveness from Sumin, stay in Sumin's life, congratulate her relationship with Sungji. This one got me thinking alot. This is a very ideal ending but as well very typical of a love triangle, the final winner is the one who come after :). I don't really feel convincing with this ending because if I were to put myself in Seju's shoes, I've been in love with one person since high school, 10 years waiting, enduring all the trash thrown at me, and then I got her forgiveness and someone who cared for me and I congrats her new love, Yo, I could do all that, but if I had to see them day in day out, be all sweet in front of me, consider I still love her a lot, no matter how much a Saint I was, it would still hurt, alot, living life like that would be too much. The other way is got her forgiveness then live far far away from them, but in Seju's case it would be too hard for her since that means she would be all alone, literally in this world :).
3. Sumin comes back. The possibility of this ending has go down to almost zero now but let's just say it. This ending has to be very well-written, explaination needs to be clear, or I would be very disapointed cuz my Seju no need pity.
4. Go with Nammi. This one I don't really go for it after her brokedown, before that scene, I almost believe it was gonna happen, now? I'm not so sure since Seju seems not want anyone to walk into her life and all, and Nammi seems to give up, plus there are not many chapter left, to make Seju moves on from Sumin and go for Nammi needs a lot of work, just like Sungji and Sumin, soooo.....
Yeah, that's it. I can't tell which is which anymore, because all kind of endings I could think of is kinda not really satisfying. Let's just wait for the author, but would love to see Seju's smile :).

last edited at May 6, 2016 9:01AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I think we have different point of views about Seju's feeling towards Sumin. I doubt it's really love.

Guys, I think it's time to accept the fact that Seju having a happy ending is too much to ask for, and it may be impossible for Team Gaji to make one.

last edited at May 6, 2016 9:45AM

joined Mar 14, 2016

wdtfs ending fanfiction: Seju died leaving a dying message, "It's all because of Sumin." Sumin herself couldn't stand the pain of losing Seju as well as the blame everyone put on her, she ended her little life. On the very last panel, Sungji's family put her ashes next to Sumin's. With this sadistic and unique ending, wdtfs lasts forever in every reader memory. Amen

joined Feb 5, 2016

wdtfs ending fanfiction: Seju died leaving a dying message, "It's all because of Sumin." Sumin herself couldn't stand the pain of losing Seju as well as the blame everyone put on her, she ended her little life. On the very last panel, Sungji's family put her ashes next to Sumin's. With this sadistic and unique ending, wdtfs lasts forever in every reader memory. Amen

No, with that ending, wdtfs didn't last forever in readers' memories, but the fact that the author getting a bump on their head did.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I would love to hear a scenario where Seju dies, and Sumin x Sungji live happily ever after. If you were Seju, Sumin or Sungji, would you want the ending that Seju dies? What kind of happiness that only exists because of someone dying?

Beats me.

joined Mar 14, 2016

I would love to hear a scenario where Seju dies, and Sumin x Sungji live happily ever after. If you were Seju, Sumin or Sungji, would you want the ending that Seju dies? What kind of happiness that only exists because of someone dying?

Beats me.

Trust me, it's gonna go the way my fanfiction described. (~˘▾˘)~

joined Dec 9, 2014

To all Seju dying and suffering

joined Feb 5, 2016

Trust me, it's gonna go the way my fanfiction described. (~˘▾˘)~

Do you think the moral of wdtfs is to encourage committing suicides or something? XD Enough, Seju dying alone is way too sad already.

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