Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Feb 5, 2016

Layla, yes, I also just realized that a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.

joined Feb 8, 2016

a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.

100% on the other end of this sentiment lol

joined Feb 5, 2016

Cmon Seju is suffering too much? Isn't she the one who slept with someone else just because Sumin was depressed over her parents death? You can say it was 10 years ago yeah sure but it was too much suffering for Sumin back then. Betrayed by the only close person she had left.

I'm not even Team Pink and I think this comment lacks empathy. Seju has pretty much eaten shit for 10 years because of how guilty she feels. Is she weird and creepy and possessive at times? Absolutely. But saying that she hasn't suffered too much at this point is just vindictive. If you've ever hurt someone you love in your life, done something that you truly regret, even if it isn't as terrible as what Seju did, it's not hard to want Sumin to forgive her.

I also found this comment a bit too much, but didn't want to call them out because this was their very first comment.

joined Feb 5, 2016

a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.

100% on the other end of this sentiment lol


joined Feb 8, 2016

Cmon Seju is suffering too much? Isn't she the one who slept with someone else just because Sumin was depressed over her parents death? You can say it was 10 years ago yeah sure but it was too much suffering for Sumin back then. Betrayed by the only close person she had left.

I'm not even Team Pink and I think this comment lacks empathy. Seju has pretty much eaten shit for 10 years because of how guilty she feels. Is she weird and creepy and possessive at times? Absolutely. But saying that she hasn't suffered too much at this point is just vindictive. If you've ever hurt someone you love in your life, done something that you truly regret, even if it isn't as terrible as what Seju did, it's not hard to want Sumin to forgive her.

I also found this comment a bit too much, but didn't want to call them out because this was their very first comment.

Ah well might as well get used to it lol. Most of the Team Blonde folks on dynasty are at least Seju-sympathizers. There might be more Team Pink/Seju fans here (at least vocally) than Team Blonde, and that's not at all the case elsewhere.

joined Apr 28, 2016

So most of us think this chapter is boring, nonsense and disapointing? Is there anyone who is whole-heartedly TeamBlonde and don't really care about Seju or still resent Seju here? What do you think about this chapter? Because it would be nice to know another perspective :)) Most of people here have a soft spot somewhere for Seju so... :))))
Oh, you know, if the arcs division is still right, then next chapter would be the final one for the second arc. Based on the final chap of first arc, there would be something big going to happen :)))), can you guess what it is? Anyone has any ideas? Aren't you curious? Because if the next chap is still fluffy teamblonde, I'm gonna skip it :)))). I'll be honest, I wanna see Seju :))))

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:40AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

So most of us think this chapter is boring, nonsense and disapointing? Is there anyone who is whole-heartedly TeamBlonde and don't really care about Seju or still resent Seju here? What do you think? Because it would be nice to know another perspective :)) Most of people here have a soft spot somewhere for Seju so... :))))

I'm Team Blonde. Or at least a Sungji purest. She's really my favorite character. I can sympathize with Seju, but her character sort of drives me nuts and any time there's a run of Seju chapters, my soul slowly glides into the abyss.

Oh, you know, if the arcs division is still right, then next chapter would be the final one for the second arc. Based on the final chap of first arc, there would be something big going to happen :)))), can you guess what it is? Anyone has any ideas? Aren't you curious? Because if the next chap is still fluffy teamblonde, I'm gonna skip it :)))). I'll be honest, I wanna see Seju :))))

It could end this arc next chapter or after 54, if Team Gaji is keeping them (relatively) even. Seju at the end of the first arc was pretty horrifying (at the time), so I don't put anything past this story anymore.

joined Aug 29, 2015

I actually like Sungji. but I'm more interested and emotionally invested with the Seju x Sumin story (or even just Seju) maybe because I've read too much fluffy yuri manga's already xD and Sumin x Sungji doesn't offer me something new.

Sungji x Sumin have already done it all. so, imo there's nothing to be excited about their relationship. except, putting Seju into the picture and let the drama-fest begin. cause, tbh Seju's presence in the story is what makes WDTFS interesting. without her. it's just another fluffy GL story.

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:48AM

joined Feb 4, 2016

I can sympathize with Seju, but her character sort of drives me nuts and any time there's a run of Seju chapters, my soul slowly glides into the abyss.

I find this incredibly funny XD

Is there actually any other WDTFS forum out there ? I come to Dynasty because I accidentally found it on Google, and I never bother to look for another as I like it here bcs most people seem chill and not overly dramatic/rude. It'll be very interesting to me also to see another pov where Seju is a no no.

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:55AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

@dofudofu: haha, I feel you, the way Team Gaji describes Seju from the beginning till now makes me feel like they want Seju to be half creepy, half pitiful, kinda not want us to know who she really is, good or bad. She's probably the hardest character to understand but at the same time makes her inconsistent(?), I think, but I don't know, there is something about her drawing me in, want to know her more, see her more to understand what is underneath that calm, mysterious, creepy facade :))). I personally think Team Gaji is quite successful with Seju's character. But funnily, the more we read, the more we focus on Sungji and Seju, honestly, at first I thought everyone will like Sumin and she's the number one main character, the center of the story :))), now people either like Sungji or Seju. So weird :))))
Since Seju, Sungji, Sumin's personality has been revealed alot up till now I don't think there would be another creepy moment like that again in final chap of first arc

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:14PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

yoonie0104, Sumin probably was the most popular character at first; she's just been written to be more and more unlikable lol...


Is there actually any other WDTFS forum out there ? I come to Dynasty because I accidentally found it on Google, and I never bother to look for another as I like it here bcs most people seem chill and not overly dramatic/rude. It'll be very interesting to me also to see another pov where Seju is a no no.

There's a facebook group/page, but I wouldn't say people get into it the same way we do here. Maybe a little. And for sure mostly Team Blonde.

joined Feb 5, 2016

. It'll be very interesting to me also to see another pov where Seju is a no no.

Maybe you can go to tumblr and try making a post about how nice Seju is and tag #wdtfs and #wdts. Some Seju-is-no-no anons may show up. However, I won't guarantee that they will be people whom you can discuss wdtfs with. There are many Seju-is-no-no readers there who would give you many good reasons on why they don't support her, but there are some who are just "I hate Seju to death". XD

There's a facebook group/page, but I wouldn't say people get into it the same way we do here. Maybe a little. And for sure mostly Team Blonde.

Yes, on facebook, most of the people there are TeamBlonde fans. But I think they are TeamBlonde fans who empathize Seju a lot.

last edited at May 4, 2016 5:57PM

joined Feb 4, 2016

It's because Gaji makes Sumin so unlikable this past chapters that it hurt both fans lol. I think now the sentiment for Seju & Sungji fans kinda shift to think that both ladies are too good for Sumin, but low key want them to end up with Sumin bcs they're in love with Sumin and want them to be happy lol.

Just realized that we have discussed this much without even seeing the translations lol, funny. low key wondering where our beloved translator goes to haha

Thanks dofudofu and sia ue for the tip! From the way you guys described it, why do I get the feeling that it's a bloodbath for Seju fans XD

last edited at May 4, 2016 12:26PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

I think if we put in a very very big picture, not just this forum, people who like Teamblonde will be way more than teampink/Seju, no matter how many times you see Seju suffered, simply because people love fluff, cute interactions between lovers, they don't like drama, heavy feelings stuff or so on. And to be blatantly honest, the whole 52 chapters of WDTFS, it is processing to make people love SungjixSumin more, not sure about the remaining chapters though

joined Feb 5, 2016

Just realized that we have discussed this much without even seeing the translations lol, funny. low key wondering where our beloved translator goes to haha

She is oversleeping again, I guess.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I think if we put in a very very big picture, not just this forum, people who like Teamblonde will be way more than teampink/Seju, no matter how many times you see Seju suffered, simply because people love fluff, cute interactions between lovers, they don't like drama, heavy feelings stuff or so on. And to be blatantly honest, the whole 52 chapters of WDTFS, it is processing to make people love SungjixSumin more, not sure about the remaining chapters though

Personally, I don't get the appeal of fluff without anything more into it. It makes me bored quickly and I just drop it.
It feels too unrealistic (not that there are not couples irl like this) and something that we've seen a lot of times before.

When I first read wdtfs, I thought Seju was just an ex and didn't pay a lot of attention to her, so I wasn't really interested in this manhwa a lot tbh lol. But when I reread it and realised what was happening, I found it interesting for this reason. I mean...taking Seju completely outside of wdtfs. It would only be some well drawn manhwa with a basic couple. Because Sumin and Sungji's relationship development so far is not very interesting imo.

joined Feb 4, 2016

She is oversleeping again, I guess.

It seems that you know her personally so well to know her daily habit XD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Just realized that we have discussed this much without even seeing the translations lol, funny. low key wondering where our beloved translator goes to haha

She is oversleeping again, I guess.

Let her be. She'll get to it eventually.

joined Feb 8, 2016

People ready manga/manhwa for different reasons. If fluff is done right it's really enjoyable. I like Sungji because I think she's a complete dork and really quite funny. To me the best fluffy characters aren't just cute, they're comical as well. If I think about my favorite fluffy yuri (very minimal drama):
Wife and Wife
Collectors (though this can have some heavier moments)
Under One Roof
Strawberry Shake
(probably missing some right now)
they all pretty much have that quality. Obviously WDTFS isn't a fluff comic, but Sungji's child-like wonder when it comes to all things Sumin/first love is really pretty great. No doubt that without Seju, this would be less interesting/good of a story. Doesn't mean I want to see her all the time.

joined Feb 5, 2016

She is oversleeping again, I guess.

It seems that you know her personally so well to know her daily habit XD

She told us last time. I wish I could give her some cookies to thank her for giving us the translation every week. :D

joined Apr 28, 2016

@MacySan: I also personally think Seju is what makes WDTFS different, without her, WDTFS has not been this famous, especially when she's not a typically antagonist, she's neither good nor bad, which makes things more interesting. But, let's face it, not many people think like that, I think most people still love the typical Cinderella love, the innocent character with the damaged one together and then got healed from their love. WDTFS is going the exact way of this typical story which makes it a little bit boring to me at the moment even when Sungji knows everything and maybe coutinuing helping Sumin, judging from her personality. Too typical, I guess. I'm hoping for some kind of new thing poping up along the way :))))

joined Mar 2, 2016

Hey guys, sorry for the wait. (I forgot to set my alarm and over slept as you guys guessed ahah..) Enjoy.
Side note: I do not believe that was a proposal. In korea it's common for couples to share couple rings as a sign of growth and closeness in the relationship. As seen in earlier chapters, Sumin and Seju had one. And Sungji did mention she wanted something to match.

And Sia ue I will gladly accept those cookies ^ ^

Sungji: 'Team leader'
'Are you awake?'
Sumin: '...'
Sungji: 'Because I have to leave for work soon.'
Sumin bubble: 'Ah right. This is Sungji-ssi's house.'
Sungji: 'You can sleep more if you're tired. You just need to close the door when you leave.'
Sumin: 'Ah... it's okay. How can I do that without the house owner?
'I'll wake up.'
Sumin: 'Why are you laughing?'
Sungji: 'For some reason it feels like you're close to me.'
Sumin: '... you're saying that now?'
Sungji: 'Please come closer.'
Sumin bubble: 'The smell of the perfume she just put on...'
Sungji: 'Can't I be a little late for work today?'
Sumin: '... hurry and head out.'

Co workers: 'We're going home now~'
Sungji: '...'
'I'm back home~ '
Sister in law: 'You came home early today! We just got home as well, shall we go out for dinner together?'
Sungji: 'I need to head out again.'
Brother: 'Hm? Where?'
Sungji: 'A date!'

Sumin: 'Sungji-ssi'
Sungji: 'Team leader."
Sumin: "If I knew it was going to rain I would have come picked you up. I'm sorry."
Sungji: "It's okay. It's just a matter of a few raindrops."
Sumin: "It's almost time for our reservation. Let's head inside for now."
Sungji: "Thanks to Team leader (you) I feel like I am experiencing a lot of good things."
Sumin: "Like what?"
Sungji: "Everything.'
'I get to try these yummy foods.... I feel apologetic because you treat me so well."
Sumin: "For real?'
Sungji: "Of course.'
Sumin: Sungji-ssi are you not tired of it?'
Sungji: "Huh?'
Sumin: "I'm always just... being so frustrating. And I'm always doing things that confuse you."
"Even though I apologized to you, I did it again and didn't answer your calls."
Sungji: "But this time you came to me before the day passed."
Sumin: "..."
Sungji: "Like the first time you promised me, you are trying your best for me. I'm really happy for that.'
Sumin: "I wonder. To be honest I'm just doing things my way. You might be mistakening things.'
Sungji: "Is it like that?"/ 'am I?'
Sumin: "One way to put it would be to say you're blind.'
Sumin: "Like how I can't see anything but you right now?" (ooo shiet Sungji nice one XD)
Sumin: "....."
Sungji: "Ack. It looks like it's raining a lot."
Sumin: "... hey. Um.'
'For a while now...'
"Compared to the things that you've done for me... I feel like I haven't given you much... and...'
'I haven't done much in particular for you~'
Sungji: "Team leader.'
Sumin: "Y-yeah?"

Sumin: "Why must we walk in the rain when we have the car...'
Sungji: "We're not walking in the rain, we're sharing one umbrella and walking."
Sumin: "That's the same thing.'
Sungji: "It's different."
Sumin: "Your shoulder is getting wet."
Sungji: "If I don't do this you'll get wet."
Sumin: "I'm okay so..."
Sumin: "Why are you laughing. Is this that funny?'
Sungji: "Let me see that. Team leader, you're also very wet." (THATS WHAT SHE SAIDD :3)
Sumin: "Stay still."
Sungji: "...I wonder when it'll stop raining."
Sumin: "Do you dislike the rain that much?"
Sungji: "If the rain stops we'll be able to see the stars more clearly."
"Even though it probably will be hard to see from here."
Sumin: "This might not be the kind of star that you wanted but...'
'This is the only kind of star that I can give you.. Is that okay?'

last edited at May 4, 2016 1:17PM

joined Aug 29, 2015

Thanks Newp for the translation

I guess more readers here like the underdog character like Seju. Sungji is an alluring character but in my opinion. she's a Mary-sue material. so, I'm really waiting when we can see her flaws. recently, I find Sumin x Sungji sickeningly sweet for my taste. there's no plot motivation anymore for their relationship cause they're already together.

the WDTFS facebook community love the Sungji x Sumin pairing but in my case. I love characters like Seju who must struggle, learn and earn the right to a happy ending than someone who already got everything. and imo a flawed character who must overcome their faults, who must learn to change and face their fears is far more interesting.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Newp, thank you for the translation. I will send you my homemade cookies soon I wish, but please promise me that you won't share the cookies with those two, KitKat101 and Azai. If you have a puppy or kitty, share the cookies with them instead. XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Newp, thank you for the translation. I will send you my homemade cookies soon I wish, but please promise me that you won't share the cookies with those two, KitKat101 and Azai. If you have a puppy or kitty, share the cookies with them instead. XD

No problem Kami-sama Sia ue :)

and hahaha okay.. I'll share them with my dog (aslong as theyre dog friendly) ^ ^

last edited at May 4, 2016 1:42PM

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