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joined Jan 17, 2016

so Seju x Nami is no no. :D

Why !? T_T ! I think they will be really cute ..esp now that seju cut her hair XD least nammi treats seju better , and dying for her attention nammi is an overall better person than sumin imo don't remember nammi torturing her first love for 10 years :/ she simply would've ended things with them. Her does't give a damn attitude is really cool.

It's getting boring when the story keeps going round in cycles. Is there really not anything new like Sumin going back one more time and never leave forever? kkkk

Omg Team Pink dream goals kkkkk...of course its can but not in this manhwa life time lol returning one more time to seju and then move on is all what team gaji let sumin and seju be .
And its getting really easy to guess what will happen cuz they have done everthing we've expected so far and evey one has clear idea about the ending
If team gaji miraculously took another path and decided on team pink ending .. which I think it won't , it will be near the very end and i thinks then sungji will be the one who let go of sumin

joined Jan 17, 2016

Oh ..what a chapter ! Can i just say b4 anything that nammi is really becoming my fav kkkk she was so cool in this chapter . i'm on team blue now ..seju forget about sumin you have a hot model killing her self for you kkkk
Hmmm I have to say that seju looking really pretty and younger with short hair but i will miss her long hair T_T ...also need to say that arrogant seju is not my favorite. C'mon seju baby your destroying any left feelings sumin has for you know she loves you now and and that's just about anything sumin can give you ! should take her love for you in your heart an move on ...

I have a feeling this is a red flag for Seju. As if they are setting her up for an accident in the future. Like she turns quite unlikable, and then she has an accident that will redeem her again.

I really agree with you on this ...i mean with 30 more chapters tons of shit can happen .even if i hate it right now this evil seju will continue to exist..while they will fouces of sumin and sungji again ....i really was disappointed with the way things went I mean when seju cut her hair and knew sumin still loves her I expected a change of personality and back off a bit but she's truning more clingy that ever ..which was a bad move ..o.k we get it team gaji its team blonde end game stop destroying team pink -__- ! .......
but to be fair it's the only Direction they can go I mean if seju was back to nice and be perfect first love again sungji wont stand a chance ..thats why seju must fuck things up for the last time for sumin to move on ....and i agree with some of you said ..sumim will still come back for seju one more time and i think its when shit gets real with her family when her dad passes away ...or a failed suicide attempt

joined Jan 17, 2016


I don't mind depressing stories, in fact I like angst. But when I can connect with the characters.
In Gunjo I can't connect with them at all, so I don't think I would ever like it tbh.

I see your point and i kinda agree with both of you and that anon see you indeed droped the story way to soon to connect with them ..i personally didn't I like it either until chapter 10 or so that when it gets more into their lives and long past . And they're slowly progressed weird relationship .you see why the leading lady was so cruel and you'll also find the reason to stay with her husband so she can get the money she Owens back to the blonde ..its the reason she married the husband the first place ...if you read further you'll see that she still kept the 500 and 50 Nicole that the blonde gave her when they met her at collage ...and i also agree that wdtfs cha is more likable cuz they move the manga but gunjo plot is so heavy and dark it inflict the characters badly ..and if you think its dark and you'r only in chapter 5 wait in see from 10 and above kkkkk

joined Jan 17, 2016

oh .. you guys should really read a manga called " gunjo " or "gunjou" its the most powerful mature , tragic story i've ever read ?! that will make WDTFS look like child's play !!! trust me don't be scared or fooled from the cover or art style witch i find amazing ! ...the story is by far the most intense and powerful i've ever read ,, it has about 21 ch that you can find in every manga site ..

Nah it's nothing like WDTFS. I like angst, but this particular one I find quite cringey. Especially the main character, really. I dropped it around 1/3 cause I was starting to feel uncomfortable. And I'm not refering to the art, which is offputting as well.

Well gunjo is deffinetly one of the best strongest mangas i ever read but certainly not for every one's tast ....its really dark and mature and tragic and sometimes cringworthy but one thing is for sure its one hell's of experience that will really make wdtfs like nothing ...i personally loved the art style is so unique and amazingly detailed for the lead lady she is very interesting as well and has a fucking strong character . Which made the interaction between her and blonde woman who's in love with her really great but at the same time sad ! weather its the way the their relationship progress under the tragic circumstances of killing someone. and the huge amount of slapping in it XD , or the unrequited love thing which was frustrating as hell ,,i was blown away so fucking real !! .. definitely not recommended for those who want romance and fluffy and etc this one is for strong hearted kkkk
You should really give it anothet try ..what ch did you drop it ?

last edited at Sep 4, 2016 3:56PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Omg ! Gunjo is most amazing and intense manga i've ever read too ...its just so mature and dark and real it kills me wow its so underrated .it gave me so much feels and pain like no other manga did..its like watching a movie it over and over ..its deffinelty my fav Very curious about the ending ..

joined Jan 17, 2016

wdtfs is becoming shit . the authors is only making seju what stupid team blonde and fans want and not what they actually want to do .they could've come with tons of other ways, they could go but they choose the stupidest most obvious way
and sungji is such a empty useless character with zero qualities ...i dont know what the hell ppl see in her ?

I feel you ...i was thinking the same way kkkkkk
No really you maybe have a point about seju stupid transformations and throwing her character development through the window in one chapter but i guess they have no other choice at this moment ...if we dont hate seju team blonde will have a rough endgame and there will be a fanwar but its liked they dont know what to do with her so they turned her evil as a last resort ...
But i agree with ppl say i think this is a temporary evil seju cuz she was bitch in ch 27 and we didn't even know it and she was normal againg till recent chapters kkkk

Seju now looks more like she would choose to kill Sumin and Sungji instead though.

Bwhaha omg you remind me of this famous saying " if I can't have you my love I'll destroy you " from the movie dark shadows kkkkk

last edited at Jun 9, 2016 2:10PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

No chapter :/ from what i can understand they will be back on july 21 ...

last edited at Jun 8, 2016 11:49AM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Nah ..i think its great !! We always complained about how cool and passive seju is and being is the side lines since ever seju is taking a damn action ..probably not a good one but i'm happy the love tranglie is so alive and intense so yeah fight for your girl seju ..dont hand sumin to that fox little blonde girl who knew every thing and played inncence all the time
... and since sumin loves both it's really interesting now

joined Jan 17, 2016

Random_Retrad ..
First WTH kinda name is that kkkk kinda afraid it reflects your own personality lol second I didn't ask anybody to give explanation I was making a joke but obviously not to you cuz I don't know who you are so I don't give a crap about your opinion .. at least I have something better to do than just sit at Starbucks and do nothing all day. And it's my choice to be nice or not and write whatever i want

joined Jan 17, 2016

Wow you guys sure have alot of free time to move this thread so fast..and talk about so many irrelevant stuff don't you have jobs kkkk

What really concerns me now is whether or not she will fail and go back to Seju again. She can't be that cheap, right?

The thing is how can she not be thinking about Seju knowing that Seju might kill herself anytime?

Exactly that is my thought too can sumin leave like that knowing that seju might end her life now ! Even thought she is not saying it , i'm pretty sure she is fucking scared for seju but to selfish to admit it .so let sumin have her sungji for now cuz i dont think sumin can give full body and soul for sungji while seju exist ...i really kinda wish something happens for seju and her family like shit gets real when her father dies and sumin cant be there for seju anymore ..let see how will sumin handle not to see and comfort her this time when she is the one who asked they wont see each other her again..
Plus I really hope that seju last request wont be to sleep with sumin . and seju do something evil plz but rather something more meaningful and memorable ..cuz if thats true and team gaji played the cheating card it will be a stupied desperate way to make us hate seju cuz they dont know a way for her out anymore

last edited at May 30, 2016 2:58PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Actually, I'm prettyy sure its Sejus house, not her office. If you notice the panel where Sumin is hesitating outside, the door does not look like an office door lol. I also dont think she would have a bucket of ice for the wine at her office.. but yeah.

Are you serious !? Its seju office at the company what's wrong with you kkkk its the same office where seju made coffie for nammi when she visited her in ch 28 or so .that has a big "Hello Studio ".. written out side of it .there is even a picture shown of the company outside b4 sumin enters ..and why would seju have a desk with her name that says president baek at her house lol pluse doesn't sumin have tons of wine in her office too ... and I dont think sumin will hand seju a retirement letter at her house

last edited at May 25, 2016 7:04PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

No i think it's too early for team blonde to be an endgame sure they are making way for it but there are like 25 ch left so i'd say its really early for sumin to choose sungji right now so there are a lot of things that haven't been resolved yet from seju side her father family and that moleguy yeah still cant be sure yet
.the question is now wether sumin will sleep with seju this time ! And even if she rejects I think it will still happen sometime in the future .and even though seju said it didn't mean anything for sumin ..i think this time it will. because we know sumin is still in love with seju .so i want to see how it will be this time ..just hope sungi wont run into them while going back to get her ring .. even if she has the password she shouldn't get into someone else's home unless you don't have any morals ..and after that i guess sumin will see herself in seju place when she cheated and think she made a mistake go back to sungi i guess ..and seju will kill herself after that kkkk

last edited at May 25, 2016 12:16PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Shit :( oh my poor seju T_T ....
Wtf team gaji like serioulsy do you designed seju character just to make her suffer the entire manhwa ?!!? If thats true then shame on you T_T ...seju will definitely try doing something bad for herself now especially after herfather dies omg .
Sumin you stupid you just killed her ..what will you do when something happens to her..

joined Jan 17, 2016

won't anyone question on how come Sumin want to retire/resign suddenly after that self-reflecting chapter about her feelings for Seju? she was confuse and contemplating and then the next "screw that I'm out of here" what's with that

Sumin is scared ! I said before and I will say it again , sumin is the most emotionally unstable character out of the three and has so much self pride and stubbornness . that's why when she found out that she still loves seju she running away from it as far as she can . I think its really hard for her or hates herself for still loving seju after the cheating or something . And perhaps knowing that there is no future for them together again. that's why she is escaping thoses feelings anf focusing so much on sungji .

joined Jan 17, 2016

Thanx For the trans Newp .
So yeah I think it was definitely a Retirement letter on sumin desk I think she's planning to escape further away from seju :/
as for this chapter I agree with everyone else its so stupid to let sungji be the one who take care of seju it's way too predictable to make Sungji so angel like. it should have been sumin instead. but then again I guess it's just like everybody said they're making a away for sumin/sungi endgame and make seju give them their blessing or something which sound really dumb!
but then again it was really something new to see both sungi and seju interacting actually I think it was the first time it was really weird seeing pink and blonde hair the same picture kkkkk I don't know anybody else noticed LOL its normaly black or blonde or black and pink .. but maybe we're seeing this the wrong way it might have been actually that the author wanted sungji to know about seju and sumin relationship from seju not sumin

last edited at May 18, 2016 1:45PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Sorry but their is not a world where sumin can tell seju "i love you as friend" are you kidding ?! just no !! Like seriously a family maybe a freind NO !!
Yeah i too wish for unpredictable ending cuz teamblonde endgame is just so blahh to me now
Sorry but I'm not buying sumin is obviously forcing herself

joined Jan 17, 2016

. Sumin doesn't love Seju as much as Seju does. Because if she does, in those 10 years, at least once has she looked back, thought of what Seju has been enduring and tried to forgive. She didn't even try, all she think of is revenge and now her mind probably has Sungji as her main priority :)

I dont thinks thats 100% true ...i think sumin loves seju as much as she loves her( that untill she meet sungji i guess) but you see i was just like you wondering why seju loves sumin so much !? Sumin doesn't even desrve this like she doesn't even know how to forgive !؟ but when i found out around ch 50 that sumin was always in love with seju and compares everyone with seju and breaking up with them just to see seju is just really sad ! ...and the fact she was so worried that seju might kill herself after they broke up so she went back for her again and again every time she visists her family house even though seju cheated and her brother beat the hell out of her is pretty insanse ! So yeah i think sumin loves seju as much... her heart that cares for seju is still there its just covert with layers and layers of hatred and hurt !
So yeah sumin is so stubborn and had so much self proud so i thats is why its really hard for her to admmit that she's still in love with seju but when she finally realize it she's escaping from it

joined Jan 17, 2016

If Sumin tells her that she will be always a family to her even they are no longer lovers.

Hmmm.....that seems like a bad cliche , probably won't happen.. actually I don't see a way out for a happy seju without sumin ...sooo of its really team blonde endgame then , i really hate this but i think it would be better if seju dies ..cuz its the only way sumin can move on cuz no matter who sumin is with ..its all back to seju she compares everyone with seju, she will always loves seju .so if gaji wants to end this circle i thinks its the best way not that i like it but it would so much more meaningful than seju Miraclely healing and moving on on her own with nammi or smh while she been waiting for sumin in 10 years . that would be poor writing

last edited at May 5, 2016 2:23PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

, yes, I also just realized that a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.

Yes !! Exactly ..i mean recently there was a 4 chapters back to back without sungi and you didn't see anybody complaining kkkkkkkk
Suzuma sorry i have no pets kkk ..don't worry i'm 100% on seju side and team pink ..i was just imagining possible future scenario just for fun cuz when it finally happens I'll be like I said so !! Kkkk

last edited at May 4, 2016 7:13PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

Is it just me or seju father is taking a long time die kkkkkk. Like if you're going to die die already ...sorry but its sure is the only way sumin and seju can face again and sumin facing her feelings for seju instead of escaping them ...i mean yes i agree with suzuma ...but it would be really interisting if seju dosen't show up at the funeral but rather disappear it would be really awsome to see her back on alcohol again especially when she sees sumin coupling ring . I would love to see sumin reaction when she find seju in a terrible state and even considering killing herself

last edited at May 4, 2016 2:42PM

joined Jan 17, 2016

When hearing the word "boring", I just realized that this chapter is the most boring chapter of wdtfs I have ever read. I wish the translation will surprise me.

Every chapter without the beautiful haird lady "seju " is so damn boring ;) you have no idea how frustrated I am with 2 in a row ch without seju :((( T_T .......
As for this chaptet . All I have to say is that team blonde is in a bubble now a bubble that will burst in the next few chapters when sungi find out about seju and sumin ...cuz if sungi doesn't confront sumin sumin will always want seju in the end . Cuz I'm pretty convinced that sumin is escaping seju right now

last edited at May 4, 2016 11:20AM

joined Jan 17, 2016

So what if it's just couple rings. Sumin has been hiding at least half of her life from Sungji. She was quite upset about her past and Seju some days ago. And now she goes to Sungji and pretends everything's fine, completely ignoring what happened earlier.

Yeah i know thoughts exactly can she wear couple rings with someone when your in love with another !? Sumin is totally scared and escaping from her feelings towards seju ...
She has been doing the same thing for 10 years just escaping those feelings for Seju by going out with another women .guess all gonna fire back on sumin soon

joined Jan 17, 2016

Guys its a fucking couple rings ..not damn proposal korea its really commen for every couple to wear a couple ring its a tradition even the ring sumin and seju has ..its couples rings not that she and seju was engaged please understand

joined Jan 17, 2016

Here's what I think will happen . Sumin will break up with sungi and go back to seju sleeps with her after some time she will wonder why do I feel so empty and then she realizes she loves sungi now and she go back to sungi . And seju must miraclely heal on her own the end.! Kkkk

But when Sumin decided to go back to Sungji, it was too late. Sungji already got together with Nami.

XD yeah ...i think this is the shocking plot twist kkkk

joined Jan 17, 2016

Here's what I think will happen . Sumin will break up with sungi and go back to seju sleeps with her after some time she will wonder why do I feel so empty and then she realizes she loves sungi now and she go back to sungi . And seju must miraclely heal on her own the end.! Kkkk