Forum › The Curious Pair discussion

joined Jul 8, 2013

Okay so I know that this is either based on the anime or the anime is based off of this. And I know that these doujinshis are actually a series (because I've seen quite a few at this point). But how exactly DOES THIS RELATE TO THE PART WHERE SHE'S SLEEPING WITH HER FUCKING BROTHER!? Seriously, how the fuck is this series/doujinshis related to the anime, can somebody explain that to me? Are the OVAs based off of these or are these based off the OVAs? When exactly, in the timeline of Kuttsukiboshi, does this take place? Before or after main girl finds out the blonde is cheating on her by sleeping with her own older brother? I'd just like to know.

I feel like this comment makes me come across as enraged with this series, but I'm really not...well, I'm mad about the parts marked with the spoiler bars because an unbelievably fucking stupid and cheap plot twist and really just kind of ruined the whole thing for me but I'd really like to know if this is somehow officially related/connected to the OVAs.

last edited at Dec 9, 2015 11:30PM

joined Jan 30, 2013

This was really nice I kind of wish this anime had a continuation. But this time no unnecessary stupid plot twist >.>. Like it would had been great they expended on her powers and if she is the only one who can do it. What if there are only a selective few that can do it? what if there is a government facility out there looking for individuals like her? The plot could had been about them fighting against these individuals. It could had also been about the main not wanting to hurt blonde (whats her name).God so much potential with this but nothing >:T
I I keep talking about all this things about wanting a decent yuri but maybe I should just make my own yuri lol. Sad part I dont have a decent drawing pad :/

joined Jul 8, 2013

Okay so I know that this is either based on the anime or the anime is based off of this. And I know that these doujinshis are actually a series (because I've seen quite a few at this point). But how exactly DOES THIS RELATE TO THE PART WHERE SHE'S SLEEPING WITH HER FUCKING BROTHER!? Seriously, how the fuck is this series/doujinshis related to the anime, can somebody explain that to me? Are the OVAs based off of these or are these based off the OVAs? When exactly, in the timeline of Kuttsukiboshi, does this take place? Before or after main girl finds out the blonde is cheating on her by sleeping with her own older brother? I'd just like to know.

I feel like this comment makes me come across as enraged with this series, but I'm really not...well, I'm mad about the parts marked with the spoiler bars because an unbelievably fucking stupid and cheap plot twist and really just kind of ruined the whole thing for me but I'd really like to know if this is somehow officially related/connected to the OVAs.

Okay, well now I know that this was made by the same person that made the OVAs...*sigh* Was really hoping that that FUCKING BULLSHIT INCEST PIECE OF SHIT PLOT TWIST wasn't canon anymore... How fucking stupid...
Well at least these doujinshis are at least 100x better than the OVAs were. Not sure if there's any point to censoring the nipples only if you're gonna show EVERYTHING ELSE tho lol. Especially if one of the characters are biting the nipple and you specifically give a good two or three panels to focus on that bite...that just...that just doesn't make sense to me lol.

last edited at Dec 9, 2015 11:38PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

It was indeed a terrible plot twist, but don't forget that rather than cheating, it's more like you find that out that the piece of shit brother emotionally manipulated his younger sister into sleeping with him. It was a one time thing. You're gonna have to see the bigger picture here. She didn't WANT to sleep with him, and she very well was aware that she couldn't maintain her happy relationship if she did, but he was dying and she did it for his sake. She chose her shit brother's happiness over her own

Besides the plot twist, I enjoyed this couple.

last edited at Dec 10, 2015 12:13AM

joined May 17, 2014

I've been waiting so long to read this never thought I'd get the chance!!!!! Amazing!!! ^.^

Shouldn't this have a Canon?

joined Jul 4, 2015

Well at least these doujinshis are at least 100x better than the OVAs were. Not sure if there's any point to censoring the nipples only if you're gonna show EVERYTHING ELSE tho lol. Especially if one of the characters are biting the nipple and you specifically give a good two or three panels to focus on that bite...that just...that just doesn't make sense to me lol.

My quess would be so it's not sold in the +18 doujin section. Kuttsukiboshi is one of the few doujin like this sold in the all ages section of most comic/doujin shops.

joined Jun 21, 2013

Well, if you wanna start corrupting the youth, I guess that's how you do it.

joined Aug 8, 2012

Here are the rest of them:

It would be lovely if somebody TL'd the rest. ^__^

And yes, these stories came before the OVA, but there aren't any doujins that have the OVA storyline. They're all canon b/c a)drawn by the creator and b)were started before the OVA. Besides, they don't contradict the OVA, so I dunno why people are concerned about cannonicity. Usually manga is counted as source material over anime, anyway.

last edited at Dec 10, 2015 12:16AM

joined Sep 21, 2014

Well, if you wanna start corrupting the youth, I guess that's how you do it.

Those kinky bastards :P

joined Dec 10, 2015

Well, if you wanna start corrupting the youth, I guess that's how you do it.

Those kinky bastards :P

The new generation is born!!

joined Oct 28, 2015

I'm just letting some of you gais know that I might translate the rest of these one-shots, as I do have the rest of the raws. The only problem is redrawing. I can't do complicated redraws, which will be required with some of the issues of this series. I'll give it a go when I get the chance, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do all of them for this reason.

...I'll see how it goes...

joined Oct 20, 2013

I'm just letting some of you gais know that I might translate the rest of these one-shots, as I do have the rest of the raws. The only problem is redrawing. I can't do complicated redraws, which will be required with some of the issues of this series. I'll give it a go when I get the chance, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do all of them for this reason.

...I'll see how it goes...

I haven't done entire full coloured chapters before but I could help you out if you wanted something cleaned and/or typeset.

joined Jun 27, 2014

Watching the anime of this is how I found yuri anime and manga . <3 <3 <3 So lovely

joined Jun 12, 2015

"What you saw yesterday was private moment between friends. So you shouldn't do it, okay?
Aaya is a clever girl.

joined Aug 8, 2012

"What you saw yesterday was private moment between friends. So you shouldn't do it, okay?
Aaya is a clever girl.

Esp. when you read this one, you'll see it's just as keikaku. heh:

joined Jan 8, 2014

This was really nice I kind of wish this anime had a continuation. But this time no unnecessary stupid plot twist >.>. Like it would had been great they expended on her powers and if she is the only one who can do it. What if there are only a selective few that can do it? what if there is a government facility out there looking for individuals like her? The plot could had been about them fighting against these individuals. It could had also been about the main not wanting to hurt blonde (whats her name).God so much potential with this but nothing >:T
I I keep talking about all this things about wanting a decent yuri but maybe I should just make my own yuri lol. Sad part I dont have a decent drawing pad :/

What about a yuri story where if u happen to engage in lesbian sex an exchange of energy occurs and transforms the energy it takes to breed and give birth into the manefestation of supernatural powers(that of course vary based on individual talents) that is then coveted by a select group of special operatives...? Oh and they all live together dorm style(for kinks) lol ^_^
I know its not elegant; my description but it was the fastest way to describe it... now who will draw this, lol ;p

Ya do that kinky stuff only with FRIENDS and NOT LOVERS?!?! O_o Aaya, something's wrong with that statement... XD

joined Sep 21, 2014

This was really nice I kind of wish this anime had a continuation. But this time no unnecessary stupid plot twist >.>. Like it would had been great they expended on her powers and if she is the only one who can do it. What if there are only a selective few that can do it? what if there is a government facility out there looking for individuals like her? The plot could had been about them fighting against these individuals. It could had also been about the main not wanting to hurt blonde (whats her name).God so much potential with this but nothing >:T
I I keep talking about all this things about wanting a decent yuri but maybe I should just make my own yuri lol. Sad part I dont have a decent drawing pad :/

What about a yuri story where if u happen to engage in lesbian sex an exchange of energy occurs and transforms the energy it takes to breed and give birth into the manefestation of supernatural powers(that of course vary based on individual talents) that is then coveted by a select group of special operatives...? Oh and they all live together dorm style(for kinks) lol ^_^
I know its not elegant; my description but it was the fastest way to describe it... now who will draw this, lol ;p

That sounds like Valkyrie Drive
One girl sexually arouses the other, and the latter becomes a weapon of some sort.
And they're all sent to an artificial island, so it's an island full of teenage girls with this ability

joined Mar 23, 2014

Oh man it's been so long seen I've read one of these again. Kii-chan is still my fav yup

joined Jan 31, 2013

My God! It's Kuttsukiboshi!!! Need moar!

joined Jul 13, 2015

I am still mad about the OVA

joined Mar 25, 2013

I'm just letting some of you gais know that I might translate the rest of these one-shots, as I do have the rest of the raws. The only problem is redrawing. I can't do complicated redraws, which will be required with some of the issues of this series. I'll give it a go when I get the chance, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do all of them for this reason.

...I'll see how it goes...

Please do :] You probably already know but, why not ask for help on yuriproject?
joined Aug 20, 2013

I am not really a Fan of the Serie.... i don't know. The Characters are not sympathetic for me they are just two girl who have sex and nothing more :/

joined Aug 10, 2015


joined May 19, 2014

I loved the Kuttsukiboshi series and I didn't really mind the incest because it was clear Aaya didn't do it of her own volition; she was emotionally manipulated. Just why did they have to put it there. What reason.

Anyway, this one is nice desu-ne~

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