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GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Hahahaha, these comments...

Looking for a redrawer for the series. If you guys could point me in the right direction to find one, I bet you I can do another release within... let's say 2-3 months? Does that sound like a fair wager?

Genuinely, it is heartwarming that people remember this series, thank you.

last edited at Jun 30, 2023 9:42AM

joined Oct 28, 2015

Oh damn it actually got finished last year

Just never posted here

It's not ours. Some other group picked it up after GUMI went MIA. I'm actually happy to see this finished. (It was kind of an underwhelming ending, though).

Me and Kae (the scanlator on ch10) have agreed to redo chapter 10 - she also helped with some lines that I got wrong and will be given a translator credit for her effort.
So, there should be an update to this series coming very soon. I have finished the script and sent it to Kae, so after she is done with the cleaning/typesetting I will make sure to upload that here.

Cecile was right when she said that I was MIA - the delay was completely my fault, but I am feeling good about getting back into the scanlation game, and I hope I can give you gais an update on all of my other series over the course of this year.
BTW, it was a pleasure working with you Cecile, and if you ever need a translator on a project, let me know (and I'll do my best to not be so lazy :))

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Welp, see you all in another two years.

Check out this moron. It was only a single year between releases. What a downer this guy is.

Welp, see you all in another two years.

joined Oct 28, 2015

Heya Gais,

I'm just leaving this here, because I'm a little confused as to whether a volume 2 of this exists or not.

MangaUpdates seems to think that there is a volume 2:

But the most I managed to find was this:

Momono's twitter confirms the release of this volume, back around the start of 2016:

The thing that confuses me is that this 'second volume' has no individual chapters released from it, and it was actually being sold through Amazon before the release of V1Ch10:

Amazon doesn't deliver to my country, otherwise I'd just outright buy a copy of this volume, can anyone shed any light on this?

last edited at Oct 26, 2018 9:03AM

joined Oct 28, 2015

I really like Momono Moto works and this one is no exception. How many chapters left?

Unless there's a second volume that I'm not aware of, this series has ten chapters, so three more chapters matey-potatey

last edited at Oct 11, 2018 10:34AM

joined Oct 28, 2015

Well, I apologise, I'm not trying to pull anything out. When I tried to access the website I saw on the credits it gave me a 404 error. Perhaps I mistyped, honest mistake, it happens, "mate".

Thank you anyway, your work is appreciated nonetheless.

Sorry for snapping at you, I think I read too much into your comment.

I've had this script for quite some time, so I'll probably start looking for someone else to typeset it instead at this stage.

Sorry again

Gumi, in case you're still reading this, I'm available for cleaning and/or typesetting. (I've done some editing work for yuri project and for arckuno at binbou scanlations, so I have some experience). Contact me if you're interested.

Perhaps ironically, your link was 404. However, if you shoot me an email at, I will keep an eye out for your name, Cecile. I am certainly willing to push this project forward if you are still interested.
Hope to hear from you ♡

last edited at Jul 13, 2018 11:43AM

joined Oct 28, 2015

Well, I apologise, I'm not trying to pull anything out. When I tried to access the website I saw on the credits it gave me a 404 error. Perhaps I mistyped, honest mistake, it happens, "mate".

Thank you anyway, your work is appreciated nonetheless.

Sorry for snapping at you, I think I read too much into your comment.

I've had this script for quite some time, so I'll probably start looking for someone else to typeset it instead at this stage.

Sorry again

joined Oct 28, 2015

;_; the websites in the credits is 404; does somebody know if there are teams willing to pick up the translation? I know it's sensitive when people ask about next release, I'd be grateful for any information. Otherwise, guess I'll just wait patiently.

No, the website(s?) aren't '404', mate. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but my typesetter is on a hiatus at the moment, so both you, me and everyone else are just going to have to wait.

By the way 'when a release is coming out' isn't a sensitive topic for me, it's when you make up total bullshit, like: "the website is 404 guys, so it's open season" is what pisses me off.

Then again, I rose to the bait, so I guess I'm the idiot.

GUMI is life
Yuri☆Kome discussion 27 Mar 19:15
joined Oct 28, 2015

Nice job Marigold. Keep it up, proud of you.

joined Oct 28, 2015

Im really liking this story, took my time and re-read whats been posted so far, thanks for translating, cant wait to see the next ch....

(in reference to the "tn" I agree the "un-likeable" characters just shows the developments more as the story progresses ^_^ )

Question** = when she says "playgirl" what was the original japanese, and is there a rougher translation of whatever slang was used? (Im curious(I kinda felt like it didnt fit just right(but thats just my interpretation)) thank you ^_^ )

Don't get me wrong, I find it more engaging that I don't feel like I can trust any of the characters (^-^)

The original Japanese is 遊び人っぽい which literally means: "someone who plays around-ish", but given a sexual connotation the "playing around" means "fooling around with people".

...could've worded it better, but then again, I think that of every line I've ever translated. It's not wrong though...

joined Oct 28, 2015

It had been 195 days since its last chapter. Now ch 2 is out so is it going to be another 195 days or more to wait for the next ch? The curiosity is choking me.

The series has already been translated up to ch5 on yuriproject. There just haven't been an editor around.

Well, I'm not affiliated with yuriproject, so I wrote the translation script by myself, and I won't be using those scripts for any of the other chapters either. There's always a possibility that someone will get chapter 3 out before us, either from yuriproject or /u/. I could be wrong, but I think that ioze-chi (my partner for this series) has all of the raws, so she and I should be able to translate all of these. Also, since ioze-chi will be doing half of the work on this series, I will be able to work on this alongside my other series, so the next chapter shouldn't take too long to get out.

So chill, it'll be out soon ^-^

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

This is a bit of a difficult one. Not being a homosexual male nor a fujoshi, I'm not qualified to comment on the preferences of either group. The entire Japanese department at my university is gay, and one of my teachers does a lot of research on various aspects of yaoi, and from what he has told me, it seems like it similar to any genre with a basis of sexuality. Some people read it for titillation, some for romance plots, some for story, and some read it because they can relate to the characters.

As for LGBT in Japan in general, while it is not "proper" to flaunt one's preferences, there is an overlaying idea of homogeneity in the Japanese community. Everyone is Yamato and heteronormative, and anyonewhosaysanythingelseiswrongsoshutup. This is, like any culture, just an over-lying view, and how liberal a person is depends greatly on the individual, or the area that you are in. Still, many gay Japanese men and women prefer to hide their preferences, because in companies or schools, individualism isn't appreciated, and could reflect badly on their social standing in either domain.

The reason that many people who are just realising their attraction to the same sex get confused about it is because homosexuality is not a widely discussed topic. My teacher once asked me if I thought that gay marriage was illegal or legal in Japan once, and knowing Japan, I said "illegal". Turns out that it was a trick question, and that gay marriage is not legislated at all! I believe that the confusion expressed by yaoi characters is reflective of the confusion caused to gays in Japan, who don't know that being gay is a "thing" (although, I think that them not more vehemently denying it is where the unrealism comes in).

Sorry that I rambled a bit, but this is the sort of thing that requires a thesis by a sociology major, and is not a very easy topic to cover in a paragraph or two!

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

I also think that the link between mentioning the Y chromosome and the 50% chance that if one's mother is a carrier of the autism gene that one will inherit autism, or the 100% chance that one will inherit the gene if their mother is autistic (providing that it is a simple sexually inherited trait at all, as I do not know for sure) is a bit of a long bow to draw.

I just re-read the picture that Nez-chan posted, and now I feel like an idiot (^_^;)

What's the real reason for the change then?

last edited at Feb 4, 2016 7:13PM

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

In my opinion, the presence of men only matters if there is het coupling, which we already have the het tag for. But, if there was a need for the tag, I do think that something along the lines of "Females Only" would be easier to understand, particularly for newcomers. I think that "404" is amusing, but isn't the point of a tag system to help what people are looking for as accessible as possible? Just sayin' s'all...

I also think that the link between mentioning the Y chromosome and the 50% chance that if one's mother is a carrier of the autism gene that one will inherit autism, or the 100% chance that one will inherit the gene if their mother is autistic (providing that it is a simple sexually inherited trait at all, as I do not know for sure) is a bit of a long bow to draw.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the topic (^-^)

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Hilarious chapter, although Emita really needs some femenine features, at the start I was convinced she was Mr BasketBall.

I don't care what anyone says. I still think that Emita is Basketball-kun. (^-^)

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Thanks for the support gais!!!
I want to ask some of you what your opinion is on the ramblings in the credit pages of my releases. I don't have much feedback on this, so I don't know if you gais see it as annoying, or if it doesn't matter to you. I started doing it because I used to like the afterwards on the credits pages from other groups.

Let me put it this way: if you don't tell me it's heinous, I'm not gonna stop doing it ;-P

Merry Christmas!!

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

I have seen some offers to redraw some of these doujins for me. If you are interested, my email address is, so if you send me an email, we can talk about it (^_−)−☆

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

I'm just letting some of you gais know that I might translate the rest of these one-shots, as I do have the rest of the raws. The only problem is redrawing. I can't do complicated redraws, which will be required with some of the issues of this series. I'll give it a go when I get the chance, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do all of them for this reason.

...I'll see how it goes...

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Well... what I posted on my site was probably as much as I could tell you. If I gave spoilers, that would be unprofessional as a translator and indecent as a human being. I am tempted to post something about how the yuri progresses to help people make a more informed decision on whether they want to keep up with the story or to drop it. But I just can't do that without spoiling the story. I wasn't exactly trying to calm people down, but I felt a little bit guilty towards the people who had been waiting for the series to get necro'd, so I thought that I owed it to them to try to allay some of their fears that this was going to turn into a het manga.

...I don't know why I felt I like I owed to them. I didn't write the manga...

last edited at Dec 6, 2015 8:19PM

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

It'll get back to yuri soon gais, I swear.
I thought that the story line was kind of sweet, but I understand that if you're looking for YURI and you're reading a series tagged YURI then you would expect...

In the mean time, Suzu's het phase can be chalked up to a result of adolescent experimentation, or you can pretend that the guy is in fact Emita-chan (like I'm doing).

...oh god, please don't kill me ;-)

last edited at Nov 18, 2015 9:24AM

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Not to give anything away, but the last couple of chapters of volume 2 and the remaining 3 volumes is all about a lengthy court battle with the media company, and is designed to be a commentary on modern defamation laws and their place in the modern concept of morality and justice ;-P

last edited at Nov 4, 2015 9:03PM

GUMI is life
joined Oct 28, 2015

Tell ya what:

I'm in exams at the moment, and my last one is the Monday after next.

So I'll try to get some work done on chapter 12 between now and then, but I can't promise I'll have the next release out before then, but if I get my studying schedule together properly, I can probably pull it off ;)