Ooh, this one? I like this one. I'm waiting for the teacher x student chapters though. It seems there will be three based on the naming of them.
Stretch with yuri ;x But seriously though, looks pretty promising.
kinda sudden, but nice.
I see... CUTE! Can i get more? ;D
Nsfw in the first ch!? Lol, I like it. :p
I hope the other ch's are good too, with the variety of characters im hopeful ^_^ Thanks for translating
THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEAL. Seriously though why remind me of that.
That escalated really quick.
I felt like some big piece of plot just flew over my head, but hey, not gonna complain about some good ol' fanservice
This is going to get good!
A promising start, let's hope it sticks the landing.
Nice one after yesterday's sequel
Yummy. Plus, based on the little character summaries at the beginning--no friggin' triangles in the cards!
Purple Library Guy Yummy. Plus, based on the little character summaries at the beginning--no friggin' triangles in the cards!
Purple Library Guy
Dance club full of lesbians couples.
Agree. The style is rather reminiscent of Higashiyama Shou's work. The first three pages would barely seem out of place in Prism.
Dance club yuri! Haha! Looks promsing. I like it .
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